Melmet For Pcod And A Healthy Pregnancy
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I'm TTC. Can I take Melmet 500 for my PCOD? Is it safe to have Melmet when trying to conceive? Will it affect my conception?

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This medication is listed as containing the active ingredient Metformin, which is often used to treat PCOD by increasing insulin resistance.

No, it will not affect your ability to conceive. As a matter of fact, by helping your PCOD, it can actually increase your chances of conceiving.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, flatulence and stomach pain.

It is also listed as being safe to take during pregnancy.

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Dear Rja, during your TTC period you may consult your doc nearly as often, as if you were already pregnant. Every woman has peculiarities and there's no common rule for all. You may trust only other women's ideas and observe your body features. It's a beautiful time of your life, just be patient!

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