Metoprolol & Hair Loss (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 200 mg. a day for about 4 years. I thought it was a coincidence that I've lost 50% of my hair during this time because I am also going through menopause. I just found out that it is possible the hair loss is caused by metoprolol, so my doctor just wrote me a RX for a different drug. Will my hair grow back? It was very long, down to my waist, but I've been cutting it to compensate for the thinness. I just touch my head and lose a few hairs! Any ideas?

165 Replies (9 Pages)

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I was on Propranolol for a few months and my hair started coming out like crazy too. I asked my doctor, but of course, he told me that this is minor side effect.

Anyway, long story short...I slowly stopped taking it and my hair started to grow back. So don't worry yours will grow back too, just gotta give it some time! :)

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I have just been so frustrated with my hair that I made an appointment with a dermatologist for hair loss and scalp to see if I can reverse this.
Well the doctor noticed black dots around my hair follicles which causes inflammation on my scalp. She said meds can cause this and stress on the hair from heat.
The good thing is that my hair follicle it's active if it was smooth like skin no hair follicle it will be hard to reverse.
She placed me on the regiment so we can get this process rolling in growing back my hair. It seems that beta blockers is doing harm to my hair not my health. She asked me to have my doctor to switch me to a different type of blood pressure pill.
She written me 3 prescriptions:
1. for scalp oil to use twice a day
2. A shampoo
3. antibiotic to take daily to release the inflammation off of my scalp
I feel better now knowing that my hair has a chance for regrowth its been very depressing. It's going to be a process she's thinking between six months to a year. Hope this helps a little.

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April I'm on Lisinopril and my hair is falling out I had really thick hair my doctor says hair falling out is a side effect of Lisinopril so he's changed me to losartan 12.5 mg

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Oh me Gosh, I'm on that too, What did your Dr. Give you... Did you google it for hair loss? What did he give you? I have been searching for a BP med that doesn't cause you to lose your hair. Bystolic I was on for years and it also makes your hair fall out. Also If you have surgery your anasesia will make your hair fall out but it will grow back... Not sure about the BP meds.

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I am taking Lisinopril, 10mg and it definitely causes hair loss.

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Update: I finally consulted my pharmacist about hair loss as a side effect. Sure enough, it is there, BUT it was the very last thing listed. Yes, I agree with another person here: doctors don't know the side effects of the drugs they prescribe. That is really true. They may know about the first few things listed, but because the rest of them are rarely experienced they miss them.

I was switched to Lisinopril and the hair loss nearly stopped. As another person here said, I had already cut my hair much shorter by that time just to hide the strings I had left. My hair is blonde and somewhat thin to begin with.

I have some new growth, but those hairs are even thinner. But I am grateful some hair is growing back!

I hope you all are firm and insistant with your doctors. They are not gods and don't know everything. Insist they switch your medicine is you have unpleasant side effects, and don't let them try to convince you that it's "all in your head."

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It took several months before I began to notice new hair growth. Hair only grows about 1/2" a month, so I would say to give it a few months to even notice it!

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I have been on Metoprolol for about 6 months. Since that time I have had dandruff, and extreme hair loss. I have now made the connection thanks to a dermatologist. I wish I would have known this sooner.

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yes Lisinopril caused me severe hair loss. I was ok on 10mg but it wasn't reducing my blood pressure so the doctor pushed me up to 40 mg. I had large bald spots (3) int two months. Metoprolol 25mg also caused severe hair loss after taking it for 49days. The doctor insisted that neither med should cause hair loss. Time for a new Doctor?

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Forgot to say that since November 1st, 2011 I have been prescriped a higher dose of Metoprolol 50mg Succanate ER and since the 1st until now i have now got a huge bald spot at the top of my head about the size of the palm of my hand. I have also got several quater size spots in various spots all over my head including one right in the front(cant hide that one) I am posting this because for the two years that I have been taking this drug, I have been slowly loosing hair, but because I HAD such thick and long hair, it did'nt bother me that I was loosing it. But now I cry myself everytime I run my fingers thru my hair or daily combing because I can litterally feel it popping and it just makes me cry to know that I will eventually be bald if I keep taking it. PLEASE PLEASE questions your Dr's. They are NOT GOD"S and we are just guinie pigs. I, just got a call from my Dr and now he wants to put me another drug-you better believe that I am about to do Research on it before I agree to take it.

