Methadone Is Not Working The Way I Thought It Would
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I've been going to the clinic now for a little over a month and my current dose is 100mg a day. I'm going up another ten tomorrow. I have had no luck with getting to a dose that works all day. I hear people always saying how great it works and how it fixes everything but thats not the story for me. I go in around 8am and from 9-4 I do ok I guess I'm somewhat happy and upbeat able to deal with life and want to be a productive member of society but mid afternoon comes around and everything seems to turn to s*** I start becoming kept to myself and just depressed. By 8 pm I just want to go lock myself in my room and knock myself out with tylenol pm. It doesn't seem to matter what my dose level is everything I just said has been exactly the same since my 1st day. And I've tried the nurses suggestions as far as the no caffine or vitamin c. I even bought tagment cause they said it would slow down the methadone metabolizing...well it hasn't and I'm really sick of just going higher and higher with no solution cause the higher I go the worse the comedown...

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Re: josaphene (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I'm in Australia and can relate to your Poste,I was on methadone in 80s for pain relief and it worked well,IV recently had to go back on it after car accident ,IV found methadone not nearly as strong as it used too be,in fact some days feel like I haven't had any,anyone else noticed this ??thanks good luck

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I have been taking Methadone for about a month, coming off opiates. I am now on 90mg, going up 10-15mg every week. Doctor says I should be ok at 90mg, but I'm not. I'm still in crazy pain and by 7-8pm I'm feeling irritable, sweaty & stomach cramps. I was on methadone 10 years ago and 90mg seemed to help me a lot, but now it feels like hardly nothing. The clinic is only open in the morning, so a split dose isn't possible. Anyone have any advice for me? Thanks.

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Everytime I go up 5 or 10 mgs on my dose I'm okay for like a week then I have to go up again because I start withdrawing in afternoon and evening and by the next morning I'm throwing up till I get my dose so I'm on a 100 but I'm thinking how long can this going up last because I'm sure not going up to 200 and I was on suboxone and subutex for 6 years and I was fine besides the withdrawal which was hell but i like the methadone better I feel more normal on the methadone I'm just scared to keep going up.

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I've been dosing for 8 months now at 170 mg, and everyday the same. I'm going through with drawels by afternoon, and most nights are unbearable. My clinic doesn't do split dose. I keep asking the dr and nurse will I ever b OK and feel normal and not hurt, and they promise once I reach my dose I'll b OK. What dose is it going to take to feel OK?

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I was so interested in your post. THE EXACT SAME THING IS HAPPENING TO ME!! I am on 160mgs.when i wake up in withdrawl every morning. No one at the clinic seems to want to help me. They said they could split dose me give me 80mg in the am and 80 in pm. Tried that 5 yrs ago didnt work could never make it to the evening. Im stuck n very pissed dont know what to do either!!

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When you split ur dose how did u feel by cutting yours in half in the am? I am afraid that if I went from 160mg to 80 mg in am I would go into withdrawl until i had the later dose. Would really like your opinion on this and ur personal Experience if u dont mind. THANK U!

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I was so interested in your post. THE EXACT SAME THING IS HAPPENING TO ME!! I am on 160mgs.when i wake up in withdrawl every morning. No one at the clinic seems to want to help me. They said they could split dose me give me 80mg in the am and 80 in pm. Tried that 5 yrs ago didnt work could never make it to the evening. Im stuck n very pissed dont know what to do either!!

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i am in the same posatition for 8 months now i havnt used heroin only methadone but i feel ill most the time i get terrible headaches i take mine as early as i can i get mine in a full weekly pickup so i set my alarm anything between 4am-5.30am so i can take it and by the time my son is up for school i fel ok . but by mid afternoon i am sweating and basically feel ill with no get up and go. i was on 100ml but as im putting negatives in for heroin abuse they have to reduce im now on 78ml and feel the same its endless. i want off this medicine i am sick of it iv put weight on and basically feel like crap im very depressed if i didnt have my son i dnt know where id be? everytime i ask why do i feel like this they say methadone, i havnt had a period in 3 years even though i been on and off methadone for 10yrs my bowels/indigestion is buggered im having to have tests done in n out of hospital and am in aot of pain even though methadone is also used for pain? i know i put myself here and im truly ashamed and discusted at myself. i understand how you feel i think i amgoing to get down to 40mls then do however many hrs you have to withdrawl from methadone to go on subutex and do a 5 week course. im moving away son to be near my mum next door to her infact as iv just come clean and she just wants her daughter back so hopefully my future and my sons will be good...his life has been good its hidden from him and the childhood/teenage yrs i had were so bad i promised my child wouldnt ever go through what i did and up to now he hasnt he is a blessing and the best i just want to be totally clean of any substance years before he is 16. anyway i have babbled on sorry. i hope you can sort something out you can get your meths in two or three doses break it up? speak to a doctor. unfortinatly when on methadone anything you tell them about feeling like crap will be because of the methadone no win sit. im here if u need to talk even though im a newbie x

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Try asking your Dr to split your dosage. I am on 3 times a day dosing and it has worked wonders for me. I was much like you and could not make it through the night, for pain management it has been the best medicine for me. Good luck

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