Medicaid Prescriptions Pain
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Please advice or help!!! My wife just was approved for medicaid. she has a primary doc, gynecologist and is seeing a rheumatologist soon. No problems except her primary doesnt think she should be seeing pain management, even with several disc problems, lupus, fibermyalgia and other problems. She has amerigroup. hewr pain doc is licensed and shes been going to the same one for 5yrs. her current pain doc doesnt accept medicaid or insurance. She gets prescribed fentanyl patches, oxycodone 30 mg. and neurontin and xanax. It doesnt seem any pharmacies accept her medicaid, we live in clearwater fl , can someone please guide me in the right direction on how to get all this covered under her amerigroup medicaid? what docs? what pharmacies etc. we cannot afford paying 1,500 a month anymore!!!! i have just about depleted my savings so she can have a somewhat productive life in regards to her pain, please please someone advice! ofcourse the oxycodone works best for her, less side affects and no drowsiness, so any help would be appreciated. we live in clearwater fl .. Thank You so much in advance!!
5 Replies
Pharmacy mail order. I hope that works for you.
Medicaid won't pay for prescriptions that are written by a dr who isn't signed up with Medicaid. When you're dealing with Medicaid Health Plans like Amerigroup, they may choose to not pay for prescriptions that are written by a dr who isn't on their plan. Go to the Amerigroup or any other Medicaid Health Plan website. They usually have the info regarding what drs accept their health plan, what med they cover and what pharmacys you can use.
Walgreens and CVS take AmeriGroup, that's where I go and I have AmeriGroup
who is her doc just moved here on same meds i dont know where to go
I live in Texas and have gone through some simular problems. I'm on medicade only instead of Amerigroup I have Superior and as for pharmacies, they all take it. It's not the same with pain mgmt. I had a really hard time finding one that took medicade at all. Good luck
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