Methadone 40mg Wafer Vs 4 Methadone 10mgs
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Is taking 4methadone 10mgs the same as a 40mg wafer? It doesn't seem to last as long or as strong.
2 Replies
Depending on the generic. They can legally have 10 to 15% less methadone in them. The Mallinckrodts are the best.I 'm A pain management patient in mobile AL. At present doctors are running scared. I can only get Percodan regular, not time released. Only lasts me 3 hours on 20 mg. Lets chat. {edited for privacy}. I'm an ex nurse practioner. Now a criminal defense atty. Not the enemy or dea. Please write back, 2 heads are better than 1.
If they are regular release, then they should work the same. However, medications can be funny, so that might not be true of Methadone.
Have you checked with your doctor?
There may be something else affecting it that I am not aware of…does anyone else know more?
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