Metronidazole (flagyl) 500mg
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Began taking metronidazale (flagyl) 500mg about a week ago. My husband and I had intercourse exactly a week ago n didnt use protection n im not on birth control. I'm worried i might get pregnant again. Im not trying to gt pregnant i wasnt able to get the plan b on time. Would this medication do prevent me from getting pregnant. Its still too early too tell if im pregnant or not cuz its only been a week but. Im trying to resolve this lil issue i have before its too late.
10 Replies
I took 4 pills of metronidazole immediately after intercourse. Could I still get pregnant?
I took 3 metronidazole pills to act as a contraceptive soon after unprotected intercourse. Will this be useful or should I think of other contraceptive methods?
Is metronidazole helping if someone is tying to for a baby or what can a person use to boost her fertility
Re: DollFace11 (# 2)
Well lady if you are pregnant then you are. Flabyl has nothing to do with human reproduction system which has been proven, so get yourself checked to find out the reason for your sickness, you might not be pregnant ans still have the stomach bug or it can be something else.
Will flagel help to prevent from being pregnant? I took 11 pill at once
My medication is Metronidazole 500mg, one pill by mouth every 12 hours for 7 days. I took my first pill at 4:02 in the evening and the next one at 4 in the morning. When is the next one supposed to be taken?
My Dr gave me 8 Flagyl pills on Jan. 26th, 2018 as a treatment for trich. I forgot to ask how long it will take for the treatment to take effect. It's only been a few days, but nothing seems to have changed... How long does Flagyl take to work?
Metronidazole has also been used in women to prevent preterm birth
Well me and my husband are seperated, we're just waiting for the divorce to be settled. Anyways it was an unexpected thing both of us didnt expect for that to happen. Were not ready for another child we have a 2 year old. Ive been having symptoms w this medication last night i felt very nauseated n wasnt feeling good felt my inside were eating each other up. I just dont wanna get pregnant! I kno i should have been on birth control n thats my fault. Is there anything u suggest i can do? Im guessing plan b is out of the question. Please help.....
No, I'm sorry but this medication will not protect you against pregnancy.
Learn more Metronidazole details here.
If it's only been a week, why didn't you still get Plan B, when you had the chance?
While it is most effective if taken during the first 72 hours (3 days), you can take it up to 5 days after unprotected sex and there will still be a good chance that it will protect against your getting pregnant.
I think many young women misunderstand this and how it works. You can take it anytime up to 5 full days after having unprotected sex. It just isn't effective if taken before you have sex, or after that 5 day period.
You really need to get a reliable contraception method to use, if you don't want to get pregnant.
There are many, including Plan B, that you can purchase ahead of time and keep on hand for when you need them.
Then there are others, such as oral contraceptives or IUDs that provide the most reliable protection and would be constantly effective, unless you missed tablets of the oral ones.
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