Methadone Doctors In Nj
Updatedim looking for a doctor that priscribes methadone. i dont want to go the clinics. suboxone does not work for me and i really want to get off of oxycodone. my boyfriend has been clean for 4 months now. and from my car accident and i also have nerve damage, it makes it harder for me to get off, because im in so much pain. i tryed many times to stop, but i cant handle the pain. i lost everyone i loved and i dont want to lose my boyfriend to.
I am very sorry, but if you are looking for something outside of the setting of a clinic, there is really no way to know what doctor would be willing to prescribe it.
When it comes to addiction treatment, most doctors will not provide such treatment outside of a clinic, because they do have to follow certain laws and treatment protocols, in order to be allowed to prescribe it.
Most general doctors, who are not involved in a treatment clinic, are not trained at prescribing such medications to treat addiction.
How do you know that Suboxone doesn't work for you?
I was addicted to herion for 4 yrs.1992,93,94,95.I went to a clinic and was treated with methadone.While I was using I had a hysterectomy. I was on methadone for over ten yrs.I redused my methadone and went off the program.Thats when the pain started.I saw doc.s was in the hospital at least 6 or more times.They checkmy liver,and everything eles around the painful site.Finnaly the said it must be scar tissue from the hysterectomy.My surgeon gave me Percocet,even though I told him I was an addict. I started getting ulcers,and had to stop.I went back on methadone.There are no clinics in Salem County.I travel to Atlantic city 2 times a week for my meds,I'm 50 yrs old and tired of this.I've been clean for many yrs now.Can you help me?
Hello. Most doctors need a DEA number to prescribe schedule 2 and 3 medications. Methadone, like oxycodone and morphine or dilaudid are schedule 2. Other narcotics like codeine or hydrocodone are avg. 3. No doctor is allowed to prescribe schedule 1 drugs. LSD, or drugs that have not gone through studies/trials. Any doctor can prescribe methadone but NY and NJ require a document.
Why would a successful doctor prescribe an inexpensive long lasting pain tablet like methadone which costs 1/10th the price and has a 24 hour half-life. This country is about the pursuit of happiness(money), not the effective relief of chronic pain or those who work hard but are dependent on opoids. Your best bet is to search pain centers and others with the same problem. I live in NJ and if I find a good doctor I will let you know. Please do the same for me.
I am looking for doctor who prescribes 10 mg methadose prescription for detoxification I am currently on a clinic now in Newark but want to detox as well as stop going to clinic because it is interfering with my work and school schedule! Money is not a problem! Can n e one help me or know a doctor
hey can u give me the address please. I am 22 years of age and my parents doctor got busted
Need help I Wes on 120 rockicodone 30 mg 60oxicoton 80 mg and 6mg of Xanax a day I got off all of it when I was given my Methadone I have been on the same dose for 8 years now my doctor is sick I can't get my prescription I need help I can't find a doctor can someone help me I have all my medical records
Yes I have same problem I'm trying to get a private doctor I would like a prescription so I can live a normal life go away on vacation it's so hard to deal with Clinics.
It's hard but not impossible. It sounds challenging but in 2016 attending a methadone clinic in NJ doesn't have to be the archaic torture chamber that so many people seem to HAVE HEARD for 250 a month and 2 years of clean time your free to LIVE 27 days a month unchained to qualified clinics. Misconception about modern MM treatment is very unfortunate. I personally see dozens of success stories every time I make my trek to (Asbury Park NJ )the clinic. It takes me less then an hour once a month that's 12 hours a YEAR. Really? How many hours do you waste seeing doctors,waiting at pharmacys not to mention the thousands of $'s and overwhelming stress thinking and wondering if I'll get my meds today?? Seems to me that's HANDCUFFED to the powers that be.
P.s. Most clinics offer reduced ,sliding scale or charity care for those motivated to live drug free. But methadone maintence treatment is the devil drug I hear and read about everyday at nauseam ?? I THINK NOT but that's just my EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE.
Do you have to be clean for a certain amount of time before they give you bottles or do you have to go everyday at first and if so how long? The whole thing about the clinics is the everyday trip becomes problematic. If there was a place I could go a few times a month and I could get tested locally id go as much as needed. Just can't take it everyday. Let me know!!
