Mallinckrodt / Qualitest Hydrocodone/oxycodone April 2014
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All Mallinckrodt brands & Qualitest brands of prescription only narcotic pain relievers need to be tested immediately only from the already shipped out from the manufacturer level from customers who have just walked out of the pharmacies with it so as to get a researchTRUE reading of he almost zero and possibly most likely 0 to 2 mg reading from a 10 mg pill. No it is not tolerance buildup nor abuse. It is plain outright fraud!! The internet is blowing up about it & I hope it goes viral on the internet with proof positive of what is going on. They changed Qualitest's "recipe" or formulation & it hit the shelves here in Virginia & cornered the market with contracts at EVERY PHARMACY in the area only using their non pain relieving brand!! We are truly suffering!! I have to be in bed lying down 22 hours a day because of this atrocity!! Farm Fresh, Walmart, Rite Aid & CVS do not carry anything else!! We need help now!! Drugs should be tested to also see if there are any non declared ingredients mixed into their formulations that work unbeknowst to the patients/customers that work as pain blockers to the brain in a non narcotic way. Psychotropic I believe is the word. I know I have hit the nail on the head. I have suffered as a guinea pig for most of my 14 years with dedebilitating & disabling CRPS/RSD, ( Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome/ Reflex Sympathetic Destroy ) & Advanced Degenerative Arthritis so you better believe I know what pain is & whether a pain medication is up to decent standards!! I was an Inspector of Nuclear Aircraft Carriers & Submarines until lack of correct medical & pain care broke my system down. I know medicine & these complaints are the real deal. We are not abusers, junkies or crazy for that matter. I have also worked for Boeing & Leer jets. Someone out there needs to help us & take us seriously. If you are not killed instantly you all will be down in the bed probably in pain on your last days. Listen now & try to save & help yourself before it happens to you. Pain management also needs to be shut down due to many patients being used as the newest pharmaceutical wonder drug guinea pigs with no patient's rights whatsoever, because you are made to sign away your right to be pain free before going through the door that also getting an appointment for up to 4 months waiting for. Then you are their guinea pig. Clocked morphine is heavily pushed along with newest patented drugs that no one wants except the blind sheep that do not know any better. Every one is stuck & too scared to say the truth about knowing that every one of us human beings have our own different chemistry levels a d no it is not a sin to speak up & let your doctor know everyone is not a textbook specimen & are therefore not made of paper. Our bodies & brains can tell a doctor how we feel so therefore a doctor could make a great living by opening a Compassionate Pain Alleviation Hospital. Kick out the government interference & just let the law catch up to abusers & criminals & send them where they appropriately need to go. Rip off drug makers also.

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Police are government, silly. I took qualitest & formulary is slow dely

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I have been having the same issues with my Qualitest 5/325 oxycodone meds. (Headaches, stomach pain, diarrhea). Who can I take this medication to for testing? The question in my mind is where is all the Hydrocodone and Oxycodone go that they are claiming to put in these meds. Out the backdoor to the black market? Also, the pharma companies contract the manufacture of many of these drugs to facilities outside of the US. Who is checking them for quality? If someone tried to sell this poison on the street they would probably have something very bad happen to them. The drug dealers on the street know this. They want their regular customers to come back to them. The drug manufacturers don't care because law abiding citizens have to take what the pharmacy dispenses and if you complain, they just give you the stink eye and suspect you to be an abuser. There is no way that the FDA can test every bottle of these meds and the manufacturers know it. I wonder if some of this is just formulation changes meant to deter abuse gone horribly wrong.

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JUST PICKED up new rx of qualitest gave horrible upper stomach or liver pain rx states 1 every 4hrs it takes more like 4 every 2-3 hrs than nausea n stomach issues set in its taking 10-12 a day to stop.pain n I had stopped for LAST 2 weeks as I had similar problem with amneal I had requested Watson's or emdo a month prior they said NP until fill day came up.n said they couldn't order SO TIRED OF THIS!!! Is there any manufacturers that play by THE rules ? Any recommendations besides. Zydus.zygenerics, caraco,amneal, and now qualitest &-actavis ??? PLEASE help koxyNOcodone

