Methadone Withdrawal Symptoms When Switching From Methadone To Opana Er (Page 2)
UpdatedI am a 55 year old man, and I have been going to a Pain Management facility for lower back pain and now even chronic Osteoarthritic shoulder pain, and have been taking 60mg of Methadone every day (10mg tablets x 2 x 3 times a day -- morning, noon & night) for the past three years. Although I've been doing well on that regimen, perhaps out of more of a psychological concern over the known "qt" (heart) effects of the drug (rather than any "real" ones), I decided to ask my doctor if I could try Opana ER (20mg every 12 hours), which I had taken once before, for a short time, at another Pain Management facility, with great success. All I'm wondering are what the withdrawal effects might be (if any) of stopping the Methadone (60mg) on a Monday, and starting the Opana ER 40mg (in the two 20mg ER, 12 hour divided doses) the very next day on a Tuesday?
Hey Chet, first of all, thank you so much for your reply! Secondly, I definitely appreciate the information you gave me with regard to Tramadol! I know that, "knowledge is power," and any information which results in a reduction of pain, is always welcomed by anyone dealing with it! Yet it's also so coincidental that you mentioned "Tramadol," of all analgesics; because two of my closest friends down here in North Carolina, who I met shortly after arriving, both suffer from Fibromyalgia! They're a couple (man & woman), and the woman, who's 65 years old, hurts worse than the man she's with, to the point that sometimes she has to remain in bed UNTIL her Tramadol kicks in! She explained "two" things to me, when I told her how much better I thought she'd be on Methadone, which gave me a whole new point of view on the subject! She told me that she'd rather put up with the pain of Fibro, than deal with the "withdrawal symptoms" associated with Methadone! Alright; I could appreciate that; but secondly, to my surprise, she also taught me how Tramadol is more directly "engineered" for Fibromyalgia (like the adjacent piece of a puzzle) than Methadone could ever be! Interesting, isn't it? Yet better designed or not; Methadone is so powerful that even at its worst, it could still knock Fibro's pain right out of the ballpark!! You'd never even find the ball again!! That's the "one pill 'fits' all" idea behind Methadone! Yet of course, unless you're in pain beyond measure, you're absolutely right about the benefits of Tramadol! Now shifting gears here, Chet; kudos to you regarding your "rare" ability to tolerate withdrawal symptoms associated with almost any Opiate! The DoD might have an opportunity for you in one of its black ops projects! You never know! LOL!! Unfortunately, I'm one of those, "everyone's different," guys! Too bad, huh? Anyway, as an event which might just catch the eye of a number of "current" Methadone "withdrawers;" I have begun to do something, in my quest to be free from the drug, which has "already" proven successful! Beginning on 1/07/15, I began to reduce my intake of "60mg/day" of Methadone (10mg tablets -- 20mg/3-times/day) by 2.5mg less, at the last, "bedtime" dose: with NO withdrawal effects, whatsoever!! I find that reduction of the bedtime dose is most effective (even at the beginning), because you're asleep at the biggest potential point for any ill effects!! This is extremely important if a reduction cycle of one month (instead of six weeks) is desired to achieve each 2.5mg reduction of Methadone! It has worked for me with "virtually" NO withdrawal symptoms, whatsoever! If this encourages someone else out there who has otherwise given up on their dream of Methadone-free living; please let me know! Mutual encouragement is so extremely important to success!! (This is not for you, Chet, obviously; but you're not the only one reading this!) Well Chet; I've truly enjoyed responding to you; and the only other thing I'd like to say is simply that, NO other drug, that I know of, is capable of eliminating the withdrawal effects of Methadone, altogether! For me, I actually thought Opana would do the trick, because I was naive and listened exclusively to what my physician told me! Yet it could never happen in a million years!! Anyone who has used the drug, knows that! Doctors are beneficial, but they're trained to think, theoretically, instead of experiencially! Imagine what a profound effect they would have if each one of them had experience with the drug they prescribed! In our dreams, only, I guess, huh? Be well, Chet! Take care! Bye.
