Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 11)
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What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

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Hydromorph sucks have your doc. Switch you the only way it seems to work is in a liquid give at the hospital

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I'm so sorry i had to use a different pharmacy today to get my methadone... They gave me the asc 116 , and they suck big time. Had to take five ten mg and still don't feel s*** and my pain is still here..

Sorry but I disagree with anyone that says it's in your pissed....

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Very true I believe these are the same ones from a rehab

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You are absolutely correct. My drugstore filled my prescription with these also. I have nausea and diarrhea since taking these pills. (That's why I was making sure it is Methadone I am taking.) I have taken many different brands and never in 20 years had this problem.I will be changing pharmacy's if this is all they have. Medicine is suppose to make you feel better not worse. Thanks for all the comments, I know now it's not just me.

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What ever , but as a customer I should have my choice, not the business trying to make a buck. If I have spent my time to find the right store and the right pill, switching it when I pick it up is just rude and wrong. I don't take them, but my wife suffering from OV cancer does.A the customer should be shown respect, not be treated like a convict/child, and be told what brand to take when they are paying for it. The bottom line is the business is making more money by giving you an off brand. Some people are square when it comes to their lives and have enough problems, without the lies. That go's for any and all meds.

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You must have a high tolerance at this point if 12 10mg Opanas are not helping with pain.

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116 suck ass..its not in anyone's head..ask any junkie who have real life experience. Scientists don't know s*** and only know what a book tells them but they think they know it all...i'd listen to a junkie b4 ever listening to U guys again...Going to school for yrs and receiving a diploma dont mean s*** in the real world.

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There is a small margin of error for active ingredients that the FDA allows in all medication. That being said if there is a 4% margin for error and one med is 96% purity and one is 99% and you've been on said medication for a decade you will surely notice the difference. Given those percentages were fictitious for the given example I believe they allow 3% variance and still allow them for mass production under FDA guidelines. I have had chronic pain problems most my life and it's not in my head that my Roxane methadone and Malinkrodt oxycodone work better than other generics to treat the same pain. Although I can say that the difference is much more noticeable in the oxycodone generics than with methadone. The malinkrodt dones will start my withdrawals if I just had a month of Roxane, but I haven't noticed this with the Ascend coming from Roxane. Furthermore it has taken lots of personal experience accompanied with many other patients experiences and endless research to confirm that it wasn't in my head. Kinda hoped a pharmacy tech student would know this already.

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@Nurse...I'm a nurse as well and I agree. I didn't realize my mfg had changed. I've been on ASC for about 10 days and couldn't figure out why I felt crappy. I believe it's the ASC 116's. I am wondering if the 116's are being cut with narcan to prevent overdose? Next refill I will check mfg before leaving pharmacy. I believe I do have a right to have the requested medication, don't i? I am the paying customer. Just a few ideas..........thanks everyone.

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I'm a nurse and I don't even have to be a nurse to know that all generics have different inactive ingredients which could effect a lot of things like absorption, side effects etc..

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I don't get that full pill in the stool thing either? That person must drink ZERO fluids? Also, I have taken the METHADOSE CHERRY LIQUID, 40mg WAFERS, MALLINKROUDT pillows, 54/round ones, and the new round 116 ones. All were taken over long periods and they ALL THE SAME , except the wafers did prove to be a little stronger (as I was told told at the time). But people are all different, indeed.

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@Original Poster, here's as much information on the ASC 116 manufacturer as I could find:

It is manufactured by a company called Ascend Laboratories and carries a National Drug Code of 67877-0116.

The only thing it didn't have any information on was when they began production and when those hit the market. The delay can be longer than you'd think, which is why I differentiate between the two. If I find that info later, I'll create another reply directed at you, much as this one was. I've found questions about them being asked as far back as January of 2012, so they've been around for at least that long, fwiw. Hope that helps!! Happy Holidays!!

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Wrong even the FDA will tell you that there can be as much as 15 point difference and they still pass the control.

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@kasey, they shouldn't be any difference in that the active ingredient should be the same in both. The binders they choose to use could be different, but I haven't looked it up to see if they are or aren't. Also, the manufacturing process they use could be (and most likely is) different.

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You are so wrong! That's like saying all generic pills are the same as the brand name. Total b.s.

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Does anybody know anything about Opana or Hydromorphone? i have been taking these for 2 months. I take anywhere between 8-12 a day and feel nothing. I am taking the medication that is made by Roxanne. Are these pills a joke? Or have i built such a tolerence to opiates that nothing is gonna work for me? they are the 10mg instant release.

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were can i get the 54 143 for that price im having to pay $48.00 for 60tab

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med student guy, i have to disagree with you. Unless you have Neuropathy you just don't know. There is no such thing as Gabbapentin Cymbalta. It's either one or the other. I've tried them both at the highest recommended doses. They help a wee bit. Lyrica didn't work at all. I can go on and on. The Dr.s love throwing that Gabbapentin at people and believe me it is not even close to being working like they believe it does. I've tried just about everything and the only thing that seems to help at all arethe opiates. So a little helpful advise to you LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENTS THEY ARE THE ONES GOING THROUGH PAIN THAT YOU CANNOT IMAGINE UNLESS YOU HAVE IT!!!! Don't just give them stuff to give them stuff. You will be a better for it and way more respected and liked by your patients. your supposed to be there to help.

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I think they r... I don't like them

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