Methadone Urine Drug Test (Top voted first)


I have been on a methadone programme for 3 years now and recently I had a urine drug screen done which came up positive for fluoxitine which the lab tech interpreted as diazepam. I had injected my methadone a few times prior to this test is it possible that by injecting it it gave them the reading of fluoxetine or diazepam?? I have'nt taken anything for 2 and a half years now except for methadone and the occasional codeine which I'm prescribed (but not for awhile)my case manger has told me that they will give me another chance to test but I'm really worried as I'm trying really hard to stay clean from anything else and I don't want something that I'm not even taking to ruin my chances at a better life, please help, I live in New Zealand.

4 Replies

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Fluoxetine isn't something that's even included on such tests, it's an SSRI antidepressant and isn't related to Diazepam or any Benzodiazepine.

Learn more Benzodiazepine details here.

Can you find exactly what you tested positive for?

And no, regardless of the way Methadone is used, it hasn't been known to cause a false positive for anything else.

Were you taking anything else, even over the counter products?

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No I have'nt taken anything not even paracetamol I've been on nothing except for methdone(and the occasional codeine that they know about)now for well over 2 years!! My case manager told me that I tested positive for fluoxitine but apparently the lab told her that it could have also been diazapam which i found a bit wierd considering they aren't even close to the same thing I used to take fluoxitine years ago but not for a long time. I was very puzzled as I said I have'nt had anything even over the counter mediences for awhile now about a month ago I had some antibiotics but I can't see how that might come up as fluoxitine! Should I be worried that the lab stuffed up with my tests or should I just redo it and not really worry??

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What r the 4 or 5 things a Methadone urine drug test checks for?

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i am on methadone and xanax and they did a level check to make sure i am taking my proper xanax and valum came up and im upset because I have been clean for 5 years off heroin so this is so upsetting. the only thing different was i took a diet pill its a fruit from asia garcina ...

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