Mfg Barr Dextroamphetamine
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Why is my pharmacy is having trouble getting my dextroamphetamine 10 mg?

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Re: katastropheV (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I read your posting and I am in the exact same situation. The capsules with 'Barr' labeled on them are SR Sustained Release not ER. I had regularly been getting them at Wallgreens and can't find them anywhere now as the company Mayne that makes the ER capsules for the 10mg bought out the Barr brand (Barr I think is actually another company name and it just says 'Barr' on the capsule). I have yet to find the correct type of dex I need (dexedrine SR (Sustained Release NOT Extended Release - there IS a difference) that is why the Mayne you and I have been taking does not work well. I hate it. If you ever find out where or what pharmacy/company distributes the correct type or 'Barr' labeled capsules please let me know. I have been searching for a year and can't find it and I have been taking that medication 'Barr' for 13 years. Thanks.

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Re: Arden (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I read your posting and I am in the exact same situation. The capsules with 'Barr' labeled on them are SR Sustained Release not ER. I had regularly been getting them at Wallgreens and can't find them anywhere now as the company Mayne that makes the ER capsules for the 10mg bought out the Barr brand (Barr I think is actually another company name and it just says 'Barr' on the capsule). I have yet to find the correct type of dex I need (dexedrine SR (Sustained Release NOT Extended Release - there IS a difference) that is why the Mayne you and I have been taking does not work well. I hate it. If you ever find out where or what pharmacy/company distributes the correct type or 'Barr' labeled capsules please let me know. I have been searching for a year and can't find it and I have been taking that medication 'Barr' for 13 years. Thanks.

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Re: Donzi (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

After many years taking most gratefully, the original Adderall Instant Release 10 mg brand name from the year 1997, by Richwood Pharma, then, with the merger of Shire Richwood Inc in the year 2001, I continued with, the high quality of either
10 mg or the 12.5 mg. Instant Release versions until, a combination of some price increases, and, the discovery that "Barr Labs" of Sellersville, PA, offered finally a very good quality "generic Adderall 10 mg and 12.5 mg generic, around the year
maybe 2006 or 2007, I was "still very content" even with the December 2008 of Teva of Israel, who bought out Barr Labs, and "had no problems with any quality nor any availability, or "major price issues" until very late in 2011, and the year 2012
when all hell broke loose, with, price increases, and also "we all know of the Adderall shortages" of both the Instant Release in all 7 sizes, and the price gouging"

My Psychiatrist, by 2012, we had a very trusting Doctor Patient relationship, as he had already titrated me slowly during, the year 2007, to a combination of both the use of "Dexedrine Spansules 15 mg" by GSK, brand name AND late afternoon use of either ShireUS Adderall 10 mg later, Barr Labs "generic Adderall", for about 5 solid years 2007 to 2012! (I switched completely over to Barr/Teva yrs 2007 to 2012! instant release AND extended release versions of both generic Adderall
and generic Dexedrine ER).

In the SE USA the HTF Barr Labs (Teva of Sellersville PA) price rose through the roof, 10 mg, NDC #00185-0111-01 and the 12.5 mg generic instant release version of Adderall NDC #00555-0776-02, "after the Adderall crisis/shortages of 2012" and by 2013/2014 I saw the AWP rise stunningly!

My insurance company removed even all forms of Adderall generic instant release AND all mg dose versions of even "pure Dextroamphetamine ER" such as the 15 mg. capsule extended release NDC #00555-0956-02.

Product ID's are:

- "blue oval embossed b972 for 10 mg of generic Adderall IR"
- "pink oval embossed b776 for 12.5 mg of generic Adderall IR"
- "1/2 brown capsule and 1/2 clear capsule of white beaded pellets embossed 956 on the brown capsule" IMHO a outstanding generic for the discontinued GSK (formerly brand SKB/SKF Dexedrine Spansule 15 mg famous tapered end that was patented from the year 1952 until the end of 2010 (It was discontinued by Glaxo Smith Kline). It is allegedly available, but by Amedra Pharma for over US $1,000.00. "I have never ever seen one since the year 2010" when GSK had Catalent Pharma make those Dexedrine Spansules on a contract basis out of either New Mexico or by one other mfg in the USA, that ended in year 2010.

GSK had doubled the price of "Dexedrine Spansules 15 mg by the last 2 yrs of production NDC # 0007-3514-59 for ninety Spansules for AWP US $330.82 & it was NOT on my USA insurance formulary after the year 2007! Source: REDBOOK "pharmacys fundamental reference 114th yr of publication page 366".

I just got very worn out, and very tired, of the price increases and/or, the many pharmacies in North Carolina, who, quit stocking any of the above Barr/Teva products, AND if I found a co-operating pharmacy/owner of an independent NC pharmacy in a city of now 800,000 population I "just gave up" and I took my insurance formulary to my Psychiatrist late in the year 2014, and, he looked at my booklet, and, he, agreed, to my request, could you prescribe me 90 tabs of Dextroamphetamine Sulfate instant release, as "it was on the insurance formulary"! He said "yes"!

After the school of hard knocks, I will spare my frustration but I got very very frustrated with many pharmacists "attitudes" and product swapping of different generic manufacturers, so I settled with, Rite Aid who, "did me a great favor, and special ordered for me Mallinckrodt Dextroamphetamine 10 mg, as they had returned this slower selling version of Dextroamphetamine generic for DextroStat (discontinued by ShireUS and by Teva/Barr as "Brand Name" only...way back in the year 2008 or 2009)? The generic is not easy to find but, is IMHO the best bang for your buck, compared to the competition !! and "Rite Aid" carried it in NC, returned it to wholesaler, but, re-ordered it just for me, and I have been a "very, very, loyal customer for the last 3 solid years in a row".