Hey, Melissa! Hi! I am soooo glad you finally responded!! Fantastic!! Just so you know, dear, Post 19 had been specifically for you, originally! It was a response to your first message! You bet; I would love to chat with you!! Please DO DEFINITELY respond, once you get "this" text; and we'll talk! Sound good? I'm soooo looking forward to it!! Hope we'll be talking, soon! Take care!
Hey Glenn. Im not so sure I can believe this Chet guy. Not ever saying someone is a liar but methadone withdrawl for me is literally so bad that I do believe I would take my life. I don't know what will happen if I ever lose my insurance. As for the tramadol posts. Once you are on methadone nothing else will ever be the same. Ive taken tramadol. And believe it or not, you get some pretty crappy withdrawls from that too. Nothing once again compares to methadone. What is weird is that everyone DOES handle it differently so Chet could really feel that way. Only because my husband years ago did the same thing. He had been on 95mgs and cold cut quit one day. He could've gone in and dosed for 13 days but didn't. I couldn't believe it. He just laid on the couch with no sleep for months. The first 22 days was simply hell but he still handled it so well unlike me. But he has schizophrenia and I believe because he is not all there in the head, That gave him an ability not to be focusing on the withdrawls. I will never know but I do know that it has been proven for whatever reason that methadone withdrawl is worse for women. I have also come down from 250mgs to 140mgs throughout a period of 2 years. And you are right about that being the best way to do it. BUT. Once I got this low, I started feeling uncomfortable and I cant seem to go any further. Atleast not now. I figure no matter how long it takes, just concentrate on going down 2mgs at a time whenever you are comfortable enough to do so. And also. I know doctors would say no but if you can at all I would put some away for emergency. If I wasn't on liquid and I could put any away, I would. Im always so pyranoid. Like what if a tornado wipes out the city and the clinic? LOL Stuff like that. Or theres a problem with insurance. Being at the clinic for 10 years now I have seen many unfortunate people get kicked off their methadone cold for many reasons. Most had to go to H because there simply was no choice. Trurthfully if I could and didn't have a daughter, I would. Because once getting hooked on it, I feel it would be way easier to quit due to the short life of it. 3-5 days usually. But once your body has been used to heavy opiates for sooo long, I just don't think theres any going back for most and that includes me. It makes me sad cause I do believe Im stuck on it. My emotions are dulled from it. No libido. It definitely makes me lazy. I know that sounds funny but absolute true. I couldn't even go the 3 days off methadone to switch to suboxone. But I wouldn't recommend that for most because what if there was an emergency and you had to go to the hospital. You couldn't get any pain meds or it would make you sick. What if your arm was ripped off you know. This maybe all stupid thinking but Its just what I have come to thru years of this and researching for a miracle cure. Which I am so hopeful they will invent someday. And I am Christian also and hope Jesus helps me thru it too. How long did you have to wait that time you were switched to opana in withdrawl before you got your methadone back.?
Dear Melissa, you won't believe this, but it's nonetheless true! Ever since I received your message on the 3rd of February, I must have attempted to reply to you on no less than seven different occasions! (Maybe more!) I know I shouldn't act like this when composing a casual message; but I consider myself to be a writer by "gift," and when I say something, I like it to sound good! Yet obviously in this case, I set my standards, too high!
There were even times when I took so long to write something, that I fell asleep! Later, when I checked out what I wrote, all I saw were strange looking characters, and jumbled words! Yet I was tremendously grateful that in my unconscious state, I hadn't hit the "Send" button! You might have thought it was funny, but I would've been three shades of red, and then who knows what you would have thought of me! Oh God! I hope I'm not making a fool of myself, now!
Melissa, seriously, I want you to know that I'm enormously ashamed of myself and ask for your forgiveness; but if you have it in your heart to give me another chance, I promise, I'll remember that I'm not being graded, and will respond much sooner!! (A lot sooner!!)
Alright, so here we go! I'd like to address everything you touched upon in your last message to me--your fears and concerns. But first allow me to answer the last question you asked, at the very end of your message: "How long did it take me to get the Methadone back after I switched to Opana?" (Incidentally, it's not that important unless you're actually on it; but the specific opiate I took was called: Opana "ER." You know, the long lasting one.)
