Methadone Filler Causing Allergy (Page 3)
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I have a severe allergy that I have had for a year and a half now. I break out all over in the itchiest pimple like sores. They either have no liquid in them or sometimes a small amount of clear fluid. No puss. It has gotten worse over the past year and a half to where I now get huge hives and random swelling that is very painful. sometimes a foot or a hand but it's not like normal edema swelling, this is painful and a tighter swelling, definitely part of the reaction. I have no health insurance so after looking everywhere possible i cannot find anywhere to get the extremely expensive tests I would need to pin point the cause of this. my hands will get hot and then itch like crazy, my extremely thick hair has thinned to the point in the front where If something doesn't happen soon I'll have to wear a wig. The first time my doctor looked at it, the very first words out of his mouth were, That's a food or drug allergy. But like I said, No insurance, no tests. The only thing that had really changed in diet or anything I consume was 9 months before this started I had switched methadone clinics. I moved back to my home state. I've been a long time methadone patient. I started in 1999. From 1999 to Oct 2007 I was on the liquid cherry flavored methadone. Never had a single problem. 9 months after starting a new clinic that used the 40 mg Methadose tabs, all this started and has not let up one single day since. It's the only thing I take every single day no matter what and cannot quit long enough to see if it's the cause. My clinic switched a year ago to the orange 40 mg tabs made by a different manufacturer. I saw a pic in a different post they are the tabs that have 54883 on them. Ok here's my question. Is there a common filler between those two different methadones that could be responsible for this? In order to go to a clinic that has the liquid kind again I'd have to drive over 100 miles. And it's expensive to become a new patient so I don't want to switch unless I know it's a good chance that this is what's causing all this. I have been absolutely miserable for almost a year and a half without any resources for diagnosis. It's the last thing I can possibly think of and it's starting to make more and more sense. Nothing else in my diet is regular enough to cause a non-stop allergy that has gone on almost 2 years uninterupted. I've quit dairy, I was tested for Celiacs at the one clinic that tried to help but they ran all the tests they could afford. It's not an auto-immune disease we know that much. I know its an allergy, I can feel it and I've been living with it long enough to tell. Everything about it screams allergy. My clinic that I'm out now has been completely unhelpful and unwilling to get me the list of filler ingredients so I can at least research them to see if any of the them are prone to cause allergies. I guess they don't want to take a chance that I want the recipe or something, it's completely ridiculous. So my question is how can I obtain the names of the filler ingredients? When taking the medication there is so much filler left undissolved it's like 95% filler. Something in that has got to be responsible for this. Can you maybe shed some light on this at all? Whether providing me with the names of the filler ingredients or point me in the right direction where to find them. I know I could try and write the manufacturer, but if my clinic won't provide me with that info I don't see why they would either. Also I have asked my clinic, and researched online endlessly and cannot find anything anywhere about methadone fillers causing an allergy in patients or find any postings anywhere of someone who has had this same thing happen. Surely I am not the only one, theres no way, but theres no data on it anywhere. I will stop now and I hope you can help me in some way, I am trying to take this into my own hands since I can't get any help from the people who provide me with the medication. Thank you for your time.
Could it be a cat allergy? Have to spoke to your pharmacy yet? They should be able to provide you with that info or give you the number to the FDA who you can ask or complain to about your symptoms. Good luck!
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