Massachusetts North Shore - Doctor That Prescribes Methadone For Severe Back Pain Withdrawals (Page 3)
UpdatedI have been on hydrocodone 30mg for about 3 years and started small but is now up to 4 a day just to feel fine and it has got very expensive and cant afford to do them anymore and it cost me my job... i literally cant get out of bed the withdrawals are so bad the back pain and restless arms and legs are the worse.. I have tried to quit 3 or 4 times now, once i bought 10 suboxone off a buddy and tried and only made 4 days and i vomited almost every day because it taste so nasty... i got out of detox on 1/17/13 and tried staying off but only lasted 2 days until i couldnt do it anymore and the detox center gave me methadone and it really helped and i need to get back to work have tons of bills that havent been paid in a while....I've been trying to go to the clinic but had to wait for insurance and now waiting for an available appointment for intake and is just taking forever plus it is gonna suck having to drive there every there any doctors near north shore in massachusetts that can help me out with a monthly or weekly prescription for methadone? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Your not to young! My husband put off hip replacement surgery for over 7 years. He had it done 2 years ago and wishes he did it years ago. He has pain once I a great while, but he works 4/10 hour shifts a week, and he says it's nothing compared to before.
Oh, he had his hip replacement at age 43. Doctor said it was like trying to put a square peg into a circle opening before surgery.
Check out brighAm and women's pain clinic they prescribe methadone.
Well, I was a person who skied every weekend, water skied, skated, ran track, danced for 15 years, etc. I had knee surgery by a surgeon who thought he was God!!! I had a patella realignment ,lateral release and for some reason he cracked my shinbone, 6 screws put in. This Dr cut nerves, ligaments, tendons etc. swollen so bad it was pulling my skin. When I shaved my legs, I nicked the screws!!!! 5 months later I went for 2nd opinion because I was dragging my leg, ER surgery 4
days later!!!!! 6 surgeries and a few scopes later (scopes for scar tissue buildup from injections) now by X-ray my knee is bone to bone!! Walking upstairs is horrendous. Knee literally locks when laying down. Because I don't walk right it affected my back. Have I tried magnetic therapy, pt, trigger point injections, braces, etc. yes I have!! I walked maybe 300 feet carrying 25 10 l b Bags, the next day my knee was so awful I wanted to die. Have you ever felt that way? I can tell you haven't! Did I sue the surgeon and win? Yes I did!!!!! He was found NEGLIGENT!!!!! I fell many times, now I have hairline fox in my hip. I can truly go on about this. I have been offered pain pills but due to the severe addiction and watching ppl go thru it, I refused!!!!! Does methadone work for me? Yes it does. It doesn't take total pain away, but it takes the edge off. I don't sleep all night but offered pills for it, I'm depressed because this is not my way of life, but offered pills for depression. Refused all of this, there is 1 thing that works for me, So, what does that make me?
is there a way you could tell ne who this doctor Is? I have a chronic condition and would prefer subutex over anything else. However I'm not an addict.
Re: Kam (# 16)
I am in your position, long term low back injury, totally changed my whole life. Put on morphine er over time upped to dose to a stabilized 100mg plus 8 x30mg codeine. New country and new Dr meant i was taken into detox immediately as they dont like opiates here.I am now labeled A Drug User on my medical file. Huh, never in my life have i asked or taken drugs or alcohol but thats that now. Shes just done it and now ruined my life. I do have on going other medical problems but she just rolls her eyes. Im at the end of my rope. Iv done the 6 days detox and shes left me on 40mgs er morph. But the PAWS symptoms are hell. She wont hear of giving me anything to help me at all. The morphine does very little I feel. Ive gone from leading a productive life and working to lying in bed barely able to move. Im 6 months into the protracted phase of detox and its like iv taken a trip into hell. Im due to have a second hip replacement soon and im so scared of the pain i know im in for. And the fact that my body has already gone thru a morphine reduction. If they give me pethidine etc.. in hospital does that set off the protracted symptoms of detox back at day 1 as i have read on some sites. Can anyone advise me what happens in a case such as going in for surgery. I know i was never addicted but my body did have a tolerance and a dependance. Its scares me what Drs can just do on a whim.
Re: DrnotGod (# 44)
They started you on Methadone as a pain killer, before trying you on other medications?
Re: Haley (# 17)
Have you tried Suboxone for your chronic pain? It has been used to treat pain for many years in other countries.
Re: Shar57 (# 33)
15 years on Methadone? Don't they try to taper you off? I understand 15 years ago all they had was Methadone, have you thought about Suboxone? It is much safer.
Re: Dimas (# 34)
Have you thought about surgery? Depending on where your pain is, surgery could take away a lot of your pain, and need for medication.
Re: Nunya (# 32)
He is actually 100% correct. I am a Chronic Pain Patient. As for back pain, depending where your pain is, surgery could take away a lot of your pain, and need for medication.
Re: PassedofMass (# 3)
I need to know the name please of the sr in Worcester if possible
Re: jack straw (# 12)
Spinal Stenosis is a diagnosis, but in itself causes no pain. It just means your spinal canal is smaller than usual.
Re: Rob (# 47)
Methadone was originally created a Pain killer. Not many people know that. I did t either, until after trying everything they suggested, alternative treatments too. Methadone was the PERFECT medication for the neuropathic pain that id dealt with for a few yrs. Methadone was created in Germany in 1937. It was World War II and there was a shortage of morphine. So the synthetic drug methadone was created. It takes a a dose or 2 before it really starts getting in ur system. But don’t take double doses. Really be careful if ur taking benzo too. It’s the combo of benzodiazepines and opiates that killls most people. Or too much of either meds. But the combo.... watch it. Methadone is kind of slow to build up. Once it does, u want to follow drs orders of how to take it. If u have sever chronic pain, don’t be a tuff guy and try to skip ur doses. It won’t work as well. U need that to be a steady level in ur system so ur pain stays under control.
Re: JEN (# 6)
Could you give me the name of a Dr that writes for methadone? I had 6 operations on my left arm leaving me with terrible pain.
I’m just wondering why you and several other ppl here - all whom have mentioned severe injuries from failed surgeries to (multiple) broken bones to (multiple) xar accidents - all of which you say is ‘documented’ but can’t find a dr./surgeon/specialist to write a simple referral to a chronic pain mgmt dr. As a few responders have explained, cpm docs will basically all request this simple referral from any previous doc who has treated you for any of the mentioned injuries at any time. A g.p. can easily write a referral for cp stemming from an accident/mishap/whatever even years earlier if the pain has gotten to the point it is severely interrupting basic life functions. It doesn’t have to be a 3-page letter, just your name and a cpl sentences saying he is referring you for pain mgmt. This does filter out the addicts somewhat but without this few docs will treat you. Fewer will write narc px’s on the first visit - as this too is a filter for them. They will write you on the next visit and before your current px’s run out. If your dr. has passed away suddenly, there will be someone who can look at your records and write this referral status by your prescribing dr. passed away and you need to be referred. No surgeon or special will deny you this referral - unless they want a legal suit. I have changed pain mgmt docs only when moving to another state or for a mutual disagreement on my treatment— *not a meds violation though. I have never been questioned or refused this referral by my previous doc or g.p. and have transferred my care to another specialist three times now seamlessly and without any disruption of my meds. I have asked around at my clinic in the waiting room and found no one who could not get this referral... Which, with your current records is basically mandatory for any pm clinic.
Stating you have pain that only certain meds can help, that nothing else can possibly work but heavy narcotics (30mg ir oxy in opposed to 10-15 mg for example), and that btw, you would never sell or abuse any px meds isn’t helping... And would certainly raise a bright red flag to any dr you mention this to as normal ppl wouldn’t even think about this on a **consult appt** which you will need before anyone hands you a monthly px and takes in your care. Please don’t bash me for hurting feelings as it is not my intentions. But seeing ppl doing one person who mentioned 2 years ago they could maybe help is just odd and a bit off putting to those of us who do live with pain and follow all the rules!! It took me years to find a dr who cared as much as my current one does, and I did retry inj's with him that had failed to bring any relief years earlier. I would try *anything to be pain free, and have done. With no private insurance. I am happy for what relief my meds do give and grateful that a dr would think to tell me about new procedures, etc. If you can’t get a referral there simply must be something else going on. My mri’s and records speak for themselves as should yours. Good luck with whatever you’re searching for.
Re: Shar57 (# 33)
Hi Shar, I realize your post is from 2017 but will reply anyway. The truth is some people are on very strong opiates for menial reasons, like I see people state that they've been on 300 mgs. of oxycodone for spinal stenosis, that is crazy! I have Spondololthesis, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, arthritis, a fractured vertebrae, and a cracked tailbone. My very severe pain started the morn. I woke after delivering my baby girl 25 yrs. ago. I couldn't even lay her in her crib all the way down to the mattress. I suspect something went wrong when I got the epidural as I did move when they put the needle in or whatever the hell they did to me trying to get my baby to come out, manipulating me in every way possible. Anyway, I refused to take narcotics as I have a relative who has been addicted for over 30 years. I went to work with an ice pack stuck in my pants, ben gay, and massive amounts of advil. The first doctor I went to wanted to do an xray but I refused because I was petrified that I had cancer the pain was that bad. I continued to work with severe pain. I couldn't even turn over in bed at night, my legs actually would not move, I had to maneuver my upper body to roll over as my legs couldn't do it. I did go to a specialist about 6 mos. after I had my baby and did finally allow the xray and the doctor diagnosed me with the slipped vertebrae going inward towards my spinal cord. He said it could possibly get better with a fusion surgery but no way was I going to have back surgery. Finally about 8 years ago I had to give in and go to a pain specialist as my condition has resulted in my being disabled, and I could have filed for disability back 25 years ago and gotten it but I wanted a career. I used to get rx'd 5 - 30 mg. oxycodone per day and also hydrocodone. I took this for 2 yrs. and then, bam, doctor say's he is no longer going to be taking medicare and that I should find a new doctor! I had the hardest time trying to find a doctor to take me as they all told me that they couldn't prescribe that kind of medication. Well finally I was referred to the doctor that I have now been going to for 5 yrs and have never gotten prescribed more than 3 to 4 - 10 mg. hydrocodone per day plus one of the new long acting opiates they have now. Does this help my pain much, no, not really but it does take the edge off and with that I am grateful. My doctor is very conservative when it comes to prescribing, vs. what I hear of what some other pain patients are getting with only one of the conditions that I have. There should be a chart or something that doctors go by because too often some are getting way over prescribed for what they have while others with severe conditions that cause great pain are getting the bare minimum! I read about women who have this Fibromyalgia and they were getting like 80 mg. oxycontins, hundreds of them per mo. plus morphine and high mgs. at that! No one should have to suffer with severe pain but the truth is many of us are, we are paying the price for all the greedy crooks who got people, many of them very young people, addicted to these powerful drugs and they don't want to give them up and are now throwing fits and trying to find doctors who will willfully write rx's for conditions that shouldn't even require a narcotic! I can't believe how desperate some of these people are to blatantly ask for doctors names on here that will prescribe them powerful opiates and asking for them by name, and asking how they should act when they see the doctor! If you're having to ask how you should act, then you probably don't really have severe enough pain to require narcotic pain medications.
Re: Rob (# 11)
I realize your comment is 6 years old, but I feel compelled to reply. Yeah, I can't believe people are taking such powerful narcotics for migraine headaches and I never heard of anyone having them everyday unless there was a brain tumor or something. You're right, the more opiates you take the worse the pain becomes. I know someone who takes super high powered narcotics, for what, IDK, they had back surgery over 15 years ago and actually deliberately got up and cleaned house the day they came home from the hospital and it totally negated anything the surgery did do. Anyway, they said "Oh, my pain is soooo bad I can't even move in the morn. until I take my pills" Ahhhh, well DUH, no you're not going to be able to move because you've abused the meds for 30 years so I highly doubt your body would even know what to do w/o these meds anymore! They checked out of life and it's responsibilities 30 years ago, just skated by w/o ever working or anything! Her mother took care of her kids, cooked, laundry, everything. She actually would brag about how many pills she got. I won't go any further, I just know there are people who are getting powerful narcotics and are abusing them wildly. When you're almost burning down your house, nodding out, sending mean texts about your own relatives to the relatives themselves by mistake because you're so messed up, I think it all spells ABUSE!! How does one keep getting these medications when they are clearly abusing them, IDK but it makes me irate! If anyone was in the pain she claims to be in they'd be dead because the body wouldn't be able to withstand it. They've had at least 7 unnecessary surgeries in the past 30 years and I'm sure they were all done so she could keep getting her free pass to escape life's responsibilities. Her husband too is addicted, had a knee replacement but continues to be on pain medications 4 years after, go figure that one! You got a new knee and you still require pain meds and you're still disabled?? Not even 50 years old! SMDH! Can't work but they can drive across the country in a vehicle!! I can't withstand riding in a car for even an hour w/o severe debilitating pain. Trust me, I know some people do need these meds, cancer patients, people who've had serious injuries, car accidents, crippling arthritis, etc.. I just hate that some people who really don't need them are getting them and abusing them.
Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 58)
Good thing we have a judge on board here with such strong convictions. Meh. Gonna get us all straightened out. Pretty sure your judgements have been heard....loud and clear. All that tough love.
Re: JMJ (# 59)
Ty dollar, if that response seems from left field, sorry, but I wrote a reply to you earlier with a few considerations you may find helpful before taking the time to send off lengthy replies. It's waiting for review. Guess I just got annoyed and impatient. JMJ
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