Mebendazole Forums
Recently active Mebendazole forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Mebendazole and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Small, round, pink coloured pill with 'Janssen' written on one side. On the other side it says 'M e' above the score and '100' below the score. Many thanks. ## This tablet contains 100mgs of Mebendazole, a generic for Ovex, this is primarily used to treat infestations of worms, such as pinworms, tapeworms and etc. You can read more about the medication here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## Para que sirve las pastillas Janssen me 500? Thank you.
taken several drugs with gabbroral tablets for five days but still having the same problem. after finishing gabbroral medication i felt reliefed from pains in the lower abdomen which usually occur early in the morning before waking up. however the pains returned after 2-3weeks. i dont know what to do. please advise. main problem: the laboratory results on my stool showed askaris lumblicoides areas with a lot of pain: lower abdomen up to the ass. usually in the morning before visiting the toilet. sometimes i feel like going to the toilet but no stool only to remove a lot of air and feel relieved. ## Hello, Benard! How are you? Gabbroral would not treat this condition, it is an antibiotic that treats bacterial infections. However, this is a parasitic infection that usually requires treatm...
Was treated for the above upon returning from Vite Nam. Medication given me was something that sounded like suspension of mentazol. Please help in identifying this medication THANK YOU ## Was it possibly Mebendazole? It is a medication that is used to treat human parasitic infections. If that doesn't sound right, there is a list of others here that you can look at: However, since this wasn't a recent occurrence, there is also a chance that it is not on the market, anymore, so it may not be listed.