Methadone Or Suboxon Docs That Accept Medicaid In Fort Worth Texas (Top voted first)
Updatedi just got out of detox for the (i lost count) time. i need to find a doc that can prescribe me methadone or suboxon, who takes medicaid. i am desperate i do not want to use , but ive been on opiods for over 20 yrs. i need more than 7 days of detox. please if u know something let me know. im in fort worth texas.. help needed today.
15 Replies
Wish i could help ya debbie..I'm in need of one myself. one that won't give ua..just moved here from Lufkin but been to physciatrist, and he was wonderful have to go to new primary tom. and i'm sure he will send me to a pain doc to get it.. do they usually do ua on first visit..pain docs?? if i find one i"ll let ya know,and do the same here k? hope you have a good day
Actually, Dr. Fenton in Dallas takes Medicare/Medicaid. My office visits are free and so is my medication. (I'm on what's called the QMB Program with M/M). Works out GREAT!
I was able to find a directory of doctors in the Fort Worth, TX area that should be able to prescribe Methadone and Suboxone.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any luck. :)
Try Dr. Dhiren Patel in Dallas or will have to attend class fir a week.everyday then after if you want to stay on suboxone you pay 175 every 2 solace counceling.ive been with them for 3 years
I've been on a variety of opiates for over 30 years and when the news laws came into effect my regimen was cut so many ways it was literally driving me crazy. So, first of all, I have Medicaid sooo good luck with that! Its useless...Anyway I decided not to throw away what little money I had left on trying to find another Pain Management doctor and find a good out patient rehab. One the didn't require you to be there by 4am to get your ONE little dose of meds or have to be a meetings every day or week. Well my friends, I found one!!! Its in Plano and its called Applegate. There are two doctors there that are the bomb. I went with Dr.Tomsic. He is so patient and understanding and talks to you till YOUR done, NOT HIM...We talked about the pros and cons of some of the drugs and between the both of us we decided on a few and told me to call at anytime, he'd take my call personally and if he wasn't there, he'd call me back. I was having trouble w/one of the drugs I was on so I called him and he called me in something else that works wonderful. Part of my cocktail includes something for sleep and another to take the edge off. We made a few adjustments but have now found my happy place. Unfortunatley I'm no longer with Dr.Tomsic but I'm still opiate free and feel wonderful. BEWARE: There are two women that work the office, the older one WAS super sweet and WAS extremely helpful. BUT, the younger one is cocky, nasty and has attitude. She messed up 3xs in calling in my medications and blamed it on the pharmacy. I actually went to my pharmacy and asked to see the fax, AND SHE was in the wrong. When I informed Cathy (older one) she took Sarah's side and was very ugly to me. Come to find out, Sarah is Cathy's future daughter-in-law...hmmm a bit of nepotism here??? Its all in the past, done and over with!!! But if you want a fab doc that listens and will treat you like you should be, DR. TOMSIC is your answer! PS: He will see new patients same day appt. There are meetings every Wed if YOU want to attend, ITS NOT MANDATORY!!! It can be a bit pricey if u don't keep up w/payment. ($275/month) You can pay weekly. Good Luck to you all...
Medmark on mcart in ftworth is were u can go for methadone they take medicaid too
I need a doctor in Dallas texas 75217 for suboxone slips to kick opiates.
You may need to pay cash.if you were able to maintain a habit it's actually slot cheaper to pay for mmt.besides the fact the medicine will allow you to maintain a normal life and hold down s job.ove paid $300 a month for Many years now.its a drop in the bucket compared to what I used on drugs.
What suboxone Doc sees you every 2 months for $100. Thats a decent price.
That link doesn't work.Do you th ink you could find another that would give the list of doctors that prescribe methadone or suboxone?
I posted post below. Forgot to say I'm perscribed 8mg of Suboxone film 3X's a day. I get 90 per monthl.
Re: christina (# 3)
Wow this frustrates me because I went to him for a yr I had to pay 1,000 up front THEN 175 EVERY SINGLE MONTH and when I missed ONE MONTH I was told I had to pay the 1,000 dollor deposit AGIAN I SURE WILL REPORT HIS ASS NOW WHAT A CROOK
Re: Jenna (# 2)
That link doesn't work. Could you maybe go over it and offer some names.
Your not gonna find a doc that takes medicaid that prescribes suboxone.they are cash only.i know from 6 yrs experience. I pay 100 every 2 months and 147 for a months worth of meds at the pharmacy but its way cheaper than what i was spending on my daily fix of 12 to 16 vicodin a me you dint want stuck going to a methadone clinic everyday and they dont do take home only on the weekends wh en your well into t he program.suboxone is a lifelong med so if you start be in it for the long haul and find the cheapest doctor you can.medicaid will pay for the medication but with authorization from tell him you will need one.ask this when your checking around for a doctor if they will preauthorize thr med through medicaid if not find another doctor or use discount cards.i usually get about 100 off On a discount.good luck but no dr. Takes it be lucky you have medicaid to pay for the medication some of us dont.also dont go via a addiction doctor.look for therapists too they are alot cheaper and lienient whenbit comes to not having tobdrop before your appt.i pay 100 get my to him about things for about 5 minutes and leave.
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