Manufacturer Of Oxycodone (Page 2)
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i take 30mg blue oxycodone for my back i have tried everything this works the best but now nobody has it i am very upset that the doctors prescribe it and you ccant fill anywhere why is this a issue and when will it be avalible i cant take morphine i get headaches .any answersfrom anyone.
I know what everyone is going thru. It's ridiculous. This country needs to crack down on the small pill pushing houses and leave the pharmacies alone. I am a 100% disabled Viet-Nam vet and need my Oxy faithfully every month. No exceptions. My complete spine suffers from degenerative disc disease along with a few bulging and hergniated discs and the VA don't give these meds long term. So who or were do we turn to to rectify this problem. My next move is my Senator who is only a couple a mile from me. What do you think?
If you have had an MRI review it again with your doctor and have him explain the MRI report. This usually reminds doctors of the extent of our pain and make them a bit more compassionate. The only reason opiates are not prescribed more frequently is strictly political. The doctors are discouraged quite strongly to avoid their use. Nature's best is discouraged and synthetic encouraged. Anybody had any experience with pharmacist selling placebos and either keeping the real product or selling it on the black market? Has anyone ever been rxed oxycodone 4.8 asa 350mg that was white? Neither has the pill identifiers, Watson for One does not and never has made a white 4.8 oxy.ASA
I know I've have degen discs l5and l6 and hurniated also I'm seeing some of the later posts on this wb site and people trying to get high that is one of the issues with all of our scrips I don't want to take these pills but I don't have a choice surgery was told to me would not work.I know some pharm will not fill scrips unless you are a regular.I think the doctor should give meds not pharm they really think they are the doctor on when and where you get your scrip.
Troy ~ What's really f**ked up is pain is pain, I know as I was in pain management for 11 yeaqrs and now take on average 40 Tylonol a day for my back pain and it doesn't sh!t... I don't want to be in your place when the pain medication wears off, as a number of years back when they reduced my oxycontin from three down to two pills a day, I started to detox for eight hours till i received my next dose... I now take nothing but OTC pain products everyday that do nothing, but still need to take something... I just found out that my pain goctor screwed up and sent me for extra MRI's back in 2006 after my 2004 back surgery because I complained of severe pain, the only ptoblem was that I didn't wait for two weeks to heal ans three days after my surgery was moving concrete stone (only that time it hurt the center and upper part of my back), then about 6 months later I moved the weong way getting my granddaughter out of her carseat and the pain was the worst ever (i was in bed two days before i could mevr),,, I'm trying to talk to the MRI people about the 2006 & July/2011 MRI as I believe my pain management doctor had them MRI where my old pain is and not the new pain... I really just want answers but it looks like they are going to have to answer them in court... I am in constant pain 24/7 and their MRI report shows I should have no pain... [sorry for any typos, it's late and dark here]
{in the end I lived my life, and there may only be one option for my pain to end, besides the goverment will save a few dollars to give to some other country}
Now i'm worried, I was prescribed Oxycodone now the doctor won't refill it, its the only thing so far that works, I have M.S. a cracked tailbone, a crushed disc and 2 slipped discs....whoo....walk a mile over here...
Hi Troy,
I located the manufacturer's webpage for this specific (blue 30mg) Oxycodone pill. If anything, I would suggest contacting them by email or phone after visiting the link below:,%20USP%20CII
NOTE: their contact info is at the bottom of the page.
I can only assume that the lack of availability is partly caused by the increasing number of Oxycodone addicts/abusers. But I think if you were to contact them directly about your situation then they may be able to ship some over to your local pharmacy.
I hope this info helps!
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