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I took 3 doses of apiol steel and 3 doses of white Quinn. What are the possible side effects? ## I took two tablets of Apiol and steel for prevention.....What are the side effects I should be aware of? ## What are the possible side effects of Apiol and Steel pills? I am feeling like I'm pregnant but I used a pregnancy test strip and it's indicating negative. ## What is the effect of apiol and steel, and does it change the menstrual circle? ## I took two tablet of steel and am yet to see my period...does it change the time frame of menstral flow ## I took apiol and steel and got my first period three days before my expected time. But I haven't been intimate since then and it's 28 days now since my last period. What could be the problem? ## I took 2 of apiol & steel im...
I found a pill with p97 in on it and nothing else on the other one but it is very dark brown. Can anyone tell me what this is? I keep finding them around my house ## WALGREENS MAXIMUM STRENGTH URINARY PAIN RELIEF Active Ingredient: Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride 97.5 mg NDC: 0363-7776 ## Did you ever find an answer to this? I just found one too, and I have four teenagers living at home...please email me {edited for privacy} if you wouldn't mind and if you have information!! Thank you ## If you don't mind my asking, what shape is this pill supposed to be (round/oval/oblong/square)? Also, have you asked any of your teenagers at home what their thoughts were? If you think it may have been one of their pills, you have a right to know what substances are being brought into your home.....
Trying to identify a small oval white pill with hc05 or hcos on it. What is this pill? ## The oval, white tablet with the HCQS marking on it is manufactured by Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 200mgs of Hydroxychloroquine. NDC: 63304-0296 It is most commonly used as an antimalarial. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, stomach pain, skin rash, itching, and hair loss. Is there anything else I can help with?
White capsule shaped pill with Watson 716 325 mg on it, what is it? ## Watson 716 325 mg is a now discontinued form of Quinine Sulfate 325 mg from Watson pharmaceuticals (NDC 52544-0716). [1]. Quinine is a medication used to treat malaria and babesiosis. This includes the treatment of malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum that is resistant to chloroquine when artesunate is not available. While sometimes used for nocturnal leg cramps, quinine is not recommended for this purpose due to the risk of serious side effects. It can be taken by mouth or intravenously. Malaria resistance to quinine occurs in certain areas of the world. Quinine is also the ingredient in tonic water that gives it its bitter taste.
I have been diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica. Why is HCQS 200 mg prescribed for me along with Defcort 6 mg. ## HCQS stands for the medication Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, it has proven effective at reducing inflammation for arthritic conditions. Some of the most common side effects may include: nausea, diarrhea, headache and reduced appetite. ## Defcort contains Prednisolone, this is a steroid, which is also used to help reduce the inflammation. Both of these medications are intended to slow the inflammation and worsening of your condition. Some of the most common side effects for this can also include: nausea, drowsiness, edema and weight gain. ## hcqs and prednisolone, ana and positive dna ## i am RA factor postive guy. my anti ccp level is so high that its 154 instead of <15....
water pill, white round with GG over the number 260 ## I was also given a white capsule with 2 black stripes and GG with the number 606 under it. ## I was also given a white capsule with 2 black stripes on it and GG with the number 606 ## I found a pill white with a black stripe with GG and 606 under it. Can you advise me on what pill this? Thanks. ## The tablet with GG over 260 actually contains 200mgs of Hydroxychloroquine, which is used to treat malaria, and rheumatism. NDC: 00781-1407 Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. However, the capsule with the GG 606 marking has been identified correctly, it contains 25mgs of Hydrochlorothiazide, and 37.5mgs of Triamterene, it is most commonly used to treat hypertension, edema, and certain cardia...
Arthritis ## Chloroquine phosphate has long been used in the treatment or prevention of malaria. As it mildly suppresses the immune system, it is also used in some autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus. You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you. ## Treats Coronavirus if you believe the President of the United States who has had NO medical training whatsoever ## They are not prescribing this as a preventative drug choice or Hydroxycholoroquine. It is for ppl who have been prescribed previously or for extreme cases of the coronavirus. ## Wonder if it would help Fibromyalgia? The President is only going by people that h...
