Megace Forums
Recently active Megace forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Megace and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I found this in sons room and would like to know what it is if anyone can help. ## actually its thin lightlight blue scored one side with 40 on the bottom of scored side axulrz ## Based on the description provided, the closest match I could find is a round light blue pill marked with 4|0 on one side (with a score line between each number), and blank on the other side. This particular pill is identified as Megace (megestrol) 40mg. Manufacturer: Bristol-Myers Squibb Megestrol is a man-made version of the human hormone progesterone. It treats breast cancer and endometrial cancer by affecting female hormones involved in cancer growth. It increases weight gain by increasing appetite. I hope this info helps to at least narrow down your search! ## Best I can think of is maybe Viibryd. Its 40 m...
87 yo independent active female recovering from total hip replacement. Had 4 vessel CABG last year. Has CAD, CHF. Depression, CO~45%,minor Basal Ganglia CVA and developing renal failure. Weight loss of >40 lbs in past year. No appetite, muscle wasting disuse atrophy, anemic. Marinol not as effective appetite stimulant and she is sensitive to mental status changes on Marinol increasing probability of falling again. Need safest appetite stimulant to nourish muscle mass to regain strength to weight bear/ambulate in PT for independence at home or even with assistance of only1 person.