Methadone Stopped My Periods (Page 8)
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Can any of the women out there tell me if taking methadone stopped thier periods? I have been on methadone for 4 years now and as soon as I went over 35mg it completely stopped and It has not come back since. I am on 60mg now. I did get lowered to 30 mg at one time years ago and it started right up again. Does anyone know if this might be dangerous? I have asked my doctor at the meth clinic and she stated its nothing to be concerned about because I wanted to know if I should be taking something to make it start and she said no, but for some reason it seems that it just does not sound good for a natural process to stop like that and not have it do any harm. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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I started ovulation tests 2 days ago and i'm going to try them for a month or so and see if anything happens! I have a gyno appt. tuesday and i'm hoping he'll have some answers! I'm 26 and have no children, and let me tell you i have baby fever BAD!! haha my husband is 30 and also has no children so we are hoping to get this straightened out soon. I am hoping I dont have to come off the methadone but i will if i have to. One of the nurse's at the clinic said a lot of girls get pregnant when they lower their dose and begin losing weight. I've put on 50lbs since starting methadone! I'm starting weight watchers and have already lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks so maybe this will help? I will let you guys know what i hear from the gyno! WISH ME LUCK!

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Have you or anyone else done ovulation tests for a month straight? I did & I didn't ovulate at all. Im only 30 & I'd still like to have one more child maybe.

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It is all definately related to the methadone. All of my hormones are normal. I went to the specialist and they did many tests. Now I am being put on a pill for 10 days that will hopefully bring my period on. We will see.

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this is so crazy. i'm on 110mg of methadone. I've been on the mmt program for 9 months now and I have had one period. I have had all kinds of bloodwork done and my gyno can't figure out whats wrong with me why im not having a period. LOL well now i know!

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sorry but i ve been on for 2 yrs and still have both those problems ive gained so much weight put i can only go to the bathroom when i use suppositiries. and it suxs

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Omg! I've never had to deal with or have I ever heard of anyone that has had to deal w constipation this bad! I've tried everything except go to my family doctor. I guess I'm just kinda embarrassed to go in. I also crave a lot of sweets but I force myself to eat a lot of fiber which doesn't even help. Ive only been going to the clinic for 4 months. I was hoping this issue would go away soon:(

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I am 33 and been on methadone 85mg for 3 1/2 yrs. Period stopped 1st mnth in. My joints ache, especially upon waking or after inactivity. My feet are always a bit swollen, I crave sweets when I never used to. My lower back is usually stiff and sore. My mouth gets dry at night and the constipation is a pain. Anyone else hav same symptoms? This sucks.

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I am going to a hormone specialist next week, so maybe I will have more accurate information on the subject. Since my periods stopped, I had my hormones checked by my doctor and I do have some hormones that are at a very low level, which relates to my period being absent. I will hopefully know more next week and find out if it is definately methadone related.

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As the same as you stated, ive been legally going to the methadone clinic for almost 8 months now and since then, ive gone months without it and then randomly ill have it, and then not for a couple more months. Ive been told methadone does affect that, but not sure why that would affect it. If anyone knows any legitimate infortmation, please contact me on email --> thank you much :-)

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I actually went up to 160ml during my pregnancy. As you become farther along in your pregnancy you will feel that you need to raise your dose. My pregnancy was perfectly fine and normal. I did have to have an emergency c-section but that had nothing to do with the methadone. It was because she would not turn and her head became stuck torward my pelvic bone. She had the biggest cone head they ever seen. Anyway, she did have to stay in the hospital an extra week because the nurses believed that she was showing signs of withdrawl. She also ended up being colickie (not sure how to spell). But, that also had nothing to do with the methadone. Now she is perfectly healthy and is 1 1/2yrs. She already knows more words than is suggested for her age, she knows her colors and we are working on numbers. She is very intelligent. It is completely random weather or not your baby will show signs of withdrawl. The lower the dose (below 80), the better the chances of no withdrawl. However, that is not always completely true. Hope this helps..I did alot of research on this and asked alot of questions to my doctors and nurses.

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Im on 45mg of methadone daily. Im not ready to get off the methadone but would love to have another child. How was your pregnancy and childbirth? Was the baby fussy? If so, how long? Did u nurse? Thank you for any help u can give.

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Sweetpea - Yes, I know of a couple that was using heroin and she became pregnant so they both decided to get clean and signed up to the local methadone clinic. She had a healthy baby girl, and the baby didn't go through any withdrawls. Her daughter is 21 months and she is pregnant again. Her and her husband are both on methadone. She hasn't had her baby yet but she is about 7 months pregnant and so far so good.

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You are not alone! Ive been on methadone for nearly 2 yrs and my periods are all out of whack! some months i dont have one at all and some months its super heavy and lasts forever! like now i have been bleeding for 2 weeks and its SO heavy and clotty! I've thought i had a miscarriage a few times because i'd miss a couple periods then all of a sudden have blood clots the size of my hand! its all because of the 'done ...anyone know of any couples that have gotten pregnant when both are on methadone?

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I became addicted to pain pills from a surgery that I had, then I found out that I was pregnant. It was to my understanding that is was safer for me to be on methadone than to abruptly stop taking pills. Anyway, I had a healthy baby girl and I breast fed. I thought that was the reason why I wasn't getting my period. It has been a year and a half since I had her and a year since I stopped nursing and I still have not gotten my period. I went to my GYN and they are in the process of testing my hormones among other things. So far I have found out that 2 different hormones ranked very low. Which could explain why I am not as interested in sex and the nurse also told me with this specific hormone being low it could also reduce my chances of getting pregnant. My doctor told me that there is 8% or 14% (not sure which one she said) of woman who do not get their period on methadone and it is completely safe. My GYN is setting me up with an appointment to see a specialist about the whole situation. I am 34 and I would like to have one more child within the next year or two.

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omg im not alone.Im 30 and havnt had my period in 7 years.On methadone for pain.havnt been able 2 get pregnant so i stopped dating.depressed anxious. against docs orders lowered the methadone from 80mlg to 40 to 50. hav had my period for a week and a half. does this happen with other pain meds. been tellin my"doctors bout no period and they say its prob stress".

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i am on 110 mg now and my period comes and goes i havent had it in a long time now i got it a couple weeks ago and it wont stop im worried i was just wondering if u learned anything. i sted bleeding 2 weeks ago and it wont stop

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I have been on methadone for 1yr and have not got my period at all!!!! does anyone know if u can still get pregnant if your not having a period, some things i have read say if there is no blood there is no ovulation, im confused/worried, scared i cant get pregnant and i dont know whats going on inside of me that i am not getting my period, i lot on methadone pregnant and after i delivered my son i havent got my period since. 60mg daily and no spotting or anything??????

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my joints have never been this bad, talk about bad arthritis in my knees, my legs are so stiff, i can hardly get up in the mornings and my lower back is very sore when i lie down then try to get up.

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I have been on methadone for 6 years now, and have had maybe a handful of periods. I was very concerned in the beginning and asked other patients and some had gone through the same thing. As the one girl said, it does not affect ovulation though, because I became pregnant with my second little guy on the methadone. Unfortunately, not having a period made it very tricky to calculate how far along I was.

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your not kidding, my joints have never been this bad, talk about bad arthritis in my knees, my legs are so stiff, i can hardly get up in the mornings and my lower back is very sore when i lie down then try to get up. I feel so old im 43 this year. The methadone has just rotted my joints/body i htthink. not to mention ive put on 40 pounds which is making me depressed cuz im huge now.

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