Well believe it or not, I switched to Opana ER on "two" separate occasions, only because it took me until the second try to figure out what the problem was! After the third day on it, I would experience tremendous discomfort; but didn't know why! Being as "brilliant" as I am, I concluded that Opana ER was too strong for me! It never crossed my mind that I just might be in the throes of Methadone withdrawal! But to answer your question, after reporting these effects to my doctor, the "first" time (and this was already my third day on it); by the fifth, I was already back on the Methadone! BUT HERE'S A DEADLY SERIOUS CAVEAT FOR YOU, OR ANYONE ELSE "RETURNING" TO A "REGULAR" DOSE OF METHADONE, AFTER HAVING BEEN OFF IT FOR AWHILE! PLEASE BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL HOW YOU RENEGOTIATE YOURSELF BACK ONTO IT!! I TOOK IT A LITTLE TOO QUICKLY (EVEN JUST WHAT I HAD BEEN ON) AND MY HEART BEGAN TO BEAT VERY IRREGULARLY!! I BELIEVE THAT HAD I BEEN ASLEEP, I MIGHT HAVE DIED!! SO TAKE HEED!!
Well by the second time that I tried Opana ER, two years had gone by! I was also with a new physician, a nicer one; but I really felt I knew enough in knowledge and perseverance to make it work, this time! Yet once again, even with "both" opiates in my system this time (Opana ER and OxyCodone) they still couldn't overcome the Methadone in my system; but because of some bad circumstances this time, it took me a whole week to get back on the Methadone! I'll never do it again!!
Now Melissa, with regard to all of the "nightmarish" scenarios you described to me in your message; where "suddenly" either or both of us, might find ourselves out on the street, out of the program, void of insurance (for whatever reason): governmental decree (as in a change of rules, entitlement, new legislation, etc.); natural disaster; as in a flood, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, volcano?; or even your doctor has an accident, the facility closes (goes bankrupt), so now you have to drive much further away; or even something as ridiculous as a mixup of paperwork (I'm sure it can happen); or whatever other horrifying scenario life can throw at us; exclusions caused by sickness; or for that matter; ANYTHING AT ALL!! I'm sorry, Melissa; have you passed out yet in fear? LOL!!
All said, as far as the foregoing is concerned; you and I, Melissa, have a choice to make! Which "voice" are you going to listen to? Are you going to listen to the voice of fear and panic, where you fill your mind with the news of the day, or think about everything I just mentioned before; "OR" are you going to "trust" in the "Only One" Who loves you, beyond measure, and has the POWER to keep you from ALL harm and calamity?!! I know Who I'm going to trust!! He's the One Whom I invited into my heart back in 1988, called the Lord Jesus Christ! Did you know, Melissa, that for a "genuine" Christian, it's a "sin" to worry? That's right; a sin! BUT, thanks be to God; because of the Lord Jesus Christ, NONE of your sins are being counted against you!! Isn't that awesome news?!!
But wait a second! I said, a "genuine" Christian has no reason to worry! So what's a "genuine" Christian? Melissa, for your sake, and for anyone else who may be reading this, please allow me to go over a few basics, so no one wonders what a "genuine" Christian is, alright?
God doesn't complicate this for us, or want to complicate this for us, because He wants everyone to know how to make it into His Kingdom! In other words, how to get "Saved!" He loves us more than anyone could possibly know or understand; and beyond what anyone will EVER deserve!! That's powerful!!
So as I asked, Melissa, please allow me to provide a short synopsis of what it means to become a "genuine" Christian! As I said, no one knows who else may read this; and even just for yourself, a fresh review can always be helpful! So here we go! These are the "simple" steps by which "anybody" may come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior!
(1) A person may arrive at a point in their life where they come to understand who they "really" are from "God's" perspective. A wretched sinner, hopeless, and who even by doing nothing, is by "default" headed straight for an eternal destination where they will be separated from God in a horrible, tormenting place; originally created for the devil and his angels (demons), referred to as the Lake of Fire!
But if they can reach the point where they can admit to Jesus (God) and themselves of who they "really" are, in God's sight (perspective); as mentioned above; then they will have taken the very first and most difficult step to become a fresh and spiritually clean child of the living God: the Lord Jesus Christ!