Daughterwas given doxytet for prevention of malaria. Her legs from knees down had a rash, it itches and her feet is swollen? She was 3 weeks in mosambiek. And mus still drink the pills a week. Can this pills be the reason for her rash on legs? ## If the rash is itchy, and she has swelling, it could mean that she is allergic to the medication, and you should consult a doctor, as such allergies may continue to get worse. Other side effects of Doxycycline may include nausea, headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. How is she doing, now? Has there been any change?
I found some other pills in my husband's pocket when he came back from overseas, so I am curious as to what this pill is, marked with 'RF 21'? ## Hello Manana, I was unable able to find a pill that exactly fits your description, but I was able to find a pill with the imprint RF 27 which looks like it could easily be mistaken for a RF 21. The pill I found was a Chloroquine 250 MG tablet. This medication is used to prevent and treat malaria. Here is some additional information I found on this medication. (NDC 63304-460) Active Ingredients: - Chloroquine Phosphate 250mg Inactive Ingredients: - Colloidal Silicon Dioxide - Starch, Corn - Hypromelloses - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Polyethylene Glycol 3350 - Polyethylene Glycol 400 - Polysorbate 80 - Povido...
I found this pill on my husband's jacket when I was doing laundry, so plz help. I'm worried. ## What's the purpose of a round pill with RF 21? What is the name of the pill? ## Could you be referring to a white pill with RF 27 instead of RF 21 on it? It could be possible to mistake the 7 for a 1. If so, then it is Chloroquine Phosphate 250 mg (NDC 63304-460) for treating malaria. Inactive Ingredients: - Colloidal Silicon Dioxide - Starch, Corn - Hypromelloses - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Polyethylene Glycol 3350 - Polyethylene Glycol 400 - Polysorbate 80 - Povidone - Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato - Talc - Titanium Dioxide ## What are Rf21 pills used for? ## Are you sure that the imprint is RF21 and not RF27 per the photo in the previous messag...
White capslue Pill 303 325 hour glass ## Hi, Kim! Where did you find it? The hourglass logo is used by Ivax Pharmaceuticals, but I am not finding a listing for this anywhere, so I'm wondering if it may be an older medication that is no longer being manufactured. Does anyone else recognize this tablet? I'll keep looking and post back when I have more information for you. ## I believe this capsule 303 325 with what looks like an hour glass is Quinine Sulfate. It probably came out of Mexico. This is the same capsule which came out of Mexico. I can only guess that the 325 would represent 325 mg. ## White capsule on one side it has 303on top then325 under it and on the left of the pill it is a sign like a hour glass
Dosage for adult - How many days for treatment - Side effects - Precautions - Etc. ## My family doctor has prescribed ZIFI 200mg Tablet for a week [daily two tablets for seven days]. After four days my body temp. became normal. Hence I thought that how long should I take this treatment. I am now completely well. Thank you for your co-operation in taking intrest in my illness. ## My son 7 years old had a fever 102--103 for 6 days post that on the 7 th day did a test for typhoid and malaria which came negative after a week he suddenly had a low grade fever and looked very washed out so at the start of week 3 did a typhoid test which came positve the dr has prescribed him zifi 200 mg for 10 days wanted to know how come the typhoid test when the fever was on came negative also the dr has no...
Has p97 only printed on one side.... And is maroonish brown all the way thru..... ## Pill P97 on one size nothing on the other color maroon, would like like to know for what older men take it. Does it cause some type of infection? ## The closest matching description I see here is a round pink pill with P97 on one side and a small "[w]" on the other (enclosed in a box - all in black ink). Apparently it contains 26.3mgs of Primaquine phosphate; which is an antimalarial drug used specifically for treating vivax malaria. Just for reference, this pill also carries a National Drug Code of: 00024-1596. You can click the Drug Code link for more specific details and a pill image. Do either of you happen to have any additional clues as to the pill's origin, where it was found/purchase...
