Methanphine Miscarrage


I need a miscarrage an somebody told me "methanphine" (thats probably spelled wrong) would achieve that, what injections or pills are available for a miscarrage, what are the legal restrictions/statues on these drugs?

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Did you mean Methamphetamine? If so, no! That is a very dangerous drug and is not used to induce abortion.

Methamphetamine details here.

The most commonly used medication is Misoprostol, but it is only safe to use up to the third month.

Misoprostol details here.

I am not sure what the laws are where you live, so you may want to ask someone that would know, such as a pharmacist.

However, the safest option to end a pregnancy would be to see your doctor for medical assistance.

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Thanks but im in dire straits looking for other resources, im almost 5 weeks into it and there is already a bump that has grown alot, if i end up getting rid of it, will i need medical assistance to remove whats inside?

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