Methadone In Urine (Top voted first)


I took 40mg of methadone a day for four days.....think i will p clean 9 days after my last methadone use?

4 Replies

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Methadone is usually detectable in your urine for up to 5 days after use, however this can vary, depending on your individual metabolism, overall health, activity levels and other factors.

If you have a prescription for it, then you should just inform them of this, when you go in for testing.


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i took 10mg of methadone 13 days ago im still testing positive for it

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And as I said, the time frame can vary for any given person, there have even been instances of people who have taken something once and then tested positive for it for the rest of their lives.

The human body is just funny that way and there is no way to say when anything might process out for any given individual.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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You can test positive for methadone for months after you stop taking it. It is stored in your liver and fat cells. You will not have a neg. pee test. My friend took one of mine (10mg,) and he tested positive 3 weeks later. It stays in your system longer than anyother opitate. That is why you will still suffer withdrawl symptoms for up to a year after stopping.

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