Methylprednisolone Forums (Page 7)

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I'm almost done with day 3 of the 4mg and my rash isn't getting any better. Should I give it more time or try something else? ## Hello, DL! How are you? It may take awhile longer, so you should finish your course of treatment with it and then, if it doesn't clear up, consult your doctor. The FDA classifies this medication as a steroid and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, acne, weight gain, fluid retention, insomnia and nervousness. Is there anything else I can help with?

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so i have been taking methylprednisolone for three days. I am having pain in my sides/ribs upper back and all the way into my neck and some of my cheek bones. the pain is about a 5 out of 10 on the scale. I have had this problem before with prednisone. what do i do? ## Hello, Courtney! How are you feeling? I'm sorry about the problem you're having. The FDA classifies this medication as a steroid and it can cause some pretty annoying side effects, you may also experience nausea, dizziness, insomnia, nervousness, headache, acne and weight gain. Have you consulted your doctor? They may have some idea on how to mitigate these effects, or they can let you know if there is something else going on. How long is your course of treatment with it?

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Hello. I have just completed my six day pack of Methylprednisolone 4mg for what the doctor thinks is Costochondritis. How long will the steroids remain in my body before being excreted? I want to identify if the chest pain is getting better without having any steroids. Also, if the pain is still there, can the Dr. prescribe me another pack immediately after, or possibly do a cortisone shot in my sternum? I have a follow up appointment scheduled for a week from today to see how I am feeling post steroid meds. Thank you.


I was prescribed medrol pack for sciatica. I had been taking a sam-e supplement (600 mg/day) for OA for the last 1.5 years with good results. Although I stopped the sam-e while on the medrol, I had horrible insomnia anxiety, depression, HBP, rapid HR and 0 appetite. It's been 3 weeks off and I'm still suffering from some of the side effects. A nurse at mayo said that I still had an ample amount of sam-e in my system and suffered a severe reaction with the medrol. Anyone out there ever experienced sam-e with steroids and when will this clean out of my system! ## Hello, Oliver! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems you've had. However, everything you've listed as typical side effects for a steroid like Medrol, as listed by the FDA, and it usually takes a coupl...

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Hello i have been prescribed medrol 4 mg. For a sinus infection, along with a antibiotic,nasal face is red,lil puffy and im a lil itchy. Should i be worried, n call the doctor ## Hello, Linda! How are you doing? Yes, it would be best to have these symptoms checked out to be safe. There's a chance they may just be side effects, but you could be having an allergic reaction. Medrol is classified by the FDA as a steroid and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia and nervousness. Antibiotics may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Has it gotten any worse? ## For a reaction such as this, I would feel more confident in asking my pharmacist. My opinion only, think they are more up...

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Can I take adderall and methylprednisolone and methocarbamol and take omeprazole 20 mg for my acid reflux? Will it hurt me? ## Hello, Scott! How are you? I'm happy to help with this! I didn't find any dangerous problems listed between taking these medications together, though it's always best to double check such information to be sure. However, the reduction in stomach acid may cause the Adderall to take a longer time to reach its peak level in your body. The FDA classifies this as a stimulant that is most commonly used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. It carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, nervousness, insomnia, weight loss and anorexia. Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant and its most common si...

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My husband is having severe mood swings, anxiety attacks, insomnia, and generally not acting right after taking 3 1/2 days of Medrol dose pak. (Note: his is/has been taking Fluvoxamine for several years due to "emotional" problems after several strokes.) He will not agree to go back to the doctor, and when I call the doctor they give me no advice over the phone. I told them I can not get him to go, they said well keep us posted. Any suggestions?? ## Hello, Dempsey! How are you? I am so sorry about what you're husband is going through. Yes, that can happen, when someone takes steroids, other side effects as listed by the FDA may possibly include nausea, headache, acne and fluid retention. However, things should improve, once he finishes his course of treatment with it, it may...

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I was prescribed 6 day Methylprednisolone 4mg tablets and on the very first day of taking the first dose, I screwed up and took the two tablets after breakfast. Does this mess up the treatment? Why do instructions read to take before breakfast, after lunch, etc.? And can you take all 6 at once or is it intended to be extended throughout the day? ## Hello, Mar! How are you? Taking it after breakfast will not screw anything up, some people are unable to take them on an empty stomach and have to take them with food. It just gets into your body quicker and starts to work faster on an empty stomach. They can be taken all at once, but they usually direct you to split them up to prevent severe nausea, nervousness and elevated heart rate, which are among the side effects listed by the FDA. Is t...

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Methylprednisolone 4mg for sinuses.My insides feel like they are shaking as if my sugar level is low,Is this one of the side effects? ## Hello, Betty! How are you? Yes, that is a fairly common side effect from this medication, since it is a steroid. Others, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, weight gain, fluid retention, insomnia and acne. This symptom will likely linger for the duration of your treatment with it, then gradually go away about a week after you finish it. Is there anything else I can help with?

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My pa prescribed me the 6 day methylprednislone PAC 4 mg I've only took two of the first days dose. He prescribed it for a bad reaction to bactrim l. He also prescribed hydroxyzine pamoate 50 mg capsules. The methylprednislone makes me feel weird can I stop taking it. ## Hello, Misty! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem you're having. What type of symptoms are you experiencing? Methylprednisolone is a steroid class medication, so it is normal for it to cause some side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, irritability, weight gain, fluid retention and headache, as listed by the FDA. However, you shouldn't stop it, without your doctor's approval. I also had a bad reaction to Bactrim and, by itself, it took several weeks for all of my allergic...

