Manteca De Ubre Uses
UpdatedWhat medical reasons is it used for?
19 Replies
Manteca de ubre
Does anyone know the ingredients in this ointment? Is it manufactured by Germa?
On Amazon I found some Germa Manteca Ubre Plus 3oz. Kind of hard to come by it seems. Is this the same product you're talking about?
Manteca de Ubre is used for sore muscle or muscle pain. I used it recently for muscle pain from a fall. I missed a step and landed on my legs and ankles. I spent one night quite uncomfortable. I rubbed the Manteca de Ubre last night and slept like a baby. With other stuff I have used in the past it takes about a week or so to make me feel comfortable. This only took one night.
I used it a long time ago for an infection I had on my toe, under the nail, I put it only one time, at night time and the next following day, the problem was gone, no pain, no infection. We still use this in my country a lot, in Cuba.
Can you use manteca de ubre while pregnant?
Does this product help with swollen ankles ??
No you can't use it while pregnant
Hi in my homeland it was used by the midwives to massage the belly during uterine contractions to alleviate labor pain.
You can use it for swollen ankles. You can use it for bruises that are black and blue; cures it quicker. I've been using it since I was a lil girl.
It is the best for inflamation. Im 63 yrs old, i''ve been using it for years. I had 2 knee replacement & what gave me relief was this product. Trust me it's worth using.
You can't use it pregnant. That will endure your labor.
My best friends dog got hit by a car, she put this on her dog and wrapped her, the dog was perfect 2 days later. I do know this is also used on cows utters when in pain.
Is manteca de ubre ok for pregnant women to use on their backs? It relieves minor muscle and arthritic pains.
Re: Kamy (# 7)
Yes, it works very well when I my ankle was swollen, instantly!!!! I definitely recommend it. It last the next day as well. Especially for arthritis!!!
I use manteca ubre for pain, swelling and inflammation. It's great!!! This product was used by my mom in Puerto Rico. According to my mother it was used to reduce swelling on cow's breasts (utter); that's what ubre means. Also known as "manteca" (lard) de ubre!
Re: Let me live (# 13)
Can it be used on a puppy?
Can it be used like Vicks?
Re: Kamy (# 7)
Can you use it for a swollen ankle?
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