**Believe it or not, a person's pride is sometimes a major hindrance to being able to take this first step!
(2) The next step in becoming a "genuine" born again Christian, is to come to an understanding of Who Jesus Christ is and why He came to the Earth! To accomplish what? So this means to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the second "Person" of the "Triune" God-head, making Him exactly the same as God! But He came to Earth in the form of a man; while also as existing fully as God! Jesus Christ lived a perfect (sinless) life (in our place) and took upon Himself the sins of the entire world (including our own sins) and then died on the cross (in our place) as a "substitutionary" death to pay the "sin debt" for "all" mankind!
(3) So now, once a person has admitted they're a sinner, and understands Who Jesus Christ was in the flesh, and what He came to the Earth to do; he or she now accepts by faith, for themselves, that vicarious death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, three days later (as witnessed by more than five hundred people), as full and complete payment for his or her own sin debt!
(4) And then, this same person, invites the "risen" Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Holy Spirit) to come into his or her own heart as their personal Lord and Savior and thanks the Lord Jesus Christ for coming into their hearts and Saving them, and making them into a brand new creature in Christ! A "child of God!"
They may now refer to themselves as a "born again/Spirit-filled child of God!" It's a time for rejoicing as also witnessed by a gradual degree of change for the better in their lives, referred to as "Regeneration!" But this happens little by little and at different rates for all different people, as they read God's Word, the Holy Bible, pray to God, and attend church with other children of God. The more a person does these things, and relies on God to mature them; the more they will grow up in their Salvation!
So with this in mind, Melissa (and I went through these steps for anyone else who might be reading this); a "genuine" Christian need never worry about what "might" happen to them by sheer happenstance! Their lives are hidden with Christ in God and "NOTHING can ever separate them from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord! I hope this helped you, Melissa!
Now, returning to my original point, Melissa; if you can agree with God's definition of what a "genuine" Christian is; then when it comes to the kind of fear we all face, you "are" ALSO the "blessed" recipient of ALL of God's beautiful and precious promises and blessings that He has made for you--as His beloved and very special child! And without getting into all of them (which I just couldn't do here), I'll mention the one which seems to sum them all up! And that would be: Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (KJV)
So then what would all this mean to two born again Christians who are hooked on Methadone, for the time being? Well for one thing, it means that we "don't" live in the "what-if," world! "What if this happens? What if that happens?" "IF" God "allows" you to go through something, or to "bear up" under it, Melissa; then that event or circumstance will be under nothing but the control of our Heavenly Father: the Lord Jesus Christ!
Can I take something you said, Melissa, and prove what I'm saying through scripture? Absolutely! Toward the beginning of your last email, you said: "Not ever saying someone is a liar but methadone withdrawl for me is literally so bad that I do believe I would take my life." Now Melissa, think about it; "suicide" would be a "temptation," wouldn't it? And don't get me wrong! I, too, [in the "flesh"] have had the exact same thought concerning the "fear" of "what if" I couldn't get anymore Methadone? It's a realistic fear! I'm not saying otherwise; but here's where "faith" comes in and is SO important!
Look what 1 Corinthians 10:13 says:
"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." (KJV)
Now take what you said, Melissa, and apply it to that verse (and "promise"). How does it change the outcome? Well, "suicide" would be the "temptation," brought about by your inability to deal with the withdrawal effects of either insufficient or no Methadone, right? "But God..." (and if I ended the sentence right there, with just those "two" words, you'd "still" have your answer!) But read what it says below, dear:
"God isn’t a mere human. He can’t lie. He isn’t a human being. He doesn’t change his mind. He speaks, and then he acts. He makes a promise, and then he keeps it." Numbers 23:19 (NIRV)
In the above senario, where you "feared" not being able to get your hands on more or enough Methadone; this is what God would do!
He would make certain that you were either able to obtain more of it; or He would "supernaturally" enable you to deal with it so that the thought of suicide would never even enter your mind! Personally, I think He would simply enable you to get more; but that's my own thought. What I do know is that the situation would definitely work out in your favor! In that you could be sure!