Was The Doctor Who was shut down named Cowan any chance? I also saw them. Their receptionist referred everybody to a Dr Annisette in Teaneck he is only there Tuesday and Thursday nights accepts only cash it is very difficult to reach but he is an internist
Freddy I have the same problem. I go to the one in Plainfield. I'm getting ready mentally to switch to Suboxone because it interferes with my job. I'm willing to cut my current dose of 70 in half if I can get a script. I would use it responsibility and go to take a drug panel once a week if I had to. The clinic is like a cattle call line. I'm just so done.
I hear you about clinics, I had a doctor for 11 years who prescribed me methadone. I never abused it. I do have pain. I went to a clinic in JC 9 hrs a week in meetings. I left and went to another; they had meetings too but not as many. I found out I had leukemia. My regular doctor told me drink lots of fluids. This clinic doctor kept accusing me of washing out my urine. Clinics put you through way too much unnecessary bulls***. Any one with a life can't deal with it, but it's mainly government interference. They have no idea what they are doing to people that need and want help, on my own again.
Yes, I'd like to find a REAL doctor, not a fly-by-night one but a real, established one with a credible reputation that has a DEA and will dispense methadone not for pain but for the reason that I simply want to get away from the program I'm on. I am clean for decades and methadone helped me to clean up my life. I've been a productive citizen for decades and will comply with every rule the doctor would have, I comply with the program I'm on. The problem is that my program has changed drastically. They don't care if I lived or died. They charge $500.00 per month. My insurance company is willing to help but they will not provide me with the correct paper work. When I try to beg/asking nicely they simply turn their backs and say we're working on it but in the meantime time is running out and the insurance company will only allow a certain amount of time past so the longer they won't help me the more my insurance won't help. BTW, they were charging me $70.00 per week and just before Thanksgiving they raised it to $120.00 per week and when they dropped that on me, I was so stunned I could not speak and they just leered at me.
My clinic raised it's price from $70.00 per week to $120.00 per week. My insurance company is willing to help but the clinic refused to help me with getting the correct forms filled out. They just turn their backs when I call and every time my day comes around to go, they just blow me off. What can I do?
I truly feel for your situation. I wish there was a way to exchange contact information on here because I'm currently on MMT for decades like yourself but I'm blessed to have an relationship with my clinic that differs dramatically from the horror story's so
Prevalent in the MMT field.I may have some ideas that may assist but I'd need more specific information on the administrative history of this particular clinic as I volunteer as a local advocate
. What county do you dose in? What's your current phase designation ( # of takehome's ) Are you employed? And have you had a favorable complete compliance history?? If you post back I can try to point you in the right direction. I realize how stressful this situation can be . Hang in there,
I'm afraid if your seeking a private provider to prescribe methadone as a
protocol for opiod replacement therapy your search will be fruitless.Federal law prohibits the dispensing of methadone
For this purpose EXCEPT under strict
Adherence to specialized DEA standards and handling requirements. Unlike Suboxone and other ORD which
May be prescribed by specially trained
Medical prescribers out of the comfort of private practice Methadone is not.
Hi and thank you for replying. I'm afraid to tell anyone where I go because they may try to "get even" with me for bringing to light what's going on there. Like I've stated, I've been clean for decades and NEVER gave a positive test. I was abusing in the 70's. That's quite some time ago. My record is flawless and they know it. I was the highest statiss when one day, in the ladies room, I gave a monitored urine, as usual and because I take diuretics for pitting adema they tried to say I was "flushing". Something I'd never heard of. My counselor knew it was bogus. I heard a new director came in and the old one retired and he was very nasty. I have no rights, they look at me and just say, I don't know! I get blamed for mistakes they make, I get treated like a dog, literally. I just had to tell my story. No one can help me. My husband went in there and tried to help me and when he did, another patient warned him, please don't say anything or they'll only make it bad for her. He is now banned from even going in there!
You are very lucky, it has much to do with the clinic you go to. I was on methadone a long time ago and stayed clean, got bottles quickly. I had a doctor for about 11yrs then tried going back to a clinic. It's ridiculous now the amount of time you are expected to put in for that little cup they hold over your head making it absolutely impossible to live any where near normal. 9 hours a week in meetings in one place, traveling, waiting around for inept counselors, dealing with jaded nasty doctors. The little bit of time I did stay I saw at least three people lose their jobs because of meetings. If you resent being there you will get nothing from it. I started detoxing myself. I'd rather be sick than deal with that s***, it's a shame because it's preventing people that aren't total slaves from getting the help they need. If you screw up I can understand having to make meetings, but give people a chance, all people with addiction issues are not the same and shouldn't be treated with this cookie cutter mentality.