I am a aging old man but believe me I have had my experience with C-II ADHD stimulants since the year 1969! Gone are the days of the ungodly superior former Abbott Desbutal, (methamphetamine combined with Nembutal which is
pentobarbital, and/or Biphetamine T (20 mg of resin complexes of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, and Tuazole (Methaqualone) once made by Rochester New York USA "Strasenburgh Pharmaceutical Corp" later, Pennwalt Pharma,
finally by Fisons Pharma!! known as RJS red and black capsules 1965 to 1972. "Including the famous black beauty Biphetamine 20 mg until the year 1998"!

Best wishes to everyone on their search for high quality Adderall IR just my 2 cents worth I gave up on Adderall in the year 2014. It was a good long journey in history for Obetrol later Adderall brand name from mid 60's to the bubble burst in late 2011 and 2012! Instant release only. I have never in my life tried the Adderall XR brand or generic versions.

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You can find barr at cvs pharmacy, the last month i get my prescription filled there. This month i used walgreens, they gave me some kvk tech dextro 10 mg, i noticed the difference right away, very weak, barr was by far more efective, the reason i get mine in walgreens is because cvs won't accept discount coupons and there is no way i can afford the full retail price every month.

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Yes! I too was on the Barr 15mg dextroamphetamine; I usually have it filled at Sam's Club, but they were out and didn't know when they could expect more (distributor issues). I had to have it so I had it filled at a Walgreens. This Walgreens used to carry Barr, but now carry Mayne. I completely notice a difference;I don't feel it is as effective. I'm currently scurrying around now to try to locate a pharmacy that has the quantity I was prescribed (90 day supply) and I'm not having any luck with pharmacies around me.

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I have been taking Barr for years with good results. About 5 months ago found out it is being discontinued. The other generics I have tried are either ineffe tive or make me feel depressed, nervous, or feeling weird. Does anyone know of a good generic replacement for Barr?

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I have ADHD and for a bit over 30 years have responded very well on Dextroamphetimine 15 mg capsule by Barr. When living in Maryland years ago I was able to find a small local pharmacy who stocked the drug for me. Moving to So CA for 4 years I managed with more effort to get this drug monthly. Now I live Iin Florida and am in a nightmare. CVS does not stock it and no guarantee when it can arrive. Walgreen has worked well for a while. In disgust I went off of the med. After 1 year I cannot fully function. I went back on it. No one stocks it. Walgreens stated it's the "law" and cannot tell me over the telephone if the store has it in stock to fill my Rx. They want me to travel from store to store to see who can fill it. They refuse to check their computer or telephone other stores. From time to time I find a compassionate pharmacist who will tell me he can fill it. Yesterday that happened. I did ask or checked but I came home finding out it was mfg by Mayne. I always use the one mfg by Barr. What can I do to find this drug in a reasonable timed fashion. I thought if I had a 30 day supply ahead of it I might be able to have time to run around looking for it? Does anyone experience ineffectiveness of drug when switching from Barr to another. 15 years as go I was switched and didn't know it. In two weeks I went to pharmacist and he told me its a different mfg. I got another Rx from doctor and resumed Barr. Today I took first Mayne pill and noticed so far it is effective. It's been 2
hours. If someone can advise me how to fix this or who to go to so I can obtain this med. I keep hearing from doctors and "many" pharmacists that it's the law. Thank you.

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I had been having a great deal of trouble filling my Dextroamphetamine 10mg. My pharmacist (Walgreens) suggested I try 5mg as they were more available. I switched to 2x as many 5mg and sure enough for a couple months life was normal then DEA got in the way along with the new allotment system and I started falling further and further behind. Last month I ended up a whole month back of my fill date. I had had it and called corporate Walgreens meanwhile my pharmacist called his boss and worked out a deal where my 300 5mg/tablets are added to the monthly order but as an extra and reserved for me. I picked them up today (1 day early - it's the 1st time this year). You might try talking with your pharmacist and see. All chain pharmacies do not allow the pharmacist to make a change like this, it has to be done at a higher level. BTW with a discount coupon 300 5mg @ Walgreens = $113.00 not too bad.

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whatever the cause, the term for this is nonfeasance, and it IS a criminal act that can be prosecuted.

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The DEA in a "sneaky" attempt to control dextroamphetamine supply limited the amount of precursor (one of the ingredients necessary in the manufacture) thus controlling availability. The FDA and the DEA have been having a long running feud about this. The FDA won for a little while but now with Obama care and a helter skelter allotment system looks like the DEA is winning again. Unfortunately you are 100% right about driving the price up. This is a very despicable way to subsidize the pharmaceutical co's, plus they get to sell off their "new cure alls", you know the ones that are "approved" but the side effects take 3 pages to list.

Since they are new drugs they also get to skyrocket the price. ***No government agency regulates the actual cost of any drug *** to the distributor. It is an ongoing almost daily negotiation. What about part "D" of Medicare. The BIG subsidy to pharma co's. Private insurance MANDATED by the federal gov with a growing fine if you don't carry it or an equivalent. Now I hear congress is working on a bill to put the homeless in prison (for being homeless). How far are we from bringing back debtor's prison? Greed is alive and well in this democratic experiment gone awry... it's just plane disgusting. I would move to Mexico if I could afford it. The Cartels are better than our form of lies and deceits we call government. IMHO

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What is they problem they say they're having?

Is it just that manufacturer that they can't get in, or are they saying they are having trouble getting any in?

There are almost always shortages on controlled substance medications towards the end of the year, due to mandatory manufacturing limits.

Learn more Dextroamphetamine details here.

The DEA and FDA are also enforcing the laws that control how much a pharmacy can order and keep in stock at once, as well as how much can be prescribed to any given person at once.

These factors could be affecting your ability to get your prescription filled.

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