So the way you deal with all the fears that the devil throws at you; is through "faith!" Fear and faith cannot "both" live in you at the same time! Remember that!
Well this has been super-duper long; but I hope it helped you, Melissa! Yet all of this is ONLY AVAILABLE to the born again Christian--the ONLY true Christian there is!
Very quickly, Melissa; did you notice they didn't permit you to give me your email address? Well I encountered this problem once before, and I assure you; they have excellent reasons NOT to permit that sort of thing because of some big problems they used to have with "abusers" on the website!
Yet, since I've been on the website for awhile, and they granted me access, along with someone else once before; they "may" allow it again; but I can't be 100% sure! They really are a very decent group of people and they probably would allow us to exchange addresses if we asked. So let me just find out first from you, Melissa. Would you be "willing" to exchange our email addresses if the good folks at MedsChat were to allow it? I only ask because "I" certainly would and you expressed an interest in doing so, yourself, once before! Melissa, please see message number 14, and click on the highlighted link, if you would like to. Either way (whether you contact them in the meantime, or write back to me telling me what you'd like to do), I'll await your decision. Okay?
You take care, Melissa; and I assure you: in the future, I will take no longer than a day or so to respond to you (of course pending MedsChat's review of the message, itself; unless we can contact one another, another way! Be well, Glenn
I'm actually going thru the same thing now and I hope this helps other people going or thinking of going thru the methadone kick. Ive tried cold turkey with exception of otcs and hell starting 48 hours in. Was on 140-160mg of methadone. For five years. This time I found a doc who was willing to help. Anyway I said im gonna do it..the cold turkey was almost unbearable and torture. No sleep hot/cold. Super sensitivity. Whole body hurts nonstop. Can't get comfortable. Nausea. other stomach issues.. SO NOW the new doc wrote me opana er and a good benzo and anti depressant. AND let me just say a huge difference stomach hurts but day 3/4 and im up dri kin coffee and tv and.I feel hope like this might happen this time. So guys in my opinion mmt is good but for short time like monthish or two and get off it...get a doc who cares if I can and try tbis and there is hope. i know i got a long road ahead and i'll keep u guys posted.. good luck to u and be safe.... off to get a doc if I can.
He's not a junkie he's asking about switching to Opana which is a strong narcotic and stopping methadone, He's not at a clinic, The Opana will stop the methadone withdrawals, trust me I know before my pain doc I was on 320mg of Done a day.
Hey guys, this is kage and tbought i would,check in..i am on day 23 and i think i got this 23 dAys no methadone after close,to five years of 140-160 mg of,,staRting,to,cut back on,opana now taking,20mg 4times a day and nexf week less..also less klonopin..still sick in the am wakiing up with,meds out,of,system i usually throw up and sneeze immediately and feel real bad..untill meds kick it can be done dont,give up .methadone is evil and i know someone is gonna see this and be in same,situation so keep trying and power thru it..u need help and it is oit there...goodluck and be safe
Methadone wds are nothing I've kicked methadone in my youth behind bars at least 6 times every time I kicked on doses over 200mg a day, Oxy or opiate withdrawals are far worse, The thing with methadone is it can take months to Feel even slightly normal again, shorter acting opiates have brutal wds but after 5-6 days your off it, I've been on methadone on and off for 15 years always at doses over 200mg a day, now I am missing disks, DDD, Sciatica, OsteoAuth, 3 Herniated and I take 3 10mg methadone tablets 3xdaily along w oxycodone 30mg 3x daily klonopin 2mg 3 x daily, Flurazepam 30mg at bedtime and Tizanidine 6mg 3x daily and I just switched from patch fentynl 100mcg every 48hrs brand name to the methadone and back every six months, keeps you from building a tolerance to any one med, as long as doctor gives you proper conversion you will have no withdrawals switching from methadone to any other narcotic, they all are opiates and all fill your opiate receptors, Methadone just has a really long half life 40-240 hrs depending on each person's metabolism, if you feel bad while converting go to doc and tell him and if he's a good doc he will compensate to make it smooth, Its not bad at all, my back pain is worse than withdrawals, suck it up it will be OK.
