Methotrexate Forums (Page 4)
Recently active Methotrexate forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Methotrexate and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.small round pink with m14 ## The pill you have is a Methotrexate sodium tablet (2.5 mg). It is manufactured by Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. NOTE: this pill is noted to be orange and not pink in the drug databases. Methotrexate is noted to be used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, severe psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. For dosage information, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, then please post back and I will be happy to help you.
folitrax side effects, good effects on long use, i have been recommended to take once a week followed by hifenac-p. let me know the effects plese, good and bad ## Common side effects while taking Methotrexate (ingredient in Folitrax) can include anemia, neutropenia, increased risk of bruising, nausea and vomiting, dermatitis and diarrhea. A small percentage of patients develop hepatitis, and there is an increased risk of pulmonary fibrosis. Methotrexate was originally used as part of combination chemotherapy regimens to treat many kinds of cancers. It is still the mainstay for the treatment of many neoplastic disorders including acute lymphoblastic leukemia. To learn more uses click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ##...
My wife has been advised to take ZEMPRED 14D. Dose HALF TABLET PER DAY FOR 20 DAYS,along with Methotrexate,[taken weekly twice. Can Zempred be taken on these two days also. or only on other five days. what could be the side effects and their implications.
UpdatedWhat if any herbal supplements can you take while on certain drugs? ## Vitamin D. I am not a person who ever thought that I would suggest vitamins over medicine. However, I had a friend tell me that Vitamin D really helped her so I tried it. I'm getting my hair back and am losing about 10 pounds a month without doing anything different with my diet. ## well .. if u r on certain drugs, i suggest u take a look at herbal medicines. Herbal remedies do not have ne side effects unless overindulged.
oval shaped yellow pill with "b" underscore "572" ## The oval yellow pill you have is a Methotrexate sodium tablet (2.5 mg). Methotrexate is noted to be used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, severe psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. For dosage information, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, then please post back and I will be happy to help you.
used for Authirtus ## methotrexate is used for arthritis and is a form of chemo. I take it once a week, and my RA is in remission most of the time ## I also take methotrexate once weekly (five small yellow pills) along with hydrochloriquine twice daily for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. Methotrexate in a much more potent dosage is a cancer drug. However, in the very low dosage used for RA, it helps by suppressing the immune system's response. A routine blood test is performed to ensure ill effects on the liver. ## That is correct, Methotrexate is used to treat both cancer and some auto-immune diseases. Common side effects can include: nausea, anemia, increased bruising and diarrhea. You can read more here: Are there any other questions?
small oval pill ## The small yellow pill you have is a Methotrexate sodium tablet (2.5 mg). Methotrexate is noted to be used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, severe psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. For dosage information, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, then please post back and I will be happy to help you.
I am a patient of RA for last 3 yrs and used to take Folitrax (7.5 mg per week) with HCQS (200 mg daily) along with Folvite (Folic acid). Recently (mid April to mid July 2009), I had a bout of fever associated with absolutely no other symptoms ( frequency 2 to 3 times a day peaking upto 102 F, when I had to take a paracetamol of 650 mg) . Detailed investigation (blood, USG of abdomen, CTscan of chest and abdomen, FNAC from liver) yielded nothing except presence of a few micro abcesses in the liver. The fever went off when the drugs I was being administered during the period of investigation were withdrawn (mid July 2009). Incidentally, RA drugs were stopped by the doctors in mid May 2009, in the initial stage of investigation. I am now (from mid July 2009) off the RA drugs as well as al...
I have been on 17.5 mg of methotrexate once a week for 20 years. After 2 rca stents 4 years ago, blood work showed VERY high colesterol...422...I have been on 80mg Zocor and have 6 month blood work for both methotrexate and colesterol. I did not seem to have a colesterol problem until 4 years (that I know of) and was curious if Methotrexate had any effect as far as raising colesterol. There is no family history of high colesterol. I am 5'2, weigh 98 lbs and 61 years old.. ## my husband has high Colesterol and his sex drive has gone completely he is taking tablets, can this be the cause?
Is the medication Methotrexate a steroid ? ## No, if falls under the DMARD category. (Disease Modifying Anti-Rhuematic Drug) ## I take that medication for lupus. It is also used as a cancer chemotherapy medication. It can cause your blood sugar to go high, especially if you are a diabetic, cause severe headache, and diarrhea. ## Metho is sytotoxic, it inhibits an enzyme that participates in the production of folate (related to Folic Acid). Methotrexate acts specifically during DNA and RNA synthesis. It has a greater toxic effect on rapidly dividing cells. Your doctor must have explained you need supplement with enough folic acid (as high as 2-10 mg at least 5 times a week) and B12, as well as antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals. I hope you are taking curcumin, quercetin, boswel...
Hi all, I'm interested in your opinions on this. I have MS.I also have rather severe Psoriasis. PA got pretty damn awful tbh. So I've went for Metho usage and I have Inter. as I mentioned. Now the concern , at the time, was my immune system being lowered, could potentially cause me to have another episode(MS progression).:/ But as I've said the pain was awful.Enough for me to risk further disability. Does anyone have any thoughts as to wether I should be worried besides what I've mentioned? ## No replies.:( it'm now upto 15mg of metho.I wanted to get the relief from psoriatic arthritis 7 days.That seems to be accomplished with no new symptoms. Fingers crossed.