Meijer Pharmacy Subutex 54 411 Availability
UpdatedDoes meijer pharmacy carry 54-411 subutex or M 9-24? Walmart was out of 54-411 and I cant take the M 9-24 version. The pharmacy wouldn't tell me.
16 Replies
Yes you can, you just don't want to. This is a perfect example of why there are so many rules and laws and restrictions because people abuse, break the rules, and don't do what they're supposed to. It doesn't matter what a Subutex looks like. Period. They all do the same thing unless you are administering your medication intravenously, in which case eventually you will get caught and you will lose your doctor. Most abusers want the 54s. It's just like when I see people say they're allergic to orange ones and small ones, LMFAO. They're literally the same thing, same mlg, same ingredient, just look different. It literally makes people look so ignorant. If you want help you'll take whatever you can get. If you don't want to be sick you'll take whatever is available. It's so funny to see someone who says they can't take an orange or a small or whatever but then when their pharmacy is out or they can't get what they want, they end up taking what's available and suddenly they can take them all of a sudden. Somehow they're no longer allergic to orange ones. Like do you realize how dumb you sound?
I think if you're a drug addict you shouldn't be so picky. Now I can understand small ones because they are a little bit different. However they're different in what most would consider a good way. They don't have any fillers in them or "trash" as people like to say. It's pure buprenorphine. This means when you take it the effects are stronger and the negative is it doesn't last as long. It doesn't have all that other stuff in them that makes it last all day long, instead the effects hit you instantly and they don't necessarily wear off faster but it feels like it does, but really you won't get sick the whole day. So in either case it does what it's supposed to. People see that they're small and they think in their mind that they're not getting enough of the medication. Or that it's less when in reality it's the same milligram. If you take more than what's prescribed more than one time a day you're wasting your medication because those receptors in your brain are already full. They can't get any higher. If you take more you'll just end up with a headache.
I live in Indiana and get the 54's prescribed to me from a doc in Ohio, and I normally fill them in Madison indiana, but my pharmacy is not getting them anymore. Can anyone help me find a pharmacy that carries the 54's? They are the only ones without naloxone and I'm deathly allergic to that.
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
Seriously? I don't abuse my medication at all, and I never have, but I prefer the small white ones made by hi-tech because it's easier from them to dissolve under my tongue and don't make me nauseous like the bigger ones do. They don't make subutex in the orange flavor but I couldn't stand the orange flavor either, so just because someone has a preference doesn't necessarily mean they are abusing their medication. People are creatures of habit and they get used to one thing and that's what they prefer. Also when people say they are allergic they are usually talking about being allergic to the naloxone, which are the ones with the orange flavor so yes people can be allergic to the orange flavored ones. Maybe you should get your facts straight before you go posting about stuff u clearly don't know anything about. I don't mean to be rude, but it's people like you who put all addicts under one category and assume because we like a certain brand over the other we must be abusing our meds which is usually not the all. I know a lot of people also say they like the bigger teva ones because they think they work better as well, which is probably mental but it again doesn't mean they are abusing their medication.
Re: bodrow (# 2)
That isn't true, if your prescribed subutex, and not suboxone, it doesn't matter what it looks like it will not have the naloxone in it. Subutex is just buepanorphine and suboxone is buep with naloxone in it. It doesn't matter what brand you get it matters what you are prescribed they make several types of subutex all with out naloxone and most places these days do not carry the 54s they carry the hi/tech which are the little white ones with an arrow and the orange oval ones with a half moon, made by actavin, these ones look like suboxone because they are orange, but they don't have the orange flavor, and have no nalaxone in them. I think your really confused, and should do some research.
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
They are not all the same. I have tried several different brands of this medication and i always end up sick taking them. There is only 2 brands that do not make me sick
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
Apparently you don’t have a problem with opioid addition because there is a f*****g difference. All you seem to do is have a an opinion that makes no sense. You don’t just “take what you can get”. You take what works for you. You call us ignorant? First learn the definition of ignorance!!!! Let me help you since you have no clue what you're talking about. Ignorance is lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. So you are the classic definition of ignorant because you don’t have a f*****g clue. I do and I know what works for me, so do yourself a favor and quit trying to get attention with big words you had to google to spell on a subject you know nothing about.
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
Wow. Hateful and judgemental. Obviously if a generic pill is not the same color as the name brand they don't have the same ingredients. Something is different or the pill would look exactly alike. If I'm paying for them the pharmacy staff should just do their job and fill the script with whichever kind I want. As long as I don't ask for something other than what my script is.
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
Sorry but your wrong. I’ve been on the 54’s for ten years so hard to find now tried other brands and they suck. I do not abuse the meds and you shouldn’t assume that either.
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
Ur saying the people who abuse and administer the drug intravenously look for the 54s.. BUT.. You also say that shows ignorance because its all the same... Then why would those who are abusing it need the 54s?? They're all the same tho.. "LMFAO". That's contradictory and stupid.
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
You dont know what your talking about there is a difference. I can't take suboxone because the naloxone gives me a huge migraine and makes me severely sick.
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
I've always took 54s I have took others and the rps give me migraines badly so yeah they are differant.
Re: Bbop123 (# 4)
This person is correct 3yr recovering addict they might be the same in all types of subutex but different brands make u feel different
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
Sorry to disagree with you but the smaller ones are not the same. I took the 54411s for 2 years then was put on the small ones with arrows. I went thru withdrawls for 5 days. If they were the same I wouldnt have experienced withdrawls. Thanks so much.
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
All subutex are the same. I get the small ones and they are the same as 54 411. I don't sell my script though. Only people who sell their script get the 54s. What will you do when the 54s are gone completely? BE SICK....
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
I just got the little subutex with the arrow and the 8 on them I never took them before I have always took the 54/411s they made me sick and I feel like I'm withdrawaling they are different than what I'm used to
Re: Catdog26 (# 1)
To the last person that left that uninformed comment that apperantly doesn't know anything about being a recovering Addict the reason why we prefer 54411 or RP 8 brand Subutex is because we can break them into quarters and take a small amount throughout the day also theres no dyes in them that make the medication taste horrible because we normally hold a piece under our tounge so before you go spreading rumors or lies because your not an actual recovering addict that takes the medication....
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