Hi guys,
I recently had to switch PM doctors due to insurance crap. I need help and fast. I am on 6 30mg oxycodone, 20mg OxyContin, and 150mg lyrica three times a day. I cannot find another doctor willing to write for the 30mg and they are the only thing that helps my pain and that's BARELY. I have multiple pain and health issues. I am willing to travel to NY or anywhere in NJ if need be. I am really scared and screwed. PLEASE ANYONE if you know of a doctor let me know!!! Also, if knows of anyone that prescribes methadone. I don't want to go to a clinic and I hate subxoxone but if I can't find someone to write for 30's I need to come off of these and methadone works well for that but most importantly it helps with my pain as well. Please help me!!!! Please!!!
Dr Weissman in Bergen County was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was taking over 300 oxy80s a month..back before they changed them. Plus other narcs. I went go him and asked for help. I suffer from 2 shattered disks and herniations and had 5 knee surgeries. He prescribe methadone and it was best meds ever. Cheap as hell..and the best part? It lasted over 12 hours and gave me more relief than anything..
Most Recent Replies:
I go to ARS in Mays Landing, NJ. I was on the 2nd highest phase (phase 5) due to be on the highest phase (phase 6) - which alone takes a year to get from 5 to 6. On 5, I only had to go 1x every 2wks & didn't have to do any groups. I came into some major health issues the very beginning of June. Been in & outta 4 different hospitals in 2 states for a total of 13/14 visits. Have been to drs, neurologists, had a butchered spinal tap & 2 days later had to get a blood patch (July 21 & 23). I got a call for a bottle check & explained that I cudnt come in for it & explained everything. Id gotten to the point I cudnt even talk or walk! My eyesight is much worse & my eyes r going lazy. Im in & have been in so much pain. It's terrible. I havent been able to drive since june 4th. They said it was ok & to let my counselor know wat was going on. I had to go in a cpl days later so I was gonna go in & tell her what's up - since I had sat on the phone w nursing for like 20mins explaining what was going on, they knew what was up already. As soon as i go in I have a stop on me. Get pulled into a rm & every phase was taken away... I have a terrible counselor (who not only I but many ppl feel is racist towards white ppl). Every session I have w her I have to talk while she bulls*** w her phone & then when I finished sayin what's going on w me or my life or health kr w.e. She's like is that it? & then tells me to leave. No counseling or any kind what so ever. She's always had a tribe attitude towards me. She doesn't even really look at the paperwork I brought in, twists up things I say, & rather than being my advocate & fighting for me she's done nothing but advocate against me! I haven't failed drug panels for anything I wasn't prescribed (I'm on Adderall xr (& have been since I was 16) & I had gotten Fioricet w caffeine & codeine when I was having the spinal headaches after the tap. & I've been put on Neurontin & Baclofen for what's going on w me. Any new meds they'd give me that I'd tried n didn't work or wud make me feel worse, even if I wasn't on em long, I brought em all in. After the 30 days of my phase loss I met w the "Doctor" there (Dr. Harris).
I spent DAYS getting every piece of medical paper I had organized in a binder. Highlighted dated, diagnosis, meds given, overview of symptoms ect. I had separate folders for every hospital, for drs & specialists, for medications. I even wrote down on a piece of paper every date & hospital/apt/outpatient procedure so he didn't have to go thru every pg looking for dates n s*** (since I had it all organized by hospital & stuff). He literally told me "I don't need to see that" about ALL of it. He just wanted to see the proof of medication for why I failed for barbiturates (Cus of the Fioricet). Then he spent the entire "visit" (after being over an hr late) talking about how he wants to call my dr to get me taken off of the addies & put on a non-stimulant. Which I'm like #1 I've been on this since I wss 16. & #2 why wud u even think about trying 2 get me off of something like that when I'm going thru all of the neurological, nerve, muscle, spinal issues that I am rn!? It's madness! They have no intentions of giving me any of my phases back. He said I cud present my case to the treatment team, but then never allowed me to. So now I have to go everyday, in pain, which makes it all worse. What's going on with me has been debilitating.
