Men's Health Forums (Page 45)
Recently active Men's Health forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Men's Health and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains pill made in idnia ## what is this drug used for ## Phiagara is a blue diamond shaped pill made in india. It should be made up of Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra). ## Tom, Have you taken it? good results? Take a look at our discussion about Nizagara also from India. ## Hey joey, yeah I haven't tried it yet. On the packaging it says each pill contains 100mg of sildenafil. So, theoretically it should be as good as brand viagra i guess. Never had any bad reaction to normal viagra so hopefully this is just as good, will post back soon. ## I really do want to hear the comparison of the two. And i can only assume you had total full erections from viagra? ## Yeah i've tried viagra quite a few times from prescription, and it worked perfectly. Long lasting full erections when needed and ...
What happens if you don't have a problem and you take it anyway? ## I heard that it won't hurt you, but it will feel so good that you won't want to have sex without it. I say if it's not broken then don't fix it! ## Nothing will happen if taken in small doses. But side effects may occur, so be careful. ## Barry, have you taken it? if so, with what results? (or anyone else). I am trying a generic brand right now.
blue with 100 on front ## I need to know the medical information on Pflagara. lThat is idications, side effects ## Sorry, are you talking about Viagra the US drug, or Pfiagra, as it is sold in other countries. If you are looking for the foreign one, then the closest you can get is to read the monograph for Viagra, they are supposed to be the same drug. However, since countries other than the U.S. do not regulate their drugs like the FDA does, there is no guarantees of what it really is, or its purity and safety.
blue pill, shaped like viagra but larger, number 100 on one face ## Sorry, this appears to be a foreign drug,thus I cannot confirm what it is nor tell you anything about it. Foreign medications are just not regulated like those in the U.S. There have been some other posts about it on here, so you might be able to find some more information if you check those out.
yellow orange ## Hello ! Can you tell me what an orange/yellowish pill w/ # 751 on one side and on the other w/ M is exactly and what isused for please. thank you ! I found a few of these mixed in withmy Cialis 20mg pills and don't know if it is a generic form or a mistake.-please advise .-thank you ! WDW ## THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT CIALIS! This tablet is Cyclobenzaprine 10mgs, this is a muscle relaxant, a generic for Flexeril. I believe someone made an error, because this is not even related to Cialis. I suggest going back to the pharmacy and showing them the pill, tell them the ID of it and ask why it is in your bottle which is supposed to be Cialis. ## I double checked this in several databases just to be certain and I received the same ID results every time, it is definitely NOT C...
Small Pink Capsule With GG623 imprinted on it ## small pink capsule with making GG623 and inside a white powder ## Small pink capsule with GG 623 is Terazosin, used to treat prostate enlargement. ## small pale yellow capsalewith Z4067 on both sides ## Small yellow capsule with Z4067 is Prazosin
I think it is micron all I know is that it is a small ovalish round pink pill that has (mic) on one side and (ron) on the other side came from india ## Believe it or not this is a generic Viagra. How in the world did you get it if you didn't order it. If you go online and look for manufacture from India who make and dispense this you might find a phone number or address. Boy, I would not eat the cost put on my credit card. Are you sure you arent a victim of identity theft?
purple one side and gray on the other capsule that reads mylan 2268 in dk grey on both sides ## Pill Image This is Terazosin 25mgs, a generic for Hytrin which helps to lower blood pressure. ## found a small light green oval pill. 33 on one side and 93 on the other. no other identifying marks. ## Pill Image This is Oxycodone Extended Release 80mgs, a generic for Oxycontin, this is the highest dose available.
what are all the medication that contain hcg ## Are you referring to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? If so then this is from the page: Related Drug Listing(s): A.P.L. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG Chorex Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG Novarel Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG Ovidrel Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG Pregnyl Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG Profasi Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG