Methscopolamine Nitrate (Page 2)
UpdatedWhat is the reason for FDA to withhold Methscopolamine Nitrate from use as an ingredient for in pharmaceutical products?
Dallergy is no longer available. I got the last of it in the area pharmacies last week. Anyone know of a good substitute.
Dallergy is being re-released after being reformulated at the end of October 2011.
I've been taking dallergy for years. Its been very effective against chronic post nasal drip due to allergies. My pharmacist just told me that he no longer can get dallergy and that methscopolamine is the part of the drug he cannot get. He suggested Chlor-Trimeton (Chlorpheniramine Maleate). I've never tried it before.
I'm thankful, I'm not the only one dealing with this issue. I have been on this type of medication from Hist a vent, Extendral, Dura vent DA. I've been through all the name changes. We were able to fine Dehistine, which also was just stop. We found Dallegy, but the problem I'm all of a sudden having is the shakes and side effects, that I never had with any of these other medications. What changed. My allergist suggest I try something over the counter. I'm worried when allergy season is here and I get really sick. By the way, the FDA taking it off the market because it's being used in Meth labs. I do know you can get Methamphetamine and a single prescription. They use it to treat ulcers.
My allergist just recommend the same thing.
thank you jesus! i felt like the only one who had this problem. since 1986 every medication that worked for my chronic sinusitus has been taken of the market d/t people abused it to loose weight at first then now the methheads! we should not be made to suffer like this. i loved dallergy er. then they couldnt get it anymore so they switched me to the syrup. i went to get my refill and they handed me loratidine.i cried again for days. in 2 days the unbearable headaches started, ears popping, and the vertigo. OMG! i am trying stahist, only half dose tho, full dose had bp increase. but praise jesus my head has not hurt all day. how long until they take it away? makes me want to go start a protest group outside the fda's building. somethings gotta give.
I'm so sorry that so many of us are suffering. If your desperate for the Dallergy, go to and have your doc send them a prescription. The company is really in Minnesota. The problem with the Dallargy was is made me nervous and shaky. Never had that problem with any of the other medication I have taken throughout the years. I'm going OTC with Sudifed PE which has the same dosage of the others with the methscopolamine. I called my Dr for a perscription for the Methscopolamine and hoping with the sudifed PE will work the same. The only differance is it not a time release and have to take it more often. Keeping my fingers cross.
Me too. I've gone through all of the allergy drugs. Many of them are now OTC. Dallergy is the one that truly works.
Its annoying that just because some people abuse a drug that we are made to do without. Any drug can be abused. So here we are. Not sure what I'll try. I also use Astellin and Nasonex with the dallergy. Ugh
All I can say Is I'm glad I found this site. I have been on prescription allergy meds since birth one kind or another. Was put on Allerx 30 day dose pack and it was super great - no sleepy time during the day and it didn't stop me from sleeping at night. Then they pull it with no warning and all my wonderful Allergy Dr says is go over the counter. As IF that ever worked - I went nuts trying to find something that did anything. A water faucet is so much fun at work never mind the headache and all the other systoms. I finally took the list of what was in Allerx to a local CVS and the pharmasist & I went through ever cold & allergy pill in the place. Am now taking 3 different pills but like the rest of you I can't find anything that really totally dries up my nose. So super big THANK you for everyones helpful info. The only med of course that we can't find is the Methscopolaminte....
You can get it by it self, but I'm finding it's not working, because it's not a time release. I went to another allergist and they recommend Mucinex D OTC and a time release. Trying that next. I'm on nose sprays that do not help and now my ears are hurting. So sad that so many are suffering.
I hate to tell you all, but AlleRx (all forms) has been pulled. I contacted Adams, and they said it was pulled along with all other non-approved cold/allergy medications.
Basically, AlleRx was never approved by the FDA. It's been made by at least 2 different companies (Cornerstone, Adams, and possible Cooper). Then, a generic (VisRx) came out from Vision Pharma. The makers of (non-generic) AlleRx and VisRx got into a court fight over who was allowed to make it and if a generic was even legal. VisRx disappeared. AlleRx came back.
AlleRx just disappeared. The FDA's ruling happened in March 2011, but pharmacies still had and sold what was in their warehouses. Now those supplies are gone.
The most recent manufacturer of AlleRx replied to my inquiry and said that they do not know of any drug comparable to AlleRx (an antihistamine, decongestant, and anticholinergic). They also said that they have no plans to pursue FDA approval and have stopped production.
The FDA believes that there are already so many OTC and RX cold/allergy medications that all of the UNapproved meds were unnecessary and would get pulled.
I've been trying to find something that contains methscopolamine nitrate to no avail. My (new) pharmacist tried to give me Advil Allergy, which has methscopolamine in it, but I just looked at him and said "I don't have a headache. I don't need a painkiller."
You can find pseudoephedrine HCl, phenylpehrine HCl, and chlorpheniramine maleate in generic OTC form. I'm still searching for an anticholinergic, though...
Is there any good alternative to Methscopolamine Nitrate
It is the generic for AlleRx. I can no longer get either. VisRx was discontinued 2 yrs ago and AlleRx I was able to get until last month. I am now on the hunt for a replacement and have been reading all the suggestions. So thanks.
went to get my stahist refilled and now its off the market pharmacist dug for me and foud that they have reformulated dallery pe syrup! gonna cost me 120.00, god i pray it works as good as it did before. please all my fellow sinusitis sufferers talk to your pharmacists! god bless and may it stick around for a long time.
I stumbled on this discussion while also trying to solve this same horribly frustrating problem. BUT I discovered that methscopolamine bromide is available at my local Walgreen's, 30 pills for $10. I called my allergist and asked her to call in a Rx. Today I took one of those, one Chlor-Trimeton, and one Sudafed, and voila. I feel better than I have in weeks! Moral: you must be your own doctor.
Problem is with the medication they don't make is in the time release. I'm using a CVS brand that has two to three ingredients. I have to now take it every 4 hours.....
Wow, I am shocked... I too figured I wouldn't find anyone looking for this. You all gave me a lot of info to look into. I think I will look into the Methscopolamine Bromide you all mentioned first. My allergist had his receptionist call me and tell me to take Zyrtecinstead... I wonder if she even spoke to the doctor at all honestly. I'm glad I figured out what the ingredient was that actually finally helped me after 20+ years and now can't get. We will all keep trying! Thanks everyone.
Just an update on my experiments: today I tried a 12-hr generic Tavist (clemastine fumarate), a 12-hr Sudafed, and one of my 2.5 mg methscopolamine tablets. My best day yet this cedar season, and I don't have to worry about taking something every 4 hours. Good luck to all!
I just have another question. Are the Methscopolamine bromide tablets (Pamine) by prescription or over the counter?
Prescription. But the generic is cheap, and my allergist had no problem just calling it in.
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