They think I have a Demyelinating Disease (which is s*** like MS & ALS). Tho it can't be MS bc the muscle is being eaten from my body to the bone. Rapidly. Which then makes the pain so much worse. Esp in certain areas (like my left hand & arm) where there's already little muscle & a lot of nerves & it's something that's used & moved a lot. I've literally had times where my left arm went completely dead for HOURS! They expect me to do a 1.5hr group every week on top of going everyday. On top of the fact that I still can not drive... I NEED to find a dr that can prescribe me.the methadone pills or a way to get my phases back. Bc I physically can not handed to go there everyday & deal with all of the bulls*** that's constantly being dished out to me from them. Mainly all my counselors doing... I don't care how far I have to drive. I'm only on 25mg bc b4 all of this started happening I was detoxing. Had been for a long time.I was up to 135mg. I was soooo close to being off of this & then I had to stop the detox bc my body cudnt physically handle it anymore... I don't know what to do anymore.
The mental & physical & emotional toll of everything I'm dealing w with just my health alone has brough me to the edge many times already. That's not even including all the bs that I'm dealing w the clinic & people there. It's terrible. Once they moved the location to mays landing they got like 90% new staff & EVERYTHING went down hill rapidly. Not only for me but for MANY patients there that r unfairly having their phases taken away (esp higher phases) to nothing... which then creates lines out of the building that make it harder 4 me to handle bc standing for any prolonged time makes my pain worse. Esp since my butchered spinal tap at shore memorial Hospital (which he did the spinal tap while I was laying on my STOMACH, hit nerves so bad I was screaming, shaking, & hyperventilating & didn't adjust at all, & barely numbed me & didn't even allow the lidocaine to set b4 he went rite in! He had an open IV port & didn't sedate me when I was shaking & hyperventilating (knowing I have asthma), & screaming as my body wud arc to a V when he was jamming my siatic nerves, nothing... so I've had much more pain in the Lower part of my back, esp the silica (I believe that's the name of it) muscle that goes from ur lower back to the top of ur butt, so standing for prolonged periods can be very painful)... this ENTIRE experience has been a nightmare. I was in so much pan having to go to the clinic the day after my blood patch that I was LAYING on the floor in the waiting rm waiting to get called back to get dosed. & anyone who goes to a clinic knows those floors r disgusting. But I was in THAT much pain... I don't know what to do anymore. I can't keep doing this tho. I've been over 7yrs clean off of opiates. I'm not the same person I was almost a decade ago. Yet I'm being treated like a scumbag who just walked in off the streets, noddin out, & decided to stick the place up! So please, if ANYONE can help me; whether thru advocacy or referring me to a dr that prescribes methadone. Please, help me. {edited for privacy}... Thank You.
I think he's in Hackensack now. He's an anesthesiologist and pain management Dr.
my husband had severe back problems and other problems as well he has been any and all medicine it never helps for long, we heard that methadone last several hours and he is willing to try it for some type of relief. He took his self off all other medicines because they were not working that well and he felt he was just doing damage to his liver are there any doctors that presribe this for pain mangement because he is not a addict.
Where in Bergen County is he located? I am very interested in possibly making an appointment,I am just trying to find the correct doctor. A good one, one who will listen to me talk and understand the difficulties of withdrawl. I do not even enjoy doing/taking anything, I just simply do not want to feel sick - the pain of my injuries I am sure I can handle, I just cannot take the withdrawls - especially when I am at work and I have a very good job. A car accident is what got me addictied and no doctor at that time ever told me how I would suffer coming off of opiates. I just want this stage of my life over with! All help and reccomendations is SO SO GREATLY appreciated! So please anyone with advice, I am all ears!
I understand your pain and I am looking for the same type type of doctor even though I am not exactly sure what the methedone does. All I know is that suboxone does not work for me either, it actually makes me feel worse. I have messed everything up in my life and this also started with a car accident. I want my life back and I want away from all of this garbage! I have lost everything too, my family, friends, my car - I lost a lot and I need it to end, I am only 31 I have a whole life ahead of me and I just want to be me again and not feel sick without having something. If you find a doctor, have a reccomendation or need someone to talk to (because I do but I don't tell people in my personal life my issue with these opiates) I will gladly talk to you, I could use it too!
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