Medicine For A Late Period
UpdatedMy period is late for more than 2 weeks what is the best medicine I can find in the pharmacy for I got my menstraul period now I take pregnancy test for two times around but it shows negative...please say what the best medicine I can get
13 Replies
Hello, Mary! How are you doing?
Have you gotten your period, yet?
There are various reasons it could be late. Have you experienced a sudden change in your body weight? Have you been under a lot of stress? Are you exercising more?
Are you on any other medications?
Have you consulted your doctor?
I'm 30 yrs of age. my LMP is 6 September and no periods yet, only very little brownish white discharge from few days.. had no intercourse without condom, UA negative.. plz suggest any medicine to bring back my periods
I have irregular period. I'm pregnancy test but results negative. What medicine I can take to get my period.
maine is month period miss kiya hai pls mujhe koi medicine suggest kijiye jisse period aa jaye maie pregnant nahi hona cahati hu mere ek beta aur maie koi child nahi cahati hu
Hi.. im supposed to have my period last May 30. I resumed drinking pills last 24th, then 25th because my flight back to hubby's country was 26th. But i was unable to drink pills on thw 26th because too busy for my departure. And unfortunately i had 5 hours flight delay so i resumed drinking pills 27th after our 1st contact. My period calendar showed that my pregnancy risk is low during 27th and 28th but till now my period hasn't come.. i am still taking pills aince 27th. We had s_x 27th and 28th.. what can i drink to have my period back.
Hi im using prostenol 2 i take the ist bfore intercourse and the second tablet was after intercourse and now 2weeks i havent seen my period is there posible i get pregnant?
I'm delayed more than 2weeks..I'm very worried..I tried two times pregnancy test but negative and ,the third times not clear what medicine can? I won't to get pregnant.
medicine for two weeks late period? she was delayed for two weeks... I just want to ask what medicine should she take so she can start her normal menstrual cycle?
Am 42 yrs old. I was suppose to see my period on the 1st of February. My urine and blood work came out negative. My Dr. Prescribed Ova care and folic acid. My period came out on the 26th after 5 days of medication. But my Dr says I should continue with the drugs for 3 weeks. Is it safe and how long will it take me to get pregnant?
My periods are 2 week late.which pill I will take please suggest me.
I have been unable to see my period for 2 weeks now and am having malaria now. Pls advise. I need medicine that will bring my period back.
August 24 i have period and the nxtday i dont have period again....until sept 2 i already my period and its like a dot only so i take a herbal drink so may period can flow normally and until now i still have a it normal??
For a month now I have missed my period. I went for a pregnancy test and it was negative. Please suggest what medicine I should take?
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