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Hello everyone...
Is sad to hear everybody complaining about this and that; and about this medication and that other medication...America (without getting into politics) was the country, other countries looked up to, not even back a few years what is happening to the core of our society (?), when we the 'little people" are just looking for a way to live the little life left for a few of us to live at least in peace.... I think the underlying problem is deeper and what we are seeing with the pharmaceutical establishments, is but the tip of the iceberg...Everybody along our political and social structure; from the most poor, to the most rich, everyone has already lost TRUST on everybody....and that is worst than any epidemy..!! Notice how everybody is keeping an eye on the recent EBOLA infection....? But nobody is paying attention to even worse infections amongst us....LACK OF TRUST..!!! Nobody cares anymore..!! So what if I show up 1/2 dead at the local hospital ER complaining that such and such pain medication is killing me, instead of helping me and even when I brought to them some 'funny looking ingredients' found inside one of those pain pills, that just crumbled at the lightest pressure of my fingers...There were minute and very thin white fibers and little grains of black sand. I asked the assistant nurse to look at those and he just said...We'll do..!..(I never saw that person after, and nobody knew of the misterious looking particles I brought to them...)
But three days later the doctor tells me to stop taking that medication, because it was the one that brought me to the hospital..being practical I surrendered all my leftover medication so they could dispose it in a safe manner. I wasn't about to continue taking that trash after it almost ended my life.
So I feel that we are seeing the 'every man for himself' type of conduct from everyone nowwadays, God knows until when...My 'ACTIVUS' pain medication is still holding on okay so far...thanks for reading.

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Last time a pharmacy gave me "Amneal" Norco and as you say, it was like taking sugar pills. I contacted the pharmacy, who confirmed that ALL their patients were complaining but there was "nothing they could do".

I sent a tablet to the lab to be analyzed and there was less than 8MG of hydrocodone (lowest "legal" dose of active ingredient in a 10MG pill). Yet the FDA wouldn't do ANYTHING when I contacted them about it. They sent me this ridiculous arcane formula they use to determine "equivalency" and basically it means that they don't care and won't do anything if pharma companies market pills with little or no active ingredients. There is NO accountability.

I had agonizing headaches, vomiting, shaking, etc., I thought the pills were poisoned! But my pain doctor said it wasn't anything "bad" in the pills; they simply didn't contain enough hydrocodone, so I was experiencing withdrawals from a drug I've been on for years (and I had just finished weaning myself off oxycontin--and was barely coping with the pain you can imagine what happened when the hydrocodone dose was also cut in half!)

I was in so much agony, I made a second visit to my pain doc in one week, brought the tablets back to him, and he wrote me a new prescription stating, "only Watson generic" Norco. Not one single pharmacy would honor that. They just refused to fill it. I could say a few things about pharmacies here too... but I'm already so bitter about they way I've been treated since my botched spinal surgery that I need to try to let it go.

That said, I don't understand how this is legal. Shame on the FDA for causing so much suffering and so much pain, not to mention overdoses and suicides, because of this horrible, irresponsible policy.

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I would be very interested in supporting this! I contacted Actavis today, waiting for a call back, regarding their Percocet not working and causing terrible side effects with more people than not. I am stuck with this med for 3 more weeks. I also called the FDA and told them about this. I also told them that the same exact thing happened about a year and a half ago with their hydrocodone. So many people complained then and are complaining now! I haven't had a problem with Mallincrodt or qualitest Percocet but that was a while ago, not this year, that I had them. Are you saying that they have changed their formula recently? What are we suppose to do, stay in pain, in bed or worse? Since the crackdown on narcs, this is all getting way out of hand! I am sick and tired of having to pay the price for other peoples addictions and the drug companies doing all this for that reason! It's hard enough getting the meds you need from the doctor because they are scared to death to be penalized for prescribing and now THIS!!! Btw, Actavis is asking for lot numbers to the meds being complained about! It has nothing to do with certain lot when the complaints have been going on for almost a year with oxycodone and longer than that with hydrocodone!

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Hello Manuel7 or ManuelG, posts about painkillers and MILLINGKROFTD medicines..

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I totally agree with you. I've been a pain patient for 13 years and Qualitest generic Lortab and their generic Norco absolutely do not relieve pain! They smell like alcohol or something like that when you open the bottle, an odor I've never smelled in any other brand. I'm relieved to find out I'm not the only person having this problem. Anyway, I hope the FDA does something about this problem, but I doubt it because chronic pain patients are mostly looked at as junkies.

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Just a note readers: I sincerely believe that a Patient should be taken care of Professionally. I Have not had much luck in 14 solid years. There definately needs to be some changes made. Please share your story if you feel forced to take or purchase & suffer & you cannot get the help or medication that your body requires. I would find it an honor to be able to share your story along with mine to hopefully get some Bills passed somehow through The House or Senate & will work to start that process if there are stories added here.Thank you & the best of care for us all!!

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