Methadone Doctor (Page 7) (Top voted first)


Hi. I need to find help. I am addicted to pain pills and would really like to get off of them. I have tried methadone and it works, i just need help finding a doctor to prescribe it for me. I live in Michigan. If anyone knows could you please help me? I cant go to a clinic because i dont live near one. I live in the upper penninsula but would drive downstate to get a doctor.....

199 Replies (10 Pages)

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Finally off of methadone. To those out there that want to quit and without withdrawals, you can do it. It took me a long time and weaning off of it is the way to go. Be sure when you step down, stabilize yourself on that dose before going down again because if you don't, you will start to have withdrawals. When I reached 12 mg, I stepped off 1 mg per month until I reached 1 mg. I stepped off 1 mg 1 month ago and I feel fine. I know everybody's chemistry is different but that's the way I successfully made it. If you have any questions, just hit me up. Thanks.

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I no longer go to the methadone clinic. I have been successfully discharged from methadone treatment. If you live in or around Gainesville, GA., I can refer you to the clinic that I used.

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How dare u - i how someone or u to get a DISEase a nd u have the hardest time u are a internet weirdo already..first went on, here why? Why u on a substance abuse page anyway?+ they do not name or Make a pill for something like his u enough. we go and pay die and do so much everyday to recover! :-P from Ohio amber p. W

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Can anyone help me find a good methadone doctor in Michigan?

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I use to go to a doctor in suffolk county for methadone and stopped going to him and now he's sick and not takin patients back. Fifteen hundred sounds good to me for new doctor. Please get back to me {edited for privacy}

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Am also looking for a LI doctor to see who will prescribe methodone, keeping with my current treatment at a clinic. I am missing the chance for a much better job because am tied to daily visits with minimal office times. If you have any info..I would greatly appreciate.

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I live in ny and am in desperate need of methadone my dr is in vaca and I ran out!wat do I do? I cannot find any can u help?

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I know a doc but she's on vaca and she prescribes methadone for pain. Can anyone help until the 13th? Taking 80mg a day! Desperate! ER won't help and clinic takes a month to get into wat does someone do if they need meds ASAP?LI ny

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Nickynub still able to help?

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Hi Nicole,
NY happens to be the very best place for MMT (Methadone Maintenance Treatment...i.e. "the clinic") in the world. I am a long term MMT pt and can tell you where to find clinics in your area, because surely not all would be one month wait list. If you are in NYC, there are many, many clinics. But it sounds like if you want to get some from a regular doctor, let me say that that is extremely unlikely to happen unfortunately (regular doctors can only prescribe methadone for pain management not for addiction purposes...I'm not saying that yours is for addiction purposes I just wanted to make that part clear). And forget the ER. I would think at this point since you have to wait until the 13th the best option would be to try to get on Suboxone. Many doctors are now able to prescribe Suboxone and it will help you. There is a MMT Clinic Locator and a listing of all doctors that Rx Suboxone and they are listed by state at this site I hope you figure something out! Sorry this is happening.

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How could you help?

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I've posted something twice here but haven't heard back even though I have gotten emails saying there's new posts. I'm guessing that they aren't to my post just new in general. Anyways I don't want to get into my story again but I'm looking for a dr who will still prescribe methadone. My pain management dr had me on it for 9 years and it worked great plus Percocet for break through pain. Now after all the dea thing the dr he works for since he's a pa said he can't write methadone or Percocet anymore so had to change my meds which aren't working as well at all! Does anyone know a dr here in Las Vegas that will still write methadone please lmk

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In the USA methadone can be prescribed by a doctor to treat pain, as methadone is an opiate. If you need methadone for addiction, aka methadone maintenance you MUST get it from a clinic. Any doctor in the private sector who prescribes methadone for maintenance is BREAKING USA FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS AND WILL EVENTUALLY BE SHUT DOWN.

I see tons of people who say they can't go to c clinic because it is too far ot too expensive. I personally drive two hours ONE way, EVERY DAY to the clinic and pay 100.00 pet week. Yes, it is far and yes it is expensive, but in my addiction I would drive anywhere and pay any price for my drug of choice. If you want to get well you have to pay the price....and it can be steep. However, methadone maintenance has SAVED MY LIFE!!!!!!

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I'm in NY and my methadone doctor is no longer practicing I need a doctor asap, any advice?

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i am in need of a methadone dr myself, i have scoliosis,herniated discs and a fractured neck. psin meds arent working i need methadone, could u give me hope

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Nick I am in NY and I am having the same problem any suggestions?

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Those of you from NY looking for a doctor to Rx Methadone for pain management, why don't you look into a pain clinic that is nearby? Your regular doctor can refer you to a pain clinic if you have legitimate health issues that require something to help get you through the pain you are experiencing. You will most likely have to "jump through several hoops" once you see a doctor at a pain clinic to show that you are in need of help, but in the end it's worth it if you receive help. By "hoops" I mean that some will make you undergo some tests to try to pinpoint what is causing certain symptoms or to be able to rule things out; for example, my sister attended a pain clinic and she HAD to take part in everything they asked her to do, and if she refused, they would not see her. She was referred to that Dr due to migraines and he made her undergo a spinal tap to rule out certain things (a spinal tap is VERY painful), and if course he ordered a CT scan, and an MRI, amongst other things. However, in the end he did help her with her pain mgmt, and she has since been able to taper down on her pain meds to only needing very few each month. She is able to better manage her migraines.
Either way, I hope you are able to find some help. I know it is NOT fun to be in constant pain.
All my best-

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Everyone please read post 138!!! If you need methadone for chronic pain, make an appointment with a pain management specialist!!!

If you want methadone for addiction, it is NOT legal for it to be scripted outside an OTP (opioid treatment program). Aka "clinic"!!!

This is a federal regulation that is NOT flexible!!! Get educated and get treatment!!!!

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I live in Brooklyn and need to find a doctor that will prescribe me methadone.i would appreciate anyone's help.

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I live in Brooklyn n.y.

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