Methadone As A Stimulant


Could someone tell me if they have ever heard of using methadone as a stimulate for memory. My boyfriend wrecked his motorcycle 1 week ago. He was just transferred to rehab because of his back and shoulder injuries and becuase of his mental state because of a concussion. Ever since the wreck he has been disoriented and confused, can't remember for very long. The long term memory is there, but short term was gone. When they transferred him to rehab, they started him on 2.5mg of methadone 4 times a day. When I questioned the nurse, she said this doctor uses methadone as a brain stimulate. I admit that since he's been there, he has started remembering things longer than about 5 or 10 minutes, but I'm still concerned about it's use and long term effects. They are giving him Vicadin for moderate pain and Dilaudid for severe pain and Tylenol in between.

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You should be way more worried about the addiction factor and the long term effects of the dilaudid and the vicodin. They are both very addictive. Methadone is used to help detox and maintain from opiate abuse. the methadone has no long term damaging efffects physically and the withdrawal is much easier than the vicodin and dilaudid

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As long as you get titrated down to come off of the vicodin and dilauded eh should be fine, however i work at a detox where we use methadone routinely and the detox for it is hareder and longer than that of many other opiates, it stays in your system longer thats why they can use it once a day for substance abuse treatment, as a mental stimulant i have never heard of it being used like that, and i would doubt that it is the real cause for his increased mental function, i would say if anything its helping to minimize andy pain he may have which can help tam his confusion and disorientation

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Methadone cases memory loss and sever headaches

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Kristie, it can cause that for some people, but not for everyone and there are many times a doctor will use something off label to help someone.

They learn the benefits of various drugs from experience.

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I can tell you from experience that I was on methadone for about 6 or 7 years for severe & chronic pain. I decided one day that I did not want to be on them anymore because of all the hype you hear in the news so I gradually took myself off & now just suffer horribly. I found it to be the most effective drug ever..even though I would never take it again because of the bad press it has. I think abusers have given this drug the bad name. I am not for sure about the memory function but I found it harmed me NONE but sure helped me plenty.

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kristan, says methadone, is easier to come off then other narcotics,and that methodone has no long term effects, that is just wrong! methodone is very addicting, has long term withdrawel affects, is very hard to get off, takes months to recover. so, take everything as a grain of salt, unless someone has used methodone, and even then, the affects can be different with everyone. i dont know why a doctor would use methodone has a
memory enhancer, only time can cure that, methodone like any narcotic makes you drowsy, and incoharent

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My brother recently died when he mixed methadone with alcohol. Granted, this was something that a friend gave him, but it caused me to look it up. Methadone is used for pain, and for people who are addicted to other drugs (namely, heroin). From what I've learned, it is possible to die from it even if used in moderate, prescribed dosages.
But that doesn't mean that it can't help people. For instance, Lithium's effective dose is dangerously close to its lethal dose. If it's helping, let it help, but keep an eye on it.

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