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why do ppl always same THATS A LOW AMOUNT TO BE ON ???????? im am 25 years old and i have heart problems so i was put on a LOW amouth 2.5 then moved up to 5mg and over half my hair is gorn i had long think hair,i stuck the meds out for 9 long months and xmas day just gorn i stop and my hair is still falling ,each doctor is diffrent and most of them shrug it off ,its heart brakeing and i dont know if ill ever be able to wear my hair down again ,and yes when ur ill u still cant help careing about the way u look !! i only stuck to the meds that long as i have to young children and i belived it was for the best ,i just half the pill for 2 weeks then stop xmas day with no probs at all thank god and am now waitening for a opp ,i would love to know if anybody has being through the same and if there hair even has started to grow back as its all i think about plzzzzzzz help me xxxx

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I started BP meds about 4 years ago...started on Lisenopril and had a bad cough reaction to it, apparently fairly common. Doc rx'd the metoprolol 50 mg., cough stopped within a week. Great! Late in the summer noticed a quArter sized bald spot on the lower back of my head (thankfully). Didn't think much of it at the time as I had recently found a tick in the same area and thought it was a result of the tick bite. By December my hair loss had doubled and the bp was up so she upped my med to 100 mg and tested me for lupus. Lupus was neg. but its now April and my hair loss is now almost 50%! In reading mor about lupus, I found that there is drug induced lupus! It involves hair loss, achey joint and muscles, all of which I have experienced, not to mention the tiredness! One of the drugs that causes drug induced lupus is beta blockers, metoprolol being one. BINGO!!!!! If it is drug induced lupus, it may take months, even years for symptoms to show up...yah that would be me! Like one of the other bloggers, I started taking biotin...for my nails, actually but I did start experiencing a little regrowth, so I will start taking it again...the weird thing is, I have naturally dirty blonde hait that I lighten with some gray mixed in. The new growth is SNOW WHITE!!!! I have always had naturally thick hair and lashes which are now considerable thinner. Fortunately my hairs loss is at the lower back of my head so I can cover it , but I'm about bald half way up my head. I hope it comes back, but if I can just get it to stop, I'll be happy. New med starts today! Lets hope there are no more bad reactions and that all the joint and muscle pain go away too!

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Relax take a deep breath ...... It will grow back... I was taking the same drug but I never cut my hair to compensate and I was glad.... Four months after stopping the drug my hair began to grow..... It has been about 6 months now and I have sprouts of hair at the top of my head that are now about 4 inches long..... I know it is very difficult but rest assured it will grow back....... Lisa

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Hi April,

YES IT WILL GROW BACK....... It took mine about 4 months before I notched a difference. I did not go buy any creams or oils nor did I visit a dermatologist office. I too am in menopause and thought the same but it is all the Metoprolol. I was on 375mg and lost approx 50% of mine in 2 -3 weeks!

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i'd like to know that far haven't heard of one. must be the beta blocker family of drugs that cause so much hair loss. and they say it's a side effect only in 1% of patients taking it....well i beg to differ.

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Great news! You know you have to be as faithful to your supplement are you were to your HBP pills and check your BP regular, just to be sure. I've had colleagues and patient whose BP dropped wen the dropped eight, had a thyroid deficiency corrected, etc. One fewer chemical to consume! Awesome!

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Take MSM with L Taurine and vitamin C mixed in a glass of non chlorinated water powder form on all 3, make sure it is 100% pure. It is sold on ebay and very inexpensive. It also has many other benefits and it grows hair. It takes a few months to see results on hair growth but it will also detox your body of metals and other Toxic stuff. Keep an eye on your blood pressure as Taurine can lower BP. THERE is lots of info on these amino acids and food sulfurs.

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Re: Suz (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

MSM IS methylsulfonylmethane-msm, L-Taurine is just call Taurine and Ascorbic Acid is vitamin C, which acts as a driver to take these amino acids to every cell in your body. Start with half a dose or 500 MG daily increase weekly to 1000 mg daily, it will make you go to the bathroom a lot until your body is detox.

Don't take it near the time of medication 2hours prior or two hours later, as MSM can neutralize medications, chemo therapy etc.
I take it before breakfast then wait a few hours before I take any medication.

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Be aware that Lisinopril can cause hair loss too, I stopped taking it because of this...

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My daughter was prescribed this medication. I just made the connection with hair loss for my self. She is young (17) with a beautiful head of hair. I need an alternative for myself and her.

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