Methylprednisolone Vs Steroid Epidural (Top voted first)


Three months ago I took the six-day course of methylprednisolone. I did fine, no side effects, but it only helped me for two weeks. It is now two months later and I only made it through day two of the six day regimen and I had horrible side effects so I had to stop. Now I'm considering going for the epidural injections in the spine. Am I going to have severe side effects from that? I'm scared.

2 Replies

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It is possible, all medications, regardless of how they are administered carry the risk of causing side effects. The FDA lists the typical ones for steroids as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, fluid retention, and weigh changes.

What are you taking them to treat?

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Thank you for replying to my question. I really appreciate any and all input you can give me because it looks more than likely that I have to take these epidural inj's. in my spine. I have five perforated discs. I just tried to take the six-day course. It's only been two weeks now and my doctor is telling me to wait another four weeks to go back and see him before he makes a decision on giving me the inj's. In the meantime I am in agonizing pain and nothing seems to help.

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