Met Xl 50 Side Effects (Top voted first)


Met XL 50 Side Effects VERIFICATION

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I am using Met xl 50 mg since 9 months. I want to know what additional side effects are possible other than dizziness etc.

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Met Xl contains the active ingredient Metoprolol, it is a beta blocker that's most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions.

Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain and hypotension.

Learn more Met XL details here.

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I took mat xl 50 for 3 months. but at last doctor know that i have not a blood pressure problem.and i stop taken it. but after stopping it my stomach pain is started and it continuous since last 6 to 7 months. i shown gastrologist doing endoscopy and stomach abdominal salvis CT sacn also.

but all reports are normal.but my stomch problem is as it is. i feel that my stomach got infection due to mat xl 50. Is it possible ??

and also tell me if u have not regular problem of blood pressure and u take matxl 50 for 3 months than what is the side effect of it ?

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I am suffering from high blood pressure with 140/100 so from 6 moths doctor suggest me to use triolmezest 20mg in morning and metxl-t 50 at night. I am 35 years old there any side effects of using these tablets. And 2 bp tablets are compulsory for me. I am planning to get pregnant, do I have any side effects by this medicine please help me answer me please Iam very much worried about my health.

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