May Have Taken Two Belviq Pills This Morning (Top voted first)


Hello, I have been taking Belviq for several months. This morning, I may have taken two doses within a one-hour time span. I'm just not sure. If I did, should I be concerned? Lesson learned. I absolutely must place these in a daily dose dispenser so there is no question whether I've taken it or not.

2 Replies

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How are you? Did you experience any adverse effects?

Typically, doubling up on most medications isn't dangerous, unless it's a narcotic or something that depresses the central nervous system, but it could cause the side effects to be more severe. So, you may experience more nausea, dizziness, coughing and tiredness than usual, as listed among its typical side effects by the FDA.

However, it is always best to consult your doctor to be sure and for your own safety.

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I'm still not sure if took two Belviq's the day I posted my question but I made it through the day feeling fine so, all is good. Thanks for the reply

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