Methadone Maintainance & Weight Gain!!! Help!!! (Page 2) (Top voted first)
I have been on methadone 4 years it had made life hell sleeping 18 hours a day they telling me I needed to go up when I was so stoned off of it I couldn't speak finally I started taking Vitadone and it changed everything I lost the 45 pounds I put on and I don't crave sweets anymore or sweat or have constipation try it and see if it helps you it takes a week to start working and it's so worth the $25
I have been on methadone for 4 years now. I was pregnant with twins. I had a bad infection from time staples they used in my c-section. I had to have thee staples removed and then re stapled which led to another infection. I was prescribed percs and oxy for pain. I was only taking these pain pills for a few months. I had never done drugs in my life. I was 24 years old. I side not know that these pain pills would cause me to go through withdrawal. When I stopped taking the medication I began to get sick. I was taking care of 2 baby's and could not deal with withdrawal so I checked into a methadone clinic. Methadone is far more addicting then these pills could ever be. I have tried several times to detox from methadone and have been unsuccessful. I have gained 50 pounds and have no energy. I am at 60 mg from 95 mg. I am on my fourth try at detoxing. I have been using vitadone for a couple months now and I have to say it works miracle s. I do not sweat anymore I don't wake at 2 am with the need to eat sugar, I have so much energy now. I am writing this to tell of my findings with vitadone, to tell how a innocent person gets screwed over by ignorance and trusting doctors and also to see if anyone has a successful detox story. My dream is to have my life back. I do not feel like I deserve to be in a methadone clinic I have not had it as bad as other people by far. I feel like a lot of people would tell me to suck it up. I have a very low pain tolerance. I started going to the methadone clinic because I could not deal with the withdrawal from opiates. I did not know how much worse the withdrawal is when taking methadone. I feel so sorry for people that go through addiction. People look down on us without knowing our story. Honestly it can happen to anyone. Please any advice would be great. I would love to hear some successful detox stories or anyone who wants to share their story with me. I am a great listner and I can sympathized.
Hi Staycee,
First let me say congratulations with your success. It's a breath of fresh air to read that you got off of the methadone with ease. I know this post is old, but I do hope I get a response. I am in the same boat as everyone. I'm 36 and up until I started MMT I was genetically TINY. I have gained 80 lbs. I went from being a pretty girl to having zero self esteem. I love fashion and have always looked my best. Although my face hasn't changed I look pregnant. I'm so unhappy about it. I workout and limit my sugar to 13 grams per day, yet nothing helps. My life should be at it's best right now. 2 years ago while our daughter Olivia was just 6 months old, she and I lost her father to an OD. I've remained clean, am a great mother and am currently in school to get my CASAC so my daughter and I can live a good life. When I first kicked opiates I did it with little physical withdrawal symptoms. I have been on 90mls of methadone for under 4 years and after long consideration I have decided that on Monday I am going to speak with the doctor and slowly start to taper off. I have heard horrendous stories about kicking methadone and am petrified. Is there any advice you can give other than to slowly taper? I'm ready. It's my time. If anyone has any POSITIVE feedback please reply! Thanks in advance and everyone keep fighting the good fight!
I've been taking vitadone for 3+ weeks, I know it takes up to 3 months to work depending on the person, but I was wondering if weight gain was one of the side affects it helps with, I know sweating, sugar cravings, fatigue and other side affects it helps with but no one ever says if it helped them lose weight, all the reviews I've read said it helped them with sweating or that their hoping it will help with their weight and will reply within a few months with an update, and never do...
You're not alone. I haven't had my period since starting MMT and I know many others who have the same issue
i understand where your coming from but my experience with methadone is different it has caused me problems with my bowels and iv been in n out of hospital and been told its the methadone also my digestion is backed up all the time i rarely use tablets i eat healthy drink fluids methadone for me has not been good. i understand its different for others who use it for pain but for me i hate it. they will chick the stuff at you but dnt give you any info on it. iv never gotten high off it never. iv researched methadone over and over and theres so many different stories out there who knows what to beleive?
I have been on Methadone for 33 years. When I started it was supposed to be a detox program, then a 2 year maintenance/detox. I have been clean from Herion now for 7 years and down to 10 mg a day of Methadone. If I knew now when I started, I would have NEVER started. It has caused a myraid of health problems. And YES, weight gain on higher doses is just the beginning. You are better off suffering for a few weeks to kick the Oxy or Herion. Getting of Methadone is a nightmare. Even if you detox REALLY slow, that last jump from 5 mg to nothing or even 1 mg to nothing is a killer. Takes about 4 months before you can s*** right and about a year before you feel "normal" and can actually sleep right. Get off it NOW!!!
there is a over the counter medication that should be available at most methadone clinics called vitadone, its supposed to help with water retention and sugar cravings and weight gain, you have to take three a day but they are just vitamins. some people have had great results at my clinic. you might want to try it out. or find it online somewhere. its only 20 a bottle of 90 at my clinic.
You are right about that if you only eat occasionally your body then stores everything you eat to fat storage because it goes into a starvation mode so it starts storing everything as fat and your metabolism is wiped right out. You have to eat every 2 hours but healthy foods still eat 3 regular meals but make sure to snack throughout the day to keep your blood sugar level and your body satisfied so when you do eat a full meal you don't over eat like as if you were starving and inhaled your meal. That's probably the best and most proven and healthy changes to your daily routine it will be a change that is a healthy lifetime change.
I don't want to sound like I'm preaching.But I've been on methadone for over 30 years without missing a dose. I've gone up and down with my weight over the yrs.I should weigh 150 but I remain around 185. I have high blood pressure from years of smoking.If I eat chocolate or take any meds on top of my dose it will constipated me. But I've noticed if I keep active and have cereal for breakfast I will be regular. All I can say methadone has kept me employed and out of trouble. I know it has it's problems but it works for me.
Yes man I been on methadone maintence once for 11 months while preg n one month after birth I went cold turkey of 90 mg , now this time around I been on it almost 2 years I was 100 lbs now I'm 148 n I jus keep putting weight on I hate it , I did notice at one point when I was being detoxwed for not attending groups no went from 120 to 50 mg I started loosing I'm back up to 90 mg and I'm getting ready to lower my dose again cause I'm always tierd always I sleep n eat n I tried exercise it don't work man uhhh it slows ur metabolism and !makes u retain water ... I'm going to see a doctor this week cause my chloresterol and tryglicerites or whatever are high , I'm only 25 too. The post below and a few others have different experiences and claim they "aren't using methadone as a cop out"....I'm not using it as a "cop out" or an excuse from blaming my self. I started methadone in August 2013 and I was 132. I am now 158lb and NO- it is not because my habbits changed. I was on H when I started, and I'm on H now. Just taking methadone as well. So, to all those people who say they it's healthy weight gained from living healthier...bulls***. I live the same s***ty diet/non active life that i did then.
Now, I know that it's different for everyone. I get that, but I wish there was a way to make it go away because I honestly don't think if I excercise or change to expensive healthy food that I will lose it....I feel like it''s staying as long as the methadone stays......has anyone had any luck losing it?
The sub detox is a living HELL ! stay on methadone you will be glad you did.
personally I will take the weight gain, almost every day someone tells me you look good or wow you look better than the last time I seen you ! if you gained 40lbs your probably only a little over what you should be anyway. it is better than running the streets looking like you got your clothes from "the fat dude/chick down the street" all hanging off you. looking like some thing the cat brought in.. JUST SAYIN !
Thank you Stacee and all the girls a least I dont feel alone. I totally understand what your saying about craving sweets and trying to not eat that everyday is a struggle is like dealing with the drugs is crazy!!! So right now Im on 136 mg Im going down 1 mg a week yeah I know is going down super slow but is just a start to see how Im gonna feel. But my goal is too eventually is to be off methadone and hopefully loose this weight. I really have to stop eating all these sweets because I feel like Im still in active addiction but with food. So I will keep updates. For everyone whos on methadone you are not alone.
Have you heard of nutridone? I'm looking into buying some. They are vitamins specially made for methadone patients to help with sugar cravings, constipation, energy and stamina, weight loss, libido, etc. I think you should look into it as well!
As someone who has been on MMT for years, listen closely: The sweating and sugar cravings will begin to diminish as you start decreasing your dose. I have never been over 100 mg but each time I came down, the weight came off and the sweating stopped. When I went back up, weight went up as did the cravings. The lower the dose, the less weight gain and sugar cravings. As soon as I got to around 60 mg, I started noticing the difference. Come down off the high doses asap and you will notice the changes.
I'm tapering off of methadone after 4 years. I am genetically tiny. I never was over 105. I am 198 and want my body back and be able to love myself and fashion again! How long did it take you to lose the weight? I need some positivity!
The weight fell off literally! As soon as I stopped the methadone.
Yes, I'm on my taper now. I'm down 30 ml now and I feel great! A positive mindset never hurts!
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