Metoprolol & Hair Loss (Page 4)
UpdatedI have been taking 200 mg. a day for about 4 years. I thought it was a coincidence that I've lost 50% of my hair during this time because I am also going through menopause. I just found out that it is possible the hair loss is caused by metoprolol, so my doctor just wrote me a RX for a different drug. Will my hair grow back? It was very long, down to my waist, but I've been cutting it to compensate for the thinness. I just touch my head and lose a few hairs! Any ideas?
I am 46 years old living in Central Europe, I am a teacher years ago, I took the metoprolol / 50mg per day / no other drugs were picked. 2011th Back in December, the hairdressers had noticed the stain on my head. I thought it was caused by a bad tooth out, pulled the doctor and I calmed down and then rose further in March, and the spots began to fall all over my hair. Now, 70% dropped out, we see the skin. / I do not like windy /. My hair thinner and lighter almost white. Many tests have passed, but found nothing. Biorezonanciára then I went there the doctor said that my digestive system and my immune system is wrong and must be detoxified. Two months now grow in spikes, my hair still falls out / bar that has almost no /. I fear that all falls out! A month to read here and here for the first time I realized that the drug may have caused me to shed my hair. So I stopped taking metoprolol and rátértem hawthorn and garlic capsules, because I stress causes high blood pressure. Now Vitamin amplification occurs, while a Chinese drink tea, hair growth and is trying to convince myself that all my hair grow out again in September taught in school and I would not like bald.
I do not speak English in this text, google translator, I'm sorry!
lisinopril will eventually cause you to have a lingering cough. I used to take it and my cough went away as soon as I quit. Now I take metropopol and its causing me to be hoarse.
I too started with lisinopril and had the continuous cough. Switched to metaprolol 50mg, then 100mg. I was on it for approximately four years before I started noting the bald spot and watched it grow and grow. Fortunately for me, I have a ton of hair and the baldness was on the lower half of my hair. Still, I think its safe to say I have lost a 1/3 to 1/2 of my hair. Tried two other meds and had bad reactions to them...of course what they don't tell you is that you should be stepped down off your old med before you start a new one, so, I'm not sure if my bad reactions were do to that or not. Up shot is, I felt like sh-- and continued to lose hair. I took myself off all of them. Its been a couple months now, maybe a little more and I'm finally seeing a little regrowth. I had a smal spot on top of my head which is showing regrowth, but where the majority of my loss is, it is thin yet but growing back. And like someone posted, mine too is coming back snow white!! My BP is staying in a manageable range, a little high, but not much. I do take 1/2 a 100mg of a metatprolol maybe, once a week, when I feel the irregular heart beat. I am considering trying one of the previous BP meds and see how I do now that the metaprolol is out of my system. As long as it doesn't make my heart race or cause edema, we'll see if does what it is supposed to do without causing hair loss!! Here's hoping!!!
I have been on Metoprolol for 25 years-and what I did was to monitor my BP daily until I found a normal stable reading-with dosage adjustment.Now I take only 12.5mgm. daily for a normal BP.-and minimal to no hairloss.Everyone is different and may react differently-so don't take my word for it;^)).I had been prescribed 100 mgms.daily.......v152
Jennifer, thanks for the info. I'm off the Metoprolol now for 6 weeks and no change in the hair loss yet. However, I do believe I need to give it more time. It did cross my mind that maybe I don't need as high a dose as I was on. My entire family is very sensitive to meds and we never usually need much to do the trick. I'm thinking that may be my next option to think about. I didn't even realize a dose could be that low.
Hello, I have recently been diagnosed with ventricular tachycardia, I am only 21 years old and very confused as to how this happened, and where to go from here. My doctor prescribed me Metoprolol 50Mg, which I have not yet started. I have several questions. Is there any bad long term effects? Or am I better off just taking it? I also go out once or twice a month with a few friends for a few drinks. Will this have to stop? Also what would or could happen if i didnt take the medication? Opinions are very much wanted. Thanks!
Brit, I have arrithymias too, but metropolol was given me for high blood pressure. After losing half my hair, I convinced a cardiologist to give me lisinopril instead. He also added digoxin for the irregular heart beats. (No side effects experienced with that drug.) No, my hair has never grown back--and its been many years, but I am alive. Of course you can have a few drinks with friends!
I want to add that everyone is different, and hair loss is the very last side effect on the lists for metoprolol. You may not experience this one, but you won't know until you try it. Just be very observant -- people lose some hairs every day even when healthy! Please talk to your doctor about this, but don't just decide not to take anything for your condition.
Britt ~ read everyone's comments, but none of us could actually tell you what you should do. I've been off my metoprolol (which caused excessive hair loss) for the past 10 weeks and it is still coming out at the same rate. In place of metoprolol I started to take magnesium and CoQ10 along with biotin. I have palpitations much less than before I started metoprolol (which did take away all palpitations). The one thing I wish my cardiologist would have done was started me on the lowest dose of Metoprolol versus what he did. I have a lot of other stuff going on so everyday is like solving a mystery. I know that I need to give my hair much more time. I am running out of hair, so I am going to have to purchase a wig in the next month or so if this doesn't stop real soon.
Thanks for the reply everyone. It seems everybody is having the same symptoms. I will most definetly talk to my doctor and tell him my concerns and see if he has anything in mind that will be better for me to take. I know this sounds crazy but I have a meditation book I just borrowed from the library. They have a meditations that treats high blood pressure, it says that it is just as effective minus the drugs! I plan on trying it, I'll let ya know how it goes. In the meantime, maybe you's should try it! It wouldn't hurt :)
IveI been on 25mg Metoprolol for about a month and I too feel Im having hair loss as a side effect. My hair is very thin to begin with. I feel though that the med is really helping me and doesnt have cough as a side effect. Is there any supplement or anything one can take to counteract the hair loss without having to discontinue the Metoprolol?
