Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 13)
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What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

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Oh my, what a tangled world we weave...

Here it is in a nut shell - well at least for me.

54/142 brand Roxanne - so far THE BEST

Malinkrot Coffins - don't dissolve well, but very few fillers to make you sick. Not too bad.

ASC 116 By far the absolute worst pill I have ever taken. I've tried them for two months now - they're s***. I ran out last month because I wasn't getting ANY pain relief and to take the occasional extra pill. Bad. If you have a new Rx for methadone, please make sure that they are Roxanne 54/142.

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You speak the truth, my friend. Now about my multiple experiences with 116: The first time I took it I was Ill, but did not make the connection yet as I was only mildly so. I was, however, disappointed about the efficacy of the medication; the 54/142's and the rectangles always deliver top notch pain management, and suddenly I was once again reliving my broken vertebrae all over again. For the next few months, due to Safeway Pharmacy's inadequacies in supply ordering, I had to procure my methadone elsewhere, so the problem was merely a financial one, but last month I was finally able to go back. But, lo and behold, I was again crushed to find the 116's, and now I'm going through the entire uncomfortable fiasco, for once ending this argument that this medication is different from the others, not nearly as desirable, and quite possibly dangerous.

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The 116 are not strong at all I've took 3 at once and nothing...... Compared to the 54 these are not worth money nor time...

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21 friend gets asc 116....I still get the 54....he pays exactly the need to shop or call parmacies before u take in your hard pharmacy changes one price, 3blocks down charges Doubled...and don't think big phams like Wal-Mart is cheaper. it isn't... call's legal.

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Always typical (and sad) of the med students, nurses, pharmacists, etc who are the people that should be educated, but always use such general and absolute statements to address these non-black and white situations that we have. At the very least, they should accept the fact that when the meds are being manufactured there is an active ingredient lee-way of 20% and a lee-way on inactive stuff, some of which helps the body absorb methadone, so how can you really say there is no difference between the 3 brands being discussed? It is very possible that Ascend is essentially issuing "Methadone Light" and 20% on active and inactive can give you a lot of variables, enough to cause a side effect that someone may not have with the other brand. Having said ALL OF THAT, today I took my first "Ascend methadone" for the very first time since that's what the pharmacy gave me and I'm trying to be optimistic due to the fact, the nature of online message boards is that people are only going to post when there are PROBLEMS with something. Take - for instance - a men's hair loss forum. Look up almost any product out there and it's full of negatives, but you don't hear about the people that benefit from the products because they have no reason to seek out a forum and tell everyone "Hey this stuff is great!" But even with THAT being said, I'm a bit worried that I haven't found ONE good thing to be said about Ascend yet (among the people that actually take it, sorry but I'm really not listening to anyone that does not have the EXPERIENCE). You can't speak on something without an experience.

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You have no idea what you are talking about. Saying 10mg is 10mg is telling everyone you have never had any type of addiction to pills. instead of reading books try talking to people that have addictions.

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I dont know why as far as a reason that they are made that way but.. i assume because there is no coating.. so when they come in contact with moisture they puff up and start to disintegrate.. so to poo out a whole one is just not possible in my mind.. it would make sense though so they get into your system faster. I have been sick and taken them and they made me even more nauseous, threw up and was worried i threw them up..but they disintegrate so fast that i was fine..

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Ya how come they disintegrated in mouth? Mine did too?? Weird?

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U mean 54/142? Anyway taken a whole bottle of these new 116 ones . I had 360 of them... (no not at once obviously ) but they work fine for me.. take 120 a day.. works for pain just the same.. i was on both the 54/142 and the rectangles before.. all 3 work for me. I dont get how you could poo one out whole! They startto disintegrate when you put them in your mouth how could they make it through your whole digestive tract?i don't see how that's possible..

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Personally mallicrap is just that crap! At least for methadone ..had seen a full pill in my stool! Told FDA tried a pill crushed broke the plastic. Very poor pain control. I guess if you crap them out what good right,? Been on 160 mg for 9 years Roxanne 10mg best if had. Today I got the ascend 116 seem fine I backed off a bit never now I don't play with done. .. I will never ever take a malenrodt ever ! I opened a bottle of the 116 if they work ok ill finish them. If not I have unopened sealed bottles he said the Roxanne were out of stock at time of order he can get them next week plus he gave me the almost a full bottle of Roxanne so I think he would return them but so far 116 is fine even at 140 so?,?? Roxanne is good pain control little buzz for really helpswith pain. Even if 116 is stronger iim stick in with Roxanne 154 42

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Both generic..but different manufactures

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is asc116 the same generic methadone as 54142

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Im sorry but i have tried this with many different pills.. and changing the manufacturer does make a difference at times. If u know anything about generic pills u know that the active ingredient has to be the same but the inactive ingredients do not have to be the same! This makes a difference! Unless you have taken them you wouldnt know. Now as my last post said i had yet to try them. I just took my usual amount today but with the new asc 116 pills. They took the same amount of time to start working and they felt just the same. No added nauseous feeling. No more then usual anyway.. i find them to be very much the same as the rectangle methadone and the 54/142 rounds.. if you are nauseous and throwing up you either took to many or its the inactive ingredients your more sensitive to. Some things are in your head or placebos wouldn't work. But i personally have noticed a difference in meds that are made under different manufacturers.

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taking 10mg of methadone is the same know matter where it comes from. I'm sorry to say but it's all in your guys head. The pharmacist is right. 10mg is 10mg, it's not stronger or weaker just because the manufacture is different. If you're feeling nausea, it's either because of what's in your stomach or your lying and taking to much.

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I just picked up these strange new methadone.. asc 116... i always get the 54/142 or the rectangle ones, now i havent tried these yet but i remember switching from one to another as far as manufacturers, and they made me nauseous because it was almost stronger since i wasnt used to it.. if you are going through withdrawls the first symptoms are the skin crawing anxious feelings. Not throwing up. But take too many and u will feel nauseous. Switching from one manufacturer from another does make a difference even if the pharmacy says it doesnt. I have switched before just to get the same effect after getting too tolorent to them.. but i am going to try them and ill see if i get the same results.. just got 360 of them so i hope they are okay or i gotta wait a month for another script.

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So u think the asc116 are as strong as the others??? Any other information you have on these asc116 would b greatly appreciated

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Oh no!!!!! I surely hope this doesnt happen to me cuz i just took my first dose of asc 116's and i dont want to gry

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Exactly. I usually take Roxanne or Mallinkrot. When I took Ascend, I went into withdrawls cause it's so s***ty. Just like the QUALITEST brand for Norco & Soma. Ascend & Qualitest should be pulled from the market.

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I have been nauseous for about 3 weeks now, couldn't pinpoint anything that was causing this. Finally I got to noticing that it was happening about the same time everyday. I looked at my methadone bottle and seen that it was by a different manufacturer. This manufacturer was ASCEND. It has ASC 116 on the pill. I will NOT EVER take another one of these. I don't know what the difference is but I felt almost as if I was in withdrawals. And if my pharmacy wont get the one's I was taking, then I will find a new pharmacy.

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Okay cool thanks. For some reason last night about an hour after taking my first 2 of this pill I became really nauseous and threw up. I have been on this medication everyday for over a year and have lowered my dosage from 90mg a day down to 50mg so this has never been a side effect that I've experienced so hopefully it was just a fluke thing! Thanks for the response.

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