Dear Melissa. way is guaranteed the best to minimize withdrawal like i said was,on methadone 140-160mg atleast for most of,four years and quitting wasnt A option untill,got a good doc. Try a sub clinic,and explain your on done and need help and ask about the transition. .they hardly do it but if u keep searching for,doc someone will help. Started me,on 30mg opana er 3 times a day and kpins 2mg,4times a day. And neurotin and anti depressant..was scared cuz couldnt handle cold turkey was on day 24 and down to op 20s and less benzo..but im,so,amazed that withdrawal is at about 15-20percent i can work and function,and feel,good somedays.ive tried everything from kratom to oxycodone to loritab and otcs..i know im trading,,one,for,another but so much easier to,beat opiate and,or,suboxin..subutek..than mdone which,drags out,for 30-60days thats just the psyical...any question juzt ask
This is not a Bible session to your Ex Girlfriend, Man!! I would hate to be sitting next to you at a family reunion! You just jabber on and on and on and on, I think you took a wrong right at Google, Nobody in this blog setting cares about you trying to get a women back, And Opana Er is Oxymorphone Extended Release , Its much more potent than methadone by far only there's something called Bio Availability , When you swallow tablet like I had to swallow all that corny apologizing and born again crap, (I'm Roman Catholic BTw so its not I'm atheist just wrong place for it) You only get 40% of the Opana into your bloodstream, So injectable or supository you would get 100% All drugs have a bio availability. Again this is not church or a dating service, "You can listen to two voices" Rol!!!! Yeah take that somewhere else and that was pathetic. Have a blessed Day:)
First of all, thank you Carla, I appreciate the kind words; but secondly, I have a MAJOR concern that's really been upsetting me! Today is September 16, 2015, and not just because I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos predicting horrible events to come this month; but the "general" thought I've been having is: what happens if there is some horrendous event in September (or at anytime, for that matter), which makes it virtually impossible to obtain Methadone through ordinary channels? How would anyone be able to deal with that? I mean, for instance, I'm legally disabled because of my back, and I'm on Medicare. So if the electronic infrastructure were to collapse (i.e. the Internet, computers, banking, etc), how would people on Methadone be able to handle it if we couldn't get the drug? I do NOT want to commit suicide for fear of where I'd go; but how would anyone on Methadone be able to deal with the withdrawal symptoms, anyway? The scenario scares me, a lot!! Any ideas or suggestions aside from prayer? I already know about that.
I'm glad both of u are doing a little better, but u guys should get a room lol,or meet and have a nice dinner
I also have spinal stenosis, herniated discs, with the addition of interstitial cystitis *just to name a few of the chronic pain conditions I have been diagnosed with. My body started falling apart when I was 22, it was after u weaned my daughter from breastfeeding for 11 mo. So, with so many different specialists needed, and everything just popping up at once, I was sent to pain management. They started me in fentanyl patches 37.5mcg with morphine 10 for breakthrough. I did this regime for 4:mo before I nearly died from accidental overdose* (July heat did not mesh with the old gel durogesic patches) I got scared, quit cold Turkey and within 6 hrs I had severe cramps, not rls or the cramps that make me want to jump around or walk when I'm sleeping, I'm talking rock hard thigh muscles cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, cold chills, ptsd flashbacks, and the worse hallucinations that were more real than on any hallucinogenic drug I've ever taken. It was 3 days of intense hell, after 4 mo of PAWS, (which o didn't know what PAWS was back then) and of course, uncontrolled pain, I found another doctor. For 5 yrs I stayed stable on Roxi 15. But then they were in shirt supply. And thus begins MY personal battle to treat my chronic pain without making my addictive personality get the better of me. Pharmacists stopped filling my script about two years later. Not because I had done any ring wrong, no dr shopping, no failed drug panels, no selling my pills, I was using everything how it was meant for me by my doctors, but her in GA, USA it's the pharmacists discretion to fill my script. I don't look sick, therefore I'm not sick, therfore fill your script somewhere else. The whole time I'm thinking 'I was on fentanyl in my 20s but I don't look sick enough at 30s for roxi 15 (I had managed to decrease my dose by then! On my own, to keep the smallest amount working. The only thing more