Methadone Drug Info And Reviews (Page 2)
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Can anyone tell me about Methadone please?

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My doc just put me on methadone for pain and his reason for using this medication is that I will be on it for a very long time, maybe from now on, so has anyone had any experience with methadone? Will it cause any bad reactions, I had read that it caused heart problems. So if I am on it from now on, what should expect?

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Methadone is addictive.and if you think its not, try to stop taking it. It is harder to come off of methadone then heroin. .It was made back in World War II to get soliders off of morphine. It was originally a drug for pain, but later they found it help addicts get off of other drugs. It is used mostly for that now, but is coming back more now for pain as it is so cheap. I have been on every drug from Vicoden to Oxycotin and Methadone is the best pain reliever I have found It stays in your body for so long you dont wake up in the night needing a dose and feel half way decent in the morning. I have been on it for almost 7 years now. As far as taking it for drug addiction I hear its great, but you have to go to a clinic to get it.

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I would ask for a breakthrough pain med too. Methadone took care of most of my pain but I also have kids and some days the pain needed more to knock it down. Like i said, dilaudid worked well for me. Never felt out of it like lortab. Roxycodone worked well too but its in the oxycodone family and the looks of judgement at the pharmacy wasn't worth it. You may want to try breaking up your dose of methadone to space it out over the day if you are dying by lunch tomorrow. It does take awhile to build up in your system.

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That is what I was thinking. I would be dieing by lunch time....hmmmm I will have to play around with this one! Thank you soooo much for your help. I have not spoken to anyone about this until all of this medicine came up and it seems to be helping me in more ways that just learning about the medicine. Bless you!

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I had withdrawals if I missed one dose. Took it at 6am, 2pm and 11pm. I can't imagine a once a day dose for pain. I HAD to take it over the course of a day or I was hurting in more ways than one!

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Did you find it better to take 10mg 3x daily? He had me taking 40mg all T once at bedtime. I feel like I am going to be kind of naked nit taking anything throuhgout the day!

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I took 10mg 3x per day but was up at 60mg or so prior. You may be one of those folks that need the meds need to suffer! If I recall I never got the initial buzz I got from lortabs or other shorter lasting pills. I remember the pain was eased but I felt clear headed. I also took dilaudid for break through pain. It worked quite well. Im sorry you are in so much pain! Methadone can definitely help. I thought subutex was to get off narcs. It was what I tried it for. Keep doing what you are doing and don't take NO for an answer! Keep trying to find a doc who is willing to find the cause of your pain!!!

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Thank you so much, but YES I get nerve blocks for BOTH feet every 7 for about four hours, the longest has been 3 days and that was 2 years ago. I just wish I could make it better, but they don't know how or why I got THIS out of a coma, so I might just be screwed! Just took the 40 mg of Methadone, will I feel anything? Will it help the pain right away or will I have to wait?

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Have you tried injections? Cortisone shots can help. Not sure if they so any nerve burning (RF) for foot pain of helped my back. About to have botox in my back too.

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Without some form of pain medicine my feet can't even to stand to have shoes on them let alive walk. On bad days it is the same WITH pain meds.....they are not trying to get me off of anything, rather find what is I can continue to get out of bed and chase my six children around. Lol

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Ultra clear ph. I think I misnamed it in a previous post. Its pricey but it keeps the withdrawal pains away. You know, the skin crawling stuff and forearm/leg pains. I also took Gingerforce and Tumericforce daily as well as vitamin B. I tried to slowly taper, quit cold turkey, suboxone, subutex, etc. All sucked. This concoction I found online made detox bearable and I was able to take care of my kids. Get your doc on board and get Ativan and Klonopin too if possible. Trust me, I was heading to a detox hospital and made one last ditch effort and im free of that crap! Good luck.

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I went on subutex as well and was in so much pain. That is the withdrawals. Yes, I have pain but I successfully home detoxed myself after a decade of methadone, oxys, fentanyl patches, etc. Subutex sucks because you may not feel as agitated but your pain is MUCH higher than normal. I drank some crap called Ultra Cleanse ph. Tastes like dog food bit it kept me from having the leg and arm pain of withdrawals. I also had Ativan prescribed and Klonopin just in case I was highly agitated but only needed them for a week. Not sure why it worked for me but after MANY tries I seemed to find a way off Methadone with minimal pain. Now that im off I realize I smell things so much more! Fresh air, flowers, my kid's farts.......anyways, if you can do without a CONSTANT dose of narcotics in your body you will be better for it. Took me a decade of trying to get off my back pain meds! Do I hurt now? Yes, but I can manage. Withdrawal pain makes you think the pains are your true pain. Its not.

