Major Sleep Apnea
UpdatedI was placed on 150 MG of Nuvigil 6 days ago as major sleep apnea causes me to fall asleep at my desk or while driving. The second day I felt wide awake all day. The last 4 days I feel no benefits from the dosage. Does it take time to build the drug up in your system or do I need a higher dose right up front.
1 Reply
Yes, it can take time to reach its full level of effectiveness in your body, so it's best to give it about 4 weeks, before deciding whether or not this dosage works for you, unless your doctor advises otherwise.
The FDA classifies this medication as a stimulant, so it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, anorexia, appetite loss, nervousness and insomnia.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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