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i was diagnosed by my doctor as having "very VERY bad bronchitis." i was prescribed the 6 day 4mg/pill methylprednisolone tablet pack. i have been taking them as she instructed, as well as using an inhaler with albuterol. i have one day left of the methylprednisolone (one pill) that i will be taking tomorrow morning. However, I am still coughing and needing the inhaler every 4 hours, along with an otc liquid that contains dextromethorphan hbr, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine hcl. at what point should i return to my doctor if the symptoms do not go away? ## Hello, Heather! How are you? I'm sorry that you're ill. There should have been some improvement, already, if the Methylprednisolone was working. The FDA lists it as a steroid class medication and it may cause side effec...

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My wife has been taking predmet 4 mg since last two years regularly , for first one year 8 mg daily , then 4 mg daily and since last 3 months 4 mg after one day intervel.She has stopped it las 15 days for some reason and today i have noticed some black spots in her body.Is it the side affect of sudden stop of using the drug ## I'm sorry, but what do you mean by black spots? Are they sores, bruises, or something else? This contains the active ingredient Methylprednisolone, which is a steroid class medication and there may be issues caused from such long-term use and from abruptly stopping it. Learn more Methylprednisolone details here. If you can post back with more details, I'll be happy to assist you further. ## Dear Sir I am taking predmet 16 mg last 5 years. Now I feel that m...

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The Dr. says take 6 pills the first night and then 3 and so on.. My daughter is only 7 years old and about less than 40 pounds.. She has cough andI think allergy. Should I give her that? Im scared that she will get over dosed.. ## Hello, Mama! How is your daughter? What dosage are the tablets? That is a normal dosing protocol for this steroid. It's generally started at a higher dosage, then slowly tapered over several days. It's intended to relieve the inflammation from an allergic reaction. Generally, in a child younger than 11 years old, it should be no more than 60mgs a day at the peak dose. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nervousness and acne.

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I have had nothing but positive experiences since I started taking methylprednisolone for my allergies. I went to the doctor on Tuesday due to horrible allergy/sinus symptoms. He put me on the methylprednisolone six day pack as well as flonase twice a day. By the second day, not only were my allergy symptoms completely gone but my anxiety is gone too! I have had anxiety issues off and on for years, but it has been moderate to severe in the last few months. I was nervous about taking steroids because I had heard they can make anxiety worse, but that didn't happen! For the first time in months, I am in a good mood and have absolutely no feelings of anxiousness or dread that have have been plaguing me! I'm starting to wonder if my anxiety is somehow tied to the allergies themselves...

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I have been told i have a mild irregular heart beat and leakage. I have been give this medicine for the treatment of a bone spur in my neck. I am a little concern about the side affects to the heart. ## Hello, Tracy! How are you? I would suggest checking with your cardiologist, before taking it, to be safe. It doesn't usually cause as many cardiac related side effects as other steroids, but much of it really depends on your overall health, average heart rate and etc. Are you on any other medications?

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Good day I was prescribed medrol 8mg in the morning and 8mg in the evenings for 5 days and 8 mg in the morning for another two days, to treat a skin condition, I finished the course and it is now 5 days later that I am batteling with shortness of breath, anxiety, dizziness, nausea , shaky hands a general awful feeling. The most worrisome is the shortness of breath. Does anyone know how long it will take for me to feel normal? I am extremely scared. Will never take this medicine again.


In July, I had a severe allergic reaction to fiber glass contact and nothing worked until my doctor gave me the dose pack of medrol. Now I appear to have the same itchy symptoms and I'm afraid it won't go away on it's own. My doctor gave me another dose pack of medrol to take. Is it okay to take it again so soon after having took it a month ago? Please advise...suffering in NJ! ## Hello, Rob! How are you? I am very sorry about the allergy problem. If your doctor has prescribed and approved it, then it should be okay. This is a steroid and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, fluid retention, acne and weight gain. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thanks. I still haven't taken it because I'm afraid that since I just took the 6 day dose...

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I started a dose pack of 4mg methylprednisolone today. I was supposed to take two before breakfast and discovered tonight that I only took one. Should I take two in the morning before breakfast or skip it altogether? ## Hello, Poola! How are you? You can take it as soon as you noticed it, it doesn't necessarily have to be taken before breakfast. That's just a recommended schedule to try to help people remember to take it. This medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, acne and insomnia. Is there anything else I can help with?

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what is methylprednisolone 16mg used for? ## i am patient of AS and rhumetiod arthirites, my doctor has prescribed me Zempred 16mg once in week with methoxrate 15mg , please confirm if the treatment is O.K. and what are the side effects for the same. ## Hi my doctor has prescribed me zempred16 for the treatment of lichen planus skin allergy.I am taking this tablet twice a week. My weight is continuously it right treatment.

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I am heading into day 3 of this medication for a foot issue. I can concur with my side effects being constipated, heavy duty sweating, heart or pulse beats felt in my lower back and side, insomnia and my sinus running like a faucet. None of which I had Wed. the day before I started them. My foot hurt but these side effects are worse than the foot pain I think. I realize where i am it was 100 degrees out but it felt like I was sitting in a 300 degree sauna. The heavy "beat" i feel in my back and side is what got to me. I stopped taking them this afternoon. ## Hello, Theresa! How are you? Steroids can cause those types of side effects, including the palpitations, but they usually aren't anything to worry about, unless your heart beat is going dangerously high. Have you consult...

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