Methacholine Can Stay In Body How Long?


I had a methacholine challenge test and was still feeling light headed 3 hours after end of test. Due to lack of communication between medical professionals, the methacholine was not removed from my lungs as the cardio-pulmonary dept. stated needed to be done when I called to express concern over feeling drugged hours after test. I've not woken without pain a single day since, and pain has expanded from my lungs, to my chest cavity, to my head; with pain centering in one location for 3-6 months before expanding into next part of my body. Is there anything that can be done to either remove methacholine left in my lungs, or to stop the continuous reaction my body has had to the methacholine? I've consulted various specialists as pain has expanded to different areas of my body, but they believe it could not be related to the methacholine challenge test. As pain began within less than 24 hours of test, it seems probable the methacholine left in my lungs was the cause. Has anyone else experienced long term pain after having a methocholine challenge test?

4 Replies

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Hi Sue. Did you ever get an answer? I am a 42 yr male in great health. However, I recently had the methacholine test, & I've woke up everyday since, with a serious headache. I'm wandering if my conditions are related to the test as well?

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I had a methacholine challenge at National Jewish Health Dr. Canham was told I had thyroid problems but proceeded w/the test since then I'm constantly gaining weight, I get chest pains, shortness of breath, & anger problems since I had it, it's been a year & 3 months, and I've had no improvements to date, in addition I get the bureaucratic shuffle when I asked for everything written about this drug. it leads me to think everyone is a test subject for medicine after reading others stories.

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You bet it is, it blocks circulation in the bronchial passages & to the brain, in addition I kept complaining about my kidneys hurting & they told me its from the booth I was in as they kept giving me dose after dose this was over a year ago & my kidneys are going out on me

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That would be like saying your mouth don't hurt the 1st 24hrs after you get punched in it.

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