Anny, from all of my research, no. Except try another med. There are also some "alternative" ideas out there, but I'm not sure if you are taking this for high blood pressure or heart palpitations (or migraines). I've been told to try the minimal amount to get the result you want. As far as alternative ideas, those too have not been "proven" or "regulated", so you have to understand what your give and take is. Do you have any objections to a wig? I know for some people this is a hard subject, but there are a lot of wig options and the cost can vary tremendously.
thank you, Roxanne for your so very quik reply. :) I see my doc next week for follow up and I will be talking to her about it. I was prescribed Metoprolol for high blood pressure and i also have CHF. that is agravated by the high blood pressure. The Metroprolol seems do counteract the cough from Enalapril which I also take. Does that make sense?
Britt and Roxanne...I've been posting her since spring...I took myself off all BP meds. What my docs nurse didn't know to tell me, even when specifically asked is, You really need to step down off of metaprolol BEFORE you start another med. I have been off meds for months until the last couple weeks. I tried one of the meds again that I had the least side effects from and it seems to be agreeing with me so far. For me, the hair loss has continued...ugggh! Sometimes its less, at other times it seems like handfuls! I had a fine but very thick head of hair. Its still not noticeable to ost but it is to me!!! It just keeps creeping up towards the top of my head. I'm just sick about it! I have figured out that stress has a lot to do with it...divorce, financially anging on by my fingernails...but I will say in this last week I have noticed a slow down in loss. I have started taking a PROBIOTIC, as well as biotin (btw, there is also a biotin shampoo, which I intend to try as well), cinnamon, and various other supplements to help with BP and hair loss. I've been reading up on lupus and Probiotics, which I have to say is very interesting...I recommend that you read up on both, particularly on probiotics! I do continue to get some hair growth , but its thin and slow. Unfortunately, it doesn't come back nearly as fast as I lose it, but I hoping that the probiotics is beginning to kick in and slow this raging hair loss down! It is truly amazing all the things that probiotics can help with! Go to the library and read up! There are various books on lupus. I have checked out several, but two other books I found to be very informative are: THE PROBIOTIC REVOLUTION and THE AUTOIMMUNE EPIDEMIC. Read up!
I am also taking biotin and using hair care products with biotin. I have not noticed anything positive yet. If you are taking any other medication, or, have any other illnesses, the hair loss can be a very tricky thing. If you are only taking one thing and you can pin point the hair loss to that, you are very lucky. I would really research anything you want to try out, because you don't want to compound the issue. I've read up on probiotics and passed. I am researching some other things, but to be honest, you can make yourself crazy over this stuff. And, you can spend a TON of money no matter what route you go. Because I also have extreme migraines, I am having an MRI next week. I've had a few hard blows to my head over the years, and I am currently going through peri-menopause. Along with a few other odd things, my hair loss isn't even a priority right now. I continue to remain off metoprolol and if the hair loss does not get better in the next 3 months, I don't know what my next move is. I find it incredibly hard to believe that my hair loss may be all be due to aging.
Roxanne...Sorry to hear of all your problems...My last 2 years have been a mess. BP med is all that I take with the exception of otc med for acid reflux. I have read quite a bit too about this hair loss thing...its exhausting! I'm trying to be as proactive as I can because I have no insurance so I can't just run to the doctor for every ache and pain. Frankly I am finding that doctors seem to be pretty dumb about this problem. At this point I feel that I may have drug induced lupus. I seem to have a lot of the problems associated with that including the hair loss. Theoretically hair should come back eventually, after quitting the medication that is causing that...lucky for me it was really only one med that could cause it and actually does cause it! Well, maybe not so lucky, huh?! Unfortunately,the condition is exacerbated by stress! Well needless to say, I have had more than my fair share of that in the last couple years, so I continue to lose hair. Aaarrrrrgghhh! I agree that you can become obsessive over all this. Don't think I have reached that point yet, just trying to do the things I can afford to do to make myself feel better. The VIEW had a dermatologist on not long ago who said a good way to get hair to grow back is cortisone injections into the scalp...once a month for 4 mos, then once every 4 mos there after. Wish I could afford to try that. You may want to check into that. Also my sister in law has a friend that virtually lost all of her hair and was wearing a wig. Her doc determined that it was a form of yeast causing it. he gave her pills that we would normally take for a vaginal yeast infection...her hair is now growing back! Probiotic could conceivably do the same thing perhaps. Good luck on your situation, Roxanne...and may we all get our hair back!!!
WOW. I have never heard about cortisone injections to the scalp. I could not afford that option either, but very interesting. The doctor who made the yeast connection to the hair loss problem must really think "outside the box". Very interesting and seems like a quick and inexpensive solution. Will have to do more researching on the Probiotics.
What I can tell you Roxanne, is I have been on Probiotics for about two weeks. In the last week, I have noticed less hair in my brush daily. I still seem to have quite a bit when I wash my hair (about every three days) but I don't seen to be leaving any more in the tub. I don't know yet if that is the Probiotic in conjunction with the biotin or not, but I'm happy to see less in my brush! As I have said before, while I would love to get my full head of hair back, I'd just be happy to quit losing it! I don't know if you have insurance, but if you do, cortisone injections are supposedly covered by insurance.
Thanks for the follow up. Can I ask what type of doctor injects the cortisone? I have no idea what specialty that might fall under?
You need to see a dermatologist.
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