Medicine To Abort 2 Months Pregnancy
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My friend is suspecting her to be pregnant as her periods were stopped for the past 2 months. She was harassed by his relative when sleeping. Still she was not sure whether there was an intercourse. She is unmarried and she don't want to confirm her pregnancy as she feels guilty. Can you suggest a proper medicine to abort her pregnancy? Thanks a ton.

13 Replies

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Am 2 month's pregnant. I want to an abortion what pills can I use?

Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

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How to get the medicine over the counter?

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Am two month old pregnant and my bf said is not ready for and I don't want to abort but am not financially okay... Please can you help me out with this

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hi, i had sex and the very next day my periods came, so i dint take any contraceptive pill. next month too my periods came. but this month its late by a week. i have take two pregnancy test and they were negative... m confused am i pregnant or not and if i am how can i abort it.

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Gudmrn,am from nigeria,i had an unprotected sex wit my girlf on 14th december last year dat was 4days after har period and she was suposed to see har next period on 8 dis january but she didnt,so i'v been thinkn dat she is pregnant,pls help me,wat medicine can we use to abort it?i wil say its a 2months pregnancy.

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I have 40 days pregnancy want to disroy it

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NEGESH... Do not feel guilty already have a precious baby inside you. You should feel guilty only if decide to take the innocent life of this little baby snd kill it. That is when you will feel guilty! Please give your little one to a good loving home and let someone adopt this little baby. If uou need help write to me on this post. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR LITTLE BABY..MOTHER AA

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Am in nigeria.i want to knw how to use d misoprostol.and if i can find it in my country

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i missed my periods 4 almost 2 months n i am confirmed that iam pregnant through test kit can someone plzzz suggest me any pills plzzz

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were can we buy that medicine??

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Is it safe to use flagyl pills for abortion if u 7 weeks pregnant

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Thank you Verwon....

She took a pregnancy test and it was negative. No worries...

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Okay, first of all, if there was sexual intercourse and she is a female that never had it before, there would have been some pain and bleeding.

You can have her read the details here to learn more about the act of sexual intercourse and what it involves....

Learn more sexual intercourse details here.

And then, if it did happen and she suspects that she is pregnant, she should take a pregnancy test to confirm.

If the test confirms that she is, the most commonly used abortifacient medication is Cytotec/Misoprostol, but it requires a doctor's prescription in most countries.

Learn more Cytotec details here.

Do you have any questions? If so, please post back and I will be happy to help you further.

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