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I had an allergic reaction to a medicine that I was prescribed for migraines and on Easter of 2009 I literally died. I flat-lined 3 times and was in a coma for 18 days. Then out of the grace of god a doctor came into my room in the middle of the night and decided to try to Eckmo (sp:) machine on me. IT WORKED! Thank goodness I did wake up and although I had to learn to eat, walk, speak, etc. all over again. All of my organs are 100%. But I ended up with horrible drop foot on both feet and we don't know why, but also horrible bilateral neuropathy. I have been through so many surgeries just so that my feet would actually work so that I could walk again, however we can't seem to control the pain of the neuropathy, because we don't know how I got it. Anyway, I was on 50 mg of the Fentanyl Patch and taking 30 mg of Oxycodone every 4 hours since 2009. 2 weeks ago I was sent to a pain management doc and he switched me to subutex. I worked great for my addiction I don't want a Oxycodone, however the pain is still HORRIBLE...... I am taking 40mg a day of subutex and ZERO pain relief. My doctor wants me to come in tomorrow to switch me to Methadone. He says that will help with the pain. But I have heard soooo many bad things about Methadone and I am super scared. Isn't there anything that he can give me WITH the subutex for the pain? Please help!

Sorry for the long story, but it will help you understand : Well I did go to the doctor today and he prescribed me 40mg of Methadone once a day. I have been on 40 mg of Subutex for 2 weeks. He said to wait 24 hours to take the Methadone from the time I took my last Subutex. But the pharmacy said I only had to wait to hours. Hmmmm when can I take the methandone? Help please!

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If I were u and I was at one point I would check myself in to s detox facility.. that way you will be medically supervised ... all I can say is read the post below that I wrote about my journey and pray its easier than whater I went threw which it probly will be because I was also cold Turkey xanex at the same time..good luck.. medical attention is very serious when coming off methadone and xanex...I'm praying for you..

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i have been on methadone for 9 years befire that numerous other drugs,i cannot even get past the detox last so long have any advice i am trully desperate

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I was on 120ml of methadone for 6years also on 10 xanex bars a day.. I went to a clinic the last 3 years of being on it.. the Xanax I took by chose and fast got hooked. I am an addict. I can admit that today. But my journey was hard and I almost died coming off both liqiud methadone and Xanax. I cold Turkey both at the same time.I ended up in a hospital, mental instatution and then a halfway house. My withdraws from both latest for 3 months. I lost 60lbs in a month from not eating. I have bad high blood pressure and ulsers. And I have been off everything for 7 months now. By the grace of God.. if u want to quit u can don't ever say u can't the way I feel and live today Is better than I ever have. So yes it can happen but u got to go threw the pain to gain the joy of life.. I know I did..

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as i detox from methadone i beg to differ with you when you say it is not addictive. try it for a few years and then detox and give a new reply afterwards. i think you may change your mind. methadone is much harder to detox from than heroin.

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If you want to know about send me an email... i've been on it for 8 months and i have had amazing results with it...50 ml a day is what i'm on, and i used to use for about 10 to 12 years, on and off, heavy heroin use... so i know what i'm talking about. I'm not a bad person, i just have this one demon named heroin that buggered up my life... i don't drink, i don't smoke, i don't even smoke pot and that's practically legal in canada, but for some reason, i tried heroin, felt invincible and it took ahold of me... i had great parents, good upbringing, i had no excuse to go there... i mean life is never perfect, but i knew better... and still i got hooked on heroin, but with the use of methadone, I've been totally craving free. No side affects. healthy skin, perfect teeth, no muscle loss, no bone loss... my doctor is very caring and would never prescribe me something that could harm me long term or short term. He's done his studies, and he is a huge supporter of methadone. It WILL work if you're truly ready to quit. And if in the begining of using it, you slip and try heroin, you won't really get high like you used to, because it sort of flat lines the drug... takes its power away... no effects. I have been blessed with a second chance, that's what i see methadone as. I don't see it as life long plan, but for others, life long is what they choose, and that's fine. For me, i'll do if for a year maybe two, and then i'll see how it goes. At least i know i have an option. I am here to answer any other questions you have... don't be embarrased. We've all been there... take care... nadia.

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I know someone that overdosed on meth and is in a comma right now.. It has been 8 days and she hasnt come out of it yet....

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You know it stinks how you get treated when you go the the pharmacy to to pick up a prescription for pain medicine and they treat you like your a druggie I just wanna wish this upon them ,That they would have as much pain as i have or more and get treated like crap by the Doctor who dont want to give you anything for pain then when you finally just about beg for your meds you get that through then go to the pharmicist they treat you like crap for being there tooo get your pain pills...i find that taking one 10mg methadone tablet in the morning instead of 6 or 7 lorcet is fantastic .why do they make it so hard to get??

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