Just want to know what it is. ... ## Round dark maroon pill with p97 on one side nothing on other ## The closest matching imprint comes up as a round pink pill with P97 on one side and a small "[w]" on the other (enclosed in a box - all in black ink). Apparently it contains 26.3mgs of Primaquine phosphate; which is an antimalarial drug used specifically for treating vivax malaria. Just for reference, this pill also carries a National Drug Code of: 00024-1596. You can click the link on the Drug Code for more details and a pill image. Do either of you happen to have any additional clues as to the pill's origin, where it was found/purchased or what it was believed to be? ## it is PHENAZIOYRIDINE HCI. It is used for urinary pain relief. ## Its an azo for urinary pain relief or k...
I am feeling very sleepy and non-motivated. Is this the medication or just me? I have Sjogren's Syndrome. ## I also take plaquenil -- my reason is for erosion, facet and spondolosis arthritis among buldging disc's. I have been one this drug now for about a year and a half. I have to go and have a Plaquenil Eye Test every 6 months for to make sure that it has not affected my eye site. Has anyone said this to you?? It is very VERY important. In fact -- I have been very careful and I have eyeglasses from the doctor that does the plaquenil test -- and my eye site is not as it was when we began. Also, I'm like you -- I have no energy, no motivativation, always sleepy -- thought it was just me -- maybe not. Let's find out -- write me back -- Thanks & God Bless -- RDP ## Wh...
first treatment for r a ## What are the side effects of hydroxychlor? ## I believe you are referring to Hydroxychloroquine. It is used to treat arthritis, malaria, and lupus. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, confusion, fainting, muscle tenderness, weakness, increased risk of bleeding, and easy bruising. Has this medication been prescribed for you? Are you on any other medications?
If using this med for long term treatment, what are the long term effects? Does it affect your eye sight? ## Hi marge, From what I could gather, this medication can affect your eye sight. Whether or not it's based on long term or short term use is not stated, as these drugs can affect everyone differently. You can view the list of side effects posted below: headache dizziness loss of appetite nausea diarrhea stomach pain vomiting skin rash If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your doctor immediately: reading or seeing difficulties (words, letters, or parts of objects missing) sensitivity to light blurred distance vision seeing light flashes or streaks difficulty hearing ringing in ears muscle weakness bleeding or bruising of the skin bleaching or loss of hair mood o...
I began hydroxychloroquine on jan 19th & yesterday my primary took me off the med. Now my body is covered with hives and i've not slept for 2 days/nights, i am exhausted. I have rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease and severe osteoporosis. I did the best i could to see if this product is gluten free but im not finding any results. Can you help me with this please? ## Hi Larry, Sorry to hear about your situation. Do you happen to know what imprint is on your hydroxychloroquine pill and/or who the manufacturer is? With this information, I could more easily investigate those types of specific details. According to the FDA, brand name Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) 200mg made by Sanofi-Aventis contains the following set of inactive ingredients: Dibasic Calcium Phosphate, Hydroxyprop...
white capsule ## I am a nurse practitioner attempting to identify Watson capsule 716 White Capsule, also has 325 on it. ## Watson Laboratories lists this tablet as containing 325mgs of Quinine, which is most commonly used to prevent malaria. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and blurred vision. Is there anything else I can help with?
white oval pill with ZC38 on one side ## The pill in description is Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (200 mg). To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Is hydroxychloroquine a steroid? I was prescribed with hydroxychloroquine and i forgot to ask the dr if I can take painkillers as well when I'm in pain. ## It has been three months now that I have had this fever and an attack of arthralgia. I still have pain in my joints and muscles. I have been advised to take HCQS (Hydroxychloroquine) 200mg once a day. Is it ok to take this and for how long? Does it contain any steroids? What are the possible side effects?