Methotrexate Elevated Creatine Levels.
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Has anyone experienced an increase in their creatine level since taking Methotrexate or had any kidney damage as a result of taking this drug?
3 Replies
Welche Nebenwirkungen gibt es bei gleichzeitiger Einnahme von
- Methodrexat und Creatin
- Methodrexat und Glutamin
I've been on methotrexate for 4+ years and 40 mg humira. I gained a lot of weight and am still in a lot of pain. Why won't my rheumatology Dr give other kinds of pain meds?
Apparently, elevated levels have been known to occur with this medication, usually in the initial treatment phase and there are warnings that let doctor's know they should be monitoring patients for such an event.
It can cause kidney damage, in some cases. What has your doctor said about it?
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