Metoprolol & Hair Loss (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been taking 200 mg. a day for about 4 years. I thought it was a coincidence that I've lost 50% of my hair during this time because I am also going through menopause. I just found out that it is possible the hair loss is caused by metoprolol, so my doctor just wrote me a RX for a different drug. Will my hair grow back? It was very long, down to my waist, but I've been cutting it to compensate for the thinness. I just touch my head and lose a few hairs! Any ideas?
John, I posted before I believe in Feb 2011 with my story. After speaking to my dr. about the hair loss, he said there are few HBP meds that don't cause it, but apparently what he has me on doesn't list it as a side effect. It's called brand name Covaar but the generic is Losartin, 50 mg. My hair is still growing back thick and long. With the new hair growth popping up noticibly. Unfortunately, I can't say how/if the regrowth is the same because if you have male pattern baldness in your family, it may just take time or the medicine made it fall out faster than it EVER should have. It's lame, but most doctors don't have a flippin' clue what side effects these pills can cause - they're clueless until you tell them! All they know is these pharmaceutical sales people come around pushing their products and they are taking them. We are being used as guinea pigs and I am convinced of it! I pray your hair grows back. Keep the faith. Oh, BTW, I can tell you about a WONDERFUL over the counter product to try. It's in a special area by the vitamin section but it's called "vitamins for hair and nails" and the box is pink. Don't be ashamed cause it's pink, LOL> This stuff WORKS!!!!! Biotin is the best vitamin out there for hair regrowth. You can also buy Biotin in a small tablet form. Take only the recommended dose. So check the dosage of it in the "vitamins for hair and nails" to see how much is in it already. Don't want you taking too much! But do some reading about Biotin and hair growth for your own well-being and information is power!
I am in the same situation as you.. I have been on metoprolol for almost 9 years.. most of the time at 50mg 2x per day.. and some of the time at 100 mg 2x per day.. i more recently have noticed that I am losing extreme amounts of hair and until just today looking up information wondered what could cause it and I am now wondering if this is it? I am only 36 and though my mother says that her and my grandma shedded alot as they aged I feel kind of young for this and was becomming alarmed at the rate I am shedding. I am losing at the root and it is thinner. I have what they call hereditary high bp that is non causal according to doctors bc I have had it since I was 23 with no apparent reason. I am assuming that I should consult with my physician about this sooner than later after reading all this.. I see many of you have the same complaints..I haven't ever said anything to mine but think I should now that it may be the cause.
Update: I finally consulted my pharmacist about hair loss as a side effect. Sure enough, it is there, BUT it was the very last thing listed. Yes, I agree with another person here: doctors don't know the side effects of the drugs they prescribe. That is really true. They may know about the first few things listed, but because the rest of them are rarely experienced they miss them.
I was switched to Lisinopril and the hair loss nearly stopped. As another person here said, I had already cut my hair much shorter by that time just to hide the strings I had left. My hair is blonde and somewhat thin to begin with.
I have some new growth, but those hairs are even thinner. But I am grateful some hair is growing back!
I hope you all are firm and insistant with your doctors. They are not gods and don't know everything. Insist they switch your medicine is you have unpleasant side effects, and don't let them try to convince you that it's "all in your head."
It took several months before I began to notice new hair growth. Hair only grows about 1/2" a month, so I would say to give it a few months to even notice it!
While you're at it Tonyia, you should also get a thyroid function blood test. An overactive thyroid can also cause hair loss, along with many other symptoms. If you are either thin or overweight, thyroids can cause that, and women are way more suspectible to thyroid problems than men are. I also read that women in the midwest, especially the Chicago area, have higher incidences of thyroid problems. (And no one has figured out why yet.) Good luck to you!
I was on Propranolol for a few months and my hair started coming out like crazy too. I asked my doctor, but of course, he told me that this is minor side effect.
Anyway, long story short...I slowly stopped taking it and my hair started to grow back. So don't worry yours will grow back too, just gotta give it some time! :)
I have been on Metoprolol for about 6 months. Since that time I have had dandruff, and extreme hair loss. I have now made the connection thanks to a dermatologist. I wish I would have known this sooner.
My daughter was prescribed this medication. I just made the connection with hair loss for my self. She is young (17) with a beautiful head of hair. I need an alternative for myself and her.
I have been on Metoprolol Tartrate now for about 18 (that is eighteen) months. I have been losing too much hair so tonight for the first time I researched in the internet and found these post. It is really true. I take 50 total; 25mg. twice a day for my high blood pressure. I am very discouraged about the hair loss. So many pharmaceuticals are poisonous and injurious. So what do we all do? ........Marzie C.
Hello everyone! It's a little comforting to see that I am not alone, but I also hate that there are so many of us going through this.. My name is Kristina I am 25 years old and I have been taking Metoprolol 25mg since June 10th 2011 to date. For the past maybe month to month and a half, I have noticed a very significant amount of hair loss =/ Âthis frightens me very much so. My doctor prescribed this to me because I was having palpitations. I had a few tests done to rule out any heart problems: EKG, 24hr heart monitor. ÂAll was well, Although I continued to complain about feeling my heart beat irregularly (fast) for no apparent reason so Metoprolol he prescribes.. I do not have high blood pressure, was he right to prescribe this to me?? ÂAlthough this medication does help me noticeably with palpitations.. though I'm sure it would because it does what its suppose to which is slow the heart rate, I am now so stressed for my hair loss!! Â:'( ÂI am in a vendetta with these pills! Should I continue to take them for my palpitations or should I stop to prevent more hair loss!?!? I was aware before starting this medication that it may cause weight gain and or make losing weight a harder task, but I was blindsided by the hair loss until today! I have been online for the past 2 hours researching and now there is no doubt in my mind the pills are to blame for my clogged bath drain and numerous hair balls on my floor and extra thinning hair. So as I sit here typing I have decided to call Kaiser in the morning and make an urgent appointment with my doctor and see what he has to say... I will keep you guy posted as soon as I am able. Thank you for reading. And remember "This to shall pass" Blessings <3
I'm taking 50 mg of metroprolol twice a day for about a year and my hair is dfinitely falling out. I never had this problem prior to taking this drug. I'm in the process of swtching to cardizem I hope this drug does not cause my hair to fall out too. I'm not sure if Cardezem has any negative effects.
yes Lisinopril caused me severe hair loss. I was ok on 10mg but it wasn't reducing my blood pressure so the doctor pushed me up to 40 mg. I had large bald spots (3) int two months. Metoprolol 25mg also caused severe hir loss
yes Lisinopril caused me severe hair loss. I was ok on 10mg but it wasn't reducing my blood pressure so the doctor pushed me up to 40 mg. I had large bald spots (3) int two months. Metoprolol 25mg also caused severe hair loss after taking it for 49days. The doctor insisted that neither med should cause hair loss. Time for a new Doctor?
IF your doctor insists metropolol is not causing your hair loss, you should confront him with a statement from your pharmist! They know so much more about drugs than doctors do (seriously).
For heart problems and blood pressure problems it seems you only have a choice between ace inhibitors and beta blockers. Ask a pharmacist for a list of the most popular in each category. See which list metropolol is on and choose one from the other! Both will help, so why not choose one from the other category?
I feel for you soo much. I am a 40yr old female and i have been on it for 2yrs-Metoprolol 25mg. The bad thing about it is that i was not given it for HBP i was given it for heart palpatations. Now when I stopped taking it breifly,I ended up in the hospital with a BP of 172/154! I don't want to take this crap. I called my Dr today and the nurse tells me to not take it anymore, but i thought you had to be weened off of it. Wow good advise especially since they still have not called me back!!!!!
Forgot to say that since November 1st, 2011 I have been prescriped a higher dose of Metoprolol 50mg Succanate ER and since the 1st until now i have now got a huge bald spot at the top of my head about the size of the palm of my hand. I have also got several quater size spots in various spots all over my head including one right in the front(cant hide that one) I am posting this because for the two years that I have been taking this drug, I have been slowly loosing hair, but because I HAD such thick and long hair, it did'nt bother me that I was loosing it. But now I cry myself everytime I run my fingers thru my hair or daily combing because I can litterally feel it popping and it just makes me cry to know that I will eventually be bald if I keep taking it. PLEASE PLEASE questions your Dr's. They are NOT GOD"S and we are just guinie pigs. I, just got a call from my Dr and now he wants to put me another drug-you better believe that I am about to do Research on it before I agree to take it.
why do ppl always same THATS A LOW AMOUNT TO BE ON ???????? im am 25 years old and i have heart problems so i was put on a LOW amouth 2.5 then moved up to 5mg and over half my hair is gorn i had long think hair,i stuck the meds out for 9 long months and xmas day just gorn i stop and my hair is still falling ,each doctor is diffrent and most of them shrug it off ,its heart brakeing and i dont know if ill ever be able to wear my hair down again ,and yes when ur ill u still cant help careing about the way u look !! i only stuck to the meds that long as i have to young children and i belived it was for the best ,i just half the pill for 2 weeks then stop xmas day with no probs at all thank god and am now waitening for a opp ,i would love to know if anybody has being through the same and if there hair even has started to grow back as its all i think about plzzzzzzz help me xxxx
im sorry shuld of said i was on bisoprolol but most beta blockers work the same and yes it was defo 100 percent the drug and if anybody is taken and is having problems plz dont waite as long as i did to get it sorted
It will grow back. I have been off mine a month and I am soooo happy to say I have re- growth!!!!!!!!!. My hair has always been so thick and very long. So yes it should grow back....
erm iv bein off mine 2 months and my hair has not even started to grow back at all i hopeing it mote just take time ,and iv also had the heart opp so i wont have to take meds again thank god
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