Memory Blackouts???
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Has ANYONE had problem with blackouts while taking Lycria? They havebeen several times where I don't have any memory. Has anyone experienced this???

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Yes three times I was in wrecks....thank God no one got hurt for me, but it could have easily went the other way.....I also cannot remember yesterday, maybe parts of it...I also repeat myself, ask questions I have already asked and do things around the house that I don’t remember........not a good drug for me....wish I would have know earlier the side effects of this med......

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I had been taken lyrica for over 6 yrs high dose one morning and evening feb2014 blacked out driving a major hyway, totaled my car i was still driving when i came to, i was in the median. Ok told my doc said could have been anything. Ok i felt fine no blackouts for 5 months, ok i thought cool July 2014 another blackout , i hit a jag, flipped sled down the rd. Flipped back over woke up other side of my pickup , god blessed me to forget buckling that belt. I would not be here today. Im having all kinds of brain tests now. My daughtersmade me get off lyrica . 2 cars 5 months. I will not drive now for i was blessed on not killing any body. Im 54 yrs old and doing lyrica research.

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I forgot to mention the breathing problems and my heart pounding and beating fast as well while on this stuff. If I'd wrecked a car due to this medication, like two of you have mentioned below, I think I'd be talking to an attorney AND wondering how many other people have done the same? (I also wonder if I *really* slept all those 20 hours I thought I did!?!)

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Adrianna - It's hard to say. I know I am feeling MUCH better than I was. I still feel a little out of sorts, I think more from the experience though. I think if I were you, or anyone else for that matter, I'd contact your doctor and let him or her know, so others may not have to go through the same. Reading about people having blackouts and driving with out recalling it very much concerned me. I know this medicatin is not for me, and again wonder if anyone has info re: how the tests were run for this medicine, and if they ever considered the types of problems I and so many others have run into?

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Carol - it's strange you mention that but I too experienced irritation and anger and more depressed thoughts. Since I've been off it for 2 weeks now I'm still angry and have depressed thoughts though the food cravings are gone
Anyone know how long I will feel this way????

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The first time I took Lyrica, I slept for 20 HOURS and woke up feeling as though I'd just come out of surgery and felt drugged for the next couple of days without taking any more!

I called my doctor's and pharmacy and was told to try taking it once a day, which I did for about a week. I noticed I got VERY depressed and VERY angry at things that would have normally been not a big deal.

While taking it, my house could have caught fire and if I'd heard the smoke alarms go off, I'd have likely just stayed in bed and not thought much of it.

I do not know what drugs this one is related to, but I know I will never take this medication again, as it is dangerous!

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I have been taking Lyrica since January, and I just totalled my car yesterday because I had a blackout while taking Lyrica. It was the only drug in my system at the time. I have also experienced weight gain. I could have been killed due to the nature of my wreck, and three different doctors told me that Lyrica doesn't seem to have too severe of side effects. Needless to say, I'd rather deal with the pain than continue taking this drug!

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I would suggest speaking to your doctor about this, as this could be a serious and dangerous problem.

Definitely not safe to be running around like that, not knowing what you were doing.

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I've had a few times where I completely don't remember what I did -example I went shopping and completely did not remember how I paid...I had given the clerk my card, she handed me the machine - punched my number in but didn't recall a thing. I knew I had paid with my bank card only when I looked at the slip. It's very scary and I hope it will go away ...I went of Lyrica because of it

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Yes I get that quite a bit but it seems to have something to do with being Duragesic patches (Fentanyl) and also Endep (amitriptilyne).

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This is very common of Lyrica. I was up to 400 MG a day and I would talk to people at night after having taken the med and I'd have to look at my cell phone recent call list the next day to see who I had talked to. It's very commone. But it has nothing to do with serotonin syndrome. SS is when you take something like Lexapro and Ultram together. SS doesn't cause you to blackout or lose your memory, it causes you to be sicker than a dog - like really horrendous flu.

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Hi, I have been taking pregabalin for over 12 months now for the pain I suffer with Osteoporosis and Osteo arthritis. I do have memory loss, I can be in the middle of a conversation and completely forgot what I was talking about, plus I have to write everying down that I need to do, I have notes everywhere. xxx

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Yes I just started taking Lycria on the 12th and I took the meds as described at bedtime and I wake up at 4am to head to work and on the 13th I blacked out and crashed my car due to the black out.

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Hi. I'd do a google search on Serotonin Syndrome: Recognition and Management. Then I'd find a site that will do drug interaction information.

I believe You may be experienceing part of the aformentioned syndrome. Ask You Doctor. I'm no doctor - I'm an information specialist. Just talking - Not Doctoring.
Keep Us posted.

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Yes, I also have had a few of these. Ascribed them to my ageing. I am 72. Also weight gain and some of the heavy foot problem, which causes stumbling more than I used to. At this point the pain relief is worth the side effects. Z

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