Major Bleeding When Nicking A Sore, Etc. (Top voted first)


My husband has been on 20 mg Xarelto for about a year now (switched from coumadin to avoid the weekly level testing). He's experienced many side effects such as swelling, blood in his stool. However, the main complaint over the past 6 months is if he bumps a sore on his foot, it literally starts spurting blood (like a small gusher). Before he knows it, there's blood puddled on the floor, carpet, bed, etc (wherever he is when it happens). Once he stopped at a convenience store and someone screamed "man, you're bleeding - bleeding bad". He didn't even realize it and when he looked down, there was a puddle of blood (at least he side of a plate). There, an off duty EMT wrapped it (put pressure on it) and it immediately stopped. Has anyone else had these type of experiences? I made him schedule an appt with his cardiologist for tomorrow. My fear (as I told my husband) is that he scratch himself while sleeping and bleed to death. It's a frightening thing....

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He also has frequent nose bleeds - something he never experienced on coumadin. He complains of stomach irritation and has had a fairly nasty rash come up on both legs that has never gone away. He had bypass surgery almost ten years ago - no complications (thankfully). Had a clean heart cath last year.

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Hello, BamaLuver! How are you and your husband?

Yes, that is very concerning. The FDA does list such things as typical side effects for Xarelto, but there are risks that they could be dangerous.

I think he needs to speak to his doctor, this may not be the right medication for him to take. He may need to go back to Coumadin, or try one of the other options.

The typical side effects may also include headache, joint aches and easy bruising.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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