Megestrol 40mg. Menopause, Endometrial Lining 11cm Fib
I am post menopausal. 58 years old Vaginal ultrasound shows endometrial long at 11mm small fibroid and polyp. Endometrial Biopsy results were benign. Gyno put me on 40mg megestrol for 2 months. Took it for 1 week and my stomach bloated so much I looked 8 months pregnant. Cramps, headaches, the worst PMS I have ever had. No bleeding but running to bathroom thinking I was. I'd rather have a D&C to thin the lining and to be absolutely sure the fibroid and polyp are benign. I refuse to take megestrol - these make me crazy crampy severe PMS weight gaining pills and it's cruel to prescribe and expect a 58 year old postmenopausal woman to go thru this bodily hell. Menopause was bad enough. Not for me! Asking for D&C.
1 Reply
I am very sorry about the issues you've experienced, the FDA does warn them as being possible side effects of this medication, since it is a hormone.
Have you informed you doctor? I have a friend who was just taking this, after a D&C, and she decided she'd rather have a hysterectomy, because she was far too miserable.
How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?
It can be normal for the lining to thicken, due to your still taking in estrogen, but no longer producing estrogen.
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