Medication, Oxycodone, Suboxone (Top voted first)


I had back surgery and was taking 15mg of Oxycodone and I took 8mg of suboxone for 3 days thinking I would be ok but my back is in so much pain. How long before I can take my medication again?

4 Replies

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Wait 24 - 48 hours. 36-48 hrs is recommended.

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My Suboxone is not covered by UnitedHealthcare community plan wanted to know what would I be put on next for chronic pain besides any other opiates

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I have the same health care and got approved. Your doctor has to have a one on one with the health insurance doctor and if it's in ur benefit then this health care will approve for a short time. My first approval was only 3 months then my second 6 months and at tell end of this 6, going to ask for another approval. As long as you are following protocol and guide lines, (u have to go to out patient of some sort of ur choice and meetings) while on suboxone according the United health care insurance.

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Very well explained it's nice to see people actually assisting others with questionable insurance bureaucratic bs........ best of luck in your recovery

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