frustrating then 12 pharmacists refusing to fill my script is being on such a high dose of pain meds, like fentynyl (-even 12.5mcg is a lot, don't fool yourselves over the micrograms like I did) that a flare up of pain is completely untreatable by an ER. So, I finally just went to a methadone clinic like adicts. I do have an addictive personality and taking meds every 4 hours for years and years so that I can live my life definitely was ignorant as a long term treatment. I should have at least had extended releases. I was on 65 mg methadone a day, which was the first time in more than a decade that I only took medicine for pain once a day, I went 4 mo without an ER visit, and didn't miss out on any plans, work, or play/ responsibilities with my kids due to pain. I say was became now the clinic has cut my dose to 55mg because I take klonopin for the muscle spasms. My life is just like before, pain uncontrolled. Through research I learned that methadone is used up more quickly in the body when the body is actually hurting it, which will put you in the beginings of withdrawal from methadone. Stress on your body can also speed up the use of your dome by your body. Steroids (the dose pack) actually does cause all of your symptoms and is probably 90% of the problem. I told you my battle stories to assure you that I have detoxed from many different opiates over the years and also discovered that I have a steroid intolerance. The tremors-hands shake like too much caffeine, can't sleep, nauseated, crampy, irritable, all of those are z pack related. It's actually medically too soon to have those symptoms from the change from methadone to opana. I say that because methadone does not peak in your body until 3 consecutive days of dosing. And all the info I have found said that wd from 'dome don't peak until 3-7 days. The first 24 hrs after missing a dose, your body still has methadone in it. Generally until day 3 you still have methadone in your body. And that is why methadone can be so dangerous. The effects so delayed that ppl keep taking other meds but tge dome kicks in and - bam- overdose. Opana xr is extended release, too. Instead of kicking super high in 4 hours or DYING because of the oxy's a nerve pill or hot tea is what you needed to take the edge off the steroids. Plus, I forgot to point out the other part to methadone. It's still in your body, which means it's still blocking, yes blocking!, the effects of other opiates. You will probably be much happier with your new regime because you will no longer be taking a medication that blocks the others. I'm sure you had some effects from the pain meds through the dome, but definitely not the maximum be nifty that may sneak up on you as the dome clears out. I have swapped from methadone to perc 10x2 4x day due to an emergency medical problem and the only thing I noticed was diarrhea, but that could have been tylenol. I can go a day without methadone easily if I'm not in any pain. There are charts that compare different opiates to each other to try to equate doses.
Methadone is absolutely not the most powerful opiate available. It hits on two platforms you say, actually it blocks on the second platform. Taking doses three times a day, I've never heard of this way of dosing because methadone does not wear off in 4 hours (the long half life is correct); dosing twice in a day is only recommended in cases where your metabolic process of methadone causes it to wear off in less than 24 hours. Otherwise, the methadone taken in the morning blocks the methadone taken at midday which fills those receptors more to block the last dose if the day. A long half life is preferable to many because it gives time to stabilize as apposed to constantly going in pain and out of pain. Up and down. 60 mg is the dosage recommended by the board that issues methadone dispensary licensee as the dose that completely blocks other receptors from the effects of all other opiates. While I have experienced additional pain relief from taking percocet while on 65 mg once a day, it was a shock to me and my counselor and dramatically less of an effect than if I had taken percocet as my primary pain control and hydrocodone as back up. That is how methadone overdoses happen. The effect of opiates or pain control can not be obtained is because methadone is blocking it, but it still depresses your breathing, raises your level of dependance, which causes worse withdrawal without ever feeling a reason for withdrawal. Your dr was shamefully misinforming you. I'm glad you didn't overdose with this info. However, sharing misinformation is very dangerous. You stated the dr was concerned about heart effects that happen as a result of "methadone abuse", it sounds like this dr knew his prescribing method was considered abusing the drug. Taking a medication is not synonymous with abusing it.
