Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 12) (Top voted first)


What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

264 Replies (14 Pages)

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Re: Pharmacy Tech student (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

You are totally ignorant of what you say ms. teky I have taken them all and there is abig difference i have 40 years hands on experience to know what I am saying you however have nothing but books and b-s surveys. Surveys are just as wrong as you are.

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Re: Yes Siree Marie (# 222) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, you responded to my post on August 20, 2017. I didn't see it until today April 3, 2018. I was so touched by your reply. We really have a lot in common. I would love to talk with you, right now I just want to know that you are ok? I am so sorry I didn't see your message until today. I didn't know how to get back to this page. Anyway I hope that somehow you get an alert and you check this page. If you do come back and see this - go to comment # 221 then hit reply and write to me. I hope your brother helped you but he probably didn't unless he has had a change of heart. I have 3 half brothers all doing very well, one owns a horse, one has 2 houses and the just sold a huge house and banked the money for a planned relocation. I have not seen any of them since 2005 and we didn't even speak much. Being related to people doesn't mean they give a damn about you. Some people are really lucky and have AMAZING families. They are truly blessed. I have several people in my family who are wealthy but I am in the same boat as you - my house is falling apart and I have no money to hire anyone to fix it and I am in bed on oxygen all day - too weak, sick, & in way too much pain to do anything myself.

I have plenty of people online who knew me before I got sick, who pray for me all the time. Its nice but its not helping day to day. I need surgery but I know there is nobody to help with recovery so I have been putting it off for well over a year. I don't want you to help me, I am just giving you examples of some of the things I am going through so you will know that I understand what your are going through. I pray this note finds you, and please know how much I appreciated you reaching out to me. It was so kind and thoughtful. Consider this note, me reaching back to you, and offering to be at least emotional support, and friendship. I wish I could do more. I hope to hear from you soon, but whenever you answer, I will be here. Take care of yourself. All my best.

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Re: methadoneman (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I was given injections the other day and I cant move. I need my methadone back. {edited for privacy}

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Re: Pharmacy Tech student (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

How much methadone have you ever taken? I think none, so unless you have actually taken it yourself, you only know what your book says about it.

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Re: Pharmacy Tech student (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Not always true some of the so called"fill" in the pills are different and that can cause many side effects u are not use to

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Does anyone else have issues with the brand of methadone pills they get from their pharmacy? I've realized that Mallinckrondt brand works best for me. Roxanne brand is complete junk. But im having trouble finding Mallinckrondt brand at any local pharmacies that will take my insurance. They all only carry Roxanne brand and can not order a specific brand which I think is completely ridiculous. I also read that a company called Aurobindo is trying to buy Mallinckrondt so that will mean the end of the one brand that actually works for me and my pain. I did just recently find a pharmacy that carries Aurobindo. I just got my prescription filled, so the jury is still out on if it will fit my needs, but honestly my hopes aren't high. Anyways, i just wanted to see if others are having the same issues. Thanks.

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Re: Luna (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I agree changing generics doe's make a difference some are just not a strong as others. I really noticed a big difference when my pharmacy changed brands on my morphine.
I recently received a Rx. from my DR. for methadone to be added to my others for pain. I can't even tell I've taken anything. My DR. doubled the dose so I will see if that works for me.

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Re: Pharmacy Tech student (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I disagree with you I have been on methadone over 30 years for CRPS and other painful Issues .Some drugs have more filler then others well couple months ago I Recived the same methadone asc116 and It did not help my pain also got sick started vomiting and felt like I was getting ready to go in withdraws.I called my pharmacy he said yes he had alot of patients complain about this same name drug said he was going to try not to get that no more sometimes you get what he can get and try to tuff it out well it was the worst month I had at only taking 40 Mg. and with my breakthrough pain medication but no it was not in my head and don't think it was for others so 10 MG does not always mean to say it may be in your head is rude crazy don't forget fillers take a big part in the medication not working or make u sick so with that need to look up about fillers in medication. My dr years ago used to only brand only Bc of all the fillers that were in some pain medications

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Same for the OP 20’s. Like swallowing plastic and feel nothing. Waste

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Re: Stance (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Same thing happened to me. No more ASC. Everyday feeling awful.

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Re: Pharmacy Tech student (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I have to call BS on that I was taking 54 142 for 10+ yrs one day the pharmacy filled my script with another manufacturer I was taking my meds as usual and felt like I didn’t even take them I felt like I was going through withdrawals and everything that go with them many trips to the bathroom my lips were numb/tingling sweating through my sheets I was lucky enough that my DR wrote my another script after I took the useless generic to the doctors office.

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Re: mike (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

Try GoodRX it will give you a coupon and it will be cheaper and the coupons are free from the application.

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Re: Speedy (# 248) Expand Referenced Message

I enjoyed your posts I'm in Australia I'm in my 60s ,I think exact same thing is happening here but of course no one will admit to it.take it easy seems your not alone.

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Re: me (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

54 12 are lowest grade junk. 3 pills equal one mallinckrodt 10 pill.
The ASC brand i just got fir pain management was ok but now it feels way to strong. U usually only Take 20 mg daily unless it is a bad day for pain in which i may take 30-40.

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Re: Pharmacy Tech student (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

That is not true. These companies Make junk half the time. Mallinckrodt was tge best normal ones on the market. Orgers are too weak or too strong

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Re: Terssa (# 259) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I'm in Australia I recently had to change chemists to get my medication ,I never felt my med from original chemist I thought it was just me ,but new chemist I can definitely feel my dose ,makes me wonder why ??

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Re: Pharmacy Tech student (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

You’re absolutely wrong they are not the same

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Re: Pharmacy Tech student (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

You are a pharmacy tech student? giving out your opinion on something you have no real experience. Better to keep out of the information here before you affect someone else’s life

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Re: nelsbuns (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

They are made to be water soluble so you can take them with water

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Re: Whoever (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

How to taper and detox on methadone in 5 days, what is the dose day 1, 2, 3, 4 and last day 5?

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