Methadone And Thrive Supplement (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI'm wondering if I could take "Thrive" - the supplement that everyone is taking, because it looks like it's only vitamins?
When you say "my drink" are you referring to your methadone dose or the thrive lifestyle drink mix? By the context I'm assuming you mean the methadone, but i want to be absolutely certain. Im concerned that thriving before dosing could create an acidic environment in the stomach which decreases the effectiveness and duration of methadone.
Thank u for posting I've been wanting to try Thrive. I'm on 110mgs for 4yrs
I feel that the thrive might speed up the methadone an by morning I feel im in withdrawals not bad but uncomfortable but I'm loosing good weight
Thanks for the info. I'm also on thrive. I have not had any problems while on my 54mg drink and thrive. I feel great with loads of energy and mental clarity as well as weight management. I now sleep so much better and don't feel 70 yrs old before I take my daily drink.
I took thrive with my methadone and was fine just had a lot more energy.
Hi can your please post your experience.. how you been since you posted
Tell your doctor and they will put it on your meds list so it will not give a dirty result even if something does come up. That's what I did.
Re: Kia (# 23)
Did your heart start racing or anything like that?
Re: eMac (# 6)
How isn't it speeding up your metabolism and making you feel even worse? Do NOT increase, my clinic refuses to consider a split dose until I reach max (120mg) and I've felt even worse after an 8mg increase, 85mg to 93mg, instead of better as my body now has a higher peak, and lower trough, as my body is now dependent on the larger dose of the liquid cuffs, and it did Nada for duration. I was hoping instead of lasting 16-20 hours max before being in moderate WDs every morning!! I wish I could get 24-48 hours like most people (obesity = slow metabolism, mine is the opposite)
Im tapering off as quickly as tolerable. In Canada clinics are giving patients CBD pills, and I hear it makes tapers as painless as possible. I exercise and eat organic, non gmo foods. I quit smoking cigs, and I am rebuilding my damaged neurotransmitters via protein. I've been off Fentanyl IV for almost a solid year now. And I don't drink. I'm sooo ready to get off this "poison" (IMO)...the sugars & dyes alone are killing me slowly. I wish I could get dye & sugar free for the remaining time I'm on it.. tapering to switch to bupe at 30mg will likely take me 3 - 6 months, tho I'd like to taper to 0 but it would be too painful at my ridiculous clinic that wants everyone to be Lifers. The longer one is on it, and especially 2 years or greater.. is known to be the limit if one wants to heal their brain. Chronic (daily) methadone use for 2+ years is very hard to get off of. I'm actually going impatient for 2 weeks (alcohol related, court ordered) and it would be the perfect place to detox safely. But I also don't want to be suffering cuz I'll have to participate in groups all day & such. And if you are a fast metaboliser, methadone isn't optimal for you and I recommend getting off. Or switch to bupe if you can't tolerate tapering to 0mg :) Good luck.
Re: eMac (# 6)
how are you doing with the detox and are you still taking thrive i myself take methadone and I want to start using thrive so I’m just wondering how you’re doing
Help I am going in for a Breast Reduction and I am on 150mgs of methadone,Am I gonna a wake up in pain or what? Should I save my tAke no we and when off for three weeks???
Re: eMac (# 6)
This was a lot of help! I'm on methodone 60mg and I wanna do Thrive so bad and that's what was scaring me! But I'm gonna do it!
Re: Krissy (# 2)
Did you find out bc I’m on the same and would loveeee to try THRIVE bc methadone just has me feeling sluggish & I thought maybe taking THRIVE would help me get a little bit of energy & also heard taking THRIVE is helping ppl drop there dose ... I’m so curious ... I’m on 105 milligrams ....
Re: Candace (# 29)
I’m also on methadone 105 mil grams & sooo tired of these liquid handcuffs but I would love to start thrive I’m just scared lol did u find any info out about it ... I just need that extra boost ( Energy ) bc it’s like methadone sucks it right out of me SUCKS let me know if u found anything out sweetheart ty so much ????
Re: eMac (# 6)
Hi I'm on 50 mpg methidone and I'm 45 yrs old and I was wondering how old you are because I know the older we get the more chance your heart maybe affected so please let me know
Re: eMac (# 6)
So how did it go after the first few weeks im thinking about doing the same im on 120 mg but I also drink coffee but if thrive already has caffeine in it I shouldn't go through caffeine withdrawal either hopefully.
How does one go about getting thrive? Does it have to be prescribed by a Dr? Thrive sounds like it will help ppl on opioids (meaning Fentanyl). The beginning may be rough (as with most drugs). Stay strong and stick to it and you will get through it. Sounds like the modo. Especially when you really want the help. Not ready to die but to start living again. Please need answers on where to or how to purchase. Thank you!
Re: Stephanie (# 25)
I was wondering if it will make me produce a positive drug screen?
Re: julie (# 1)
I wouldn’t. I mean, you probably can, but MLM products are usually overpriced trash.
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