Metoprolol 50 Mg Pink And White Tab The Same?


Are Metoprolol TAB 50 mg. ER (white) the same? as Metoprolol-TART 50 mg. TAB leg (pink)? What is the difference?

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I got a RX filled Small round pill with
831 and small arrow like symbol

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I have Metoprolol succinate extended-release (50 mg) white tablets but was prescribed Losartan 50mg Pot a green tablet. Are these the same. I just noticed this and I am urinating every hour day and night. I am 64 and take lipitor 10mg and Glimepiride 4mg each at one tab per day.

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In regards to the original post no, from what was listed those are not the same. The ER stands for extended release, which means the medication will be slowly released into the body over time, rather than all at once. The other tablet listed doesn't have anything showing that it's in such a formulation, which means that it is most likely just the regular release formulation of the medication.

The problem here is that it may not control your blood pressure or cardiac condition as effectively as the time released tablet.

fuzzn, the tablet with the triangular logo and the number 831 on it is a 50mg Metoprolol extended release tablet.

Clarence, no Metoprolol and Losartan are not the same medications, at all.

You can learn more Metoprolol details here.

You can learn more Losartan details here.

The Metoprolol is a beta blocker, while Losartan is an ARB, though they are both used to treat the same conditions. However, if your doctor prescribed Losartan, there may be a specific reason and you should check, before taking something else.

Are there any other questions I can help with?

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I was taking metoprolol er succinate and new pres. says metoprolol ext rel...are they the same

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