Methadone takes a long time to come off of. But not violent illness. Certain opiates can have a violent withdrawal that you would not even be able to get yourself to the dr, let alone type on the computer. It may or may not take away your pain or withdrawal. Oh, and most opiate patients who end up in an ER wait painfully as they are poked and prodded and even the most experienced nurses cannot find an access point to veins inflamed by intravenous use. You will not get sick from taking opiates with suboxone, the suboxone simply blocks the effects of other opiates. No reward = no more seeking other opiates. The rate at which your body adjusts to the dose for methadone or suboxone is also much slower than any legal opiate.
opana is an opioid therefore the withdrawals he will feel will be minimal at worst. he will be fine and probably feel a little better considering he is using these drugs for pain management and not simply withdrawal management. what you described is a cold turkey withdrawal which is completely different from simply switching from one opioid to the other. he will be fine especially when he stabalizes his dose.
Hi i just read these posts...i need some help..i have a fractured left acetebulum and broken left pelvis 3 fractured ribs n a puctured lung with back issues also from a drunk driver head on collision..this happened in 2005...I've been on methadone since then with in creased and decreased mg. Just switch ed to opana er 7.5 mg twice a day. with vicoden 5mg for break thru...from methadone 15mg a day which was tappered down from 30mg a day. On my 3rd day of opana...feeling not myself. Has anyone survived this switch....please help...thank you
Hi Glenn, I do sympathize with your situation. Ironically, I'm in the opposite position, making plans to detox from opana ER, with percocet and soma for break through pain, by starting methadone. From my experience, withdrawals from opana (cold turkey, on your on without medical intervention) is excruciatingly painful and dangerous as well. Furthermore, opana and percocet has proved to be a dead end for me. I should say, I don't get a high or spoken of euphoria, from opiates, never have. I would have to take an extreme overdose to feel a thing. I just get a minimal to no relief of pain. Unfortunately, it is a dead end as all medications for pain relief that lead to physical tolerance, dependence, and finally the gray line of addiction. I wanted off of all narcotics several years ago and used suboxone on and off for about two year. Functionally, I declined, and was then just dependent on the suboxone, so went back on opiates. Now I've hit the dead end again, needing more than what is acceptable, thus, am considering methadone, because one of my doctors has a patient whose history is similar to mine and has found methadone as a life changer. I would appreciate any further information you can provide me regarding you experience on methadone, before I have to make this decision. I'm sorry to sound negative on the use of opana; it was my lifesaver for a good period of time, until, as typical, it reversed to causing more problems than benefit. I wish you the best on your journey of seeking pain relief.
I do not understand the current fad amongst US docs for prescribing methadone for chronic pain; it is the most accumulative lipid-soluble opioid known and is much more addictive, with a massive half-life, than any other including diamorphine and dextromoramide with far worse and much longer-lasting withdrawal syndrome. In my opinion it should be reserved solely in 1mg/1mL and 10mg/1mL mixture form for the maintenance of opiate therapy and certainly NOT as a substitute for much superior and easier to control analgesics such as Endo Opana (there are generics but none worth even considering as an alternative), diamorphine HCl powder whether taken IM or IN, dipipanone, or dextromoramide (Palfium) which sadly now is limited to the Netherlands since being withdrawn in Ireland. I currently use oxycodone, weaker but effective in the correct dosage, but were the Endo product available in the UK would for sure use that in a rotation with those 'd' Rx drugs mentioned, which are the best alternatives. Having only tried Opana once I can say thst on that occasion I preferred it to both dipipanone and dextromoramide - which is just that bit too 'euphoric' & sedating. I am afraid that there is no magic wand to wave for your problem, which has everything to do with methadone's propensity to remain in the system for unfeadibly long periods; I do assure you Opana is the better analgesic but you have no choice but to wait out the elimination of that horrible drug from your body. THEN and only then, (after a month or so rather than the normal complete opioid withdrawal of 8 days) will you realise you are now on a much more effective painkiller with hardly a single side effect compared to methadone, which should NEVER be prescribed in your circumstances. Best of luck, you will get through this faster than it feels and appreciate your new medicine. DO NOT USE OPANA ER - STICK TO IR FORMULATION ON qds BASIS! (Only Global Pharma's generic ER is any worth and you will require around 15-20% higher dosage to compensate